chapter 9 Professor Ivana's Class

In the academy class.

She brushed aside her long, fiery red hair and smiled seductively. Alright, let's get started.

Walking with slow but confident steps towards the desk at the front of the class, Professor Ivana put down her thick books with a bit of drama.

"Welcome to the Elemental Control class! I am Professor Ivana, and I will guide you to master the basic powers of magic, the powers that flow around us, the powers that shape this world: water, fire, earth, and air."

Her emerald green eyes swept across the classroom, observing each student closely.

"Don't be fooled by my appearance. Mastering the elements is no easy feat. It requires concentration, perseverance, and most importantly..." snapping his fingers, a small flame ignited at his fingertips, "...passion!"

The fire danced in her hands, forming a beautiful rose before finally disappearing.

"In this class, we won't just read books and memorize spells. We'll experience the power of the elements! We'll summon rain in the blazing sun, build earthen walls to protect ourselves, dance with the wind, and," with a quick movement, he created a small fireball that floated in the palm of his hand, "... tame the blazing fire!"

Professor Ivana threw the fireball into the air, and it exploded into tiny, sparkling fireworks.

"Are you ready for this thrilling adventure? Because I can't wait to see the hidden potential within you, and help you unleash your true power as elemental benders!"

Professor Ivana ended her introduction with a meaningful smile, making some of the students blush.

"Now, who wants to try calling the wind first?"

He winked, making the classroom atmosphere even more lively.

Kevin is a tall and quite handsome boy, he raised his hand enthusiastically.

Professor Ivana looked at him with sparkling eyes, attracted by your enthusiasm.

"Ah, I'm glad to see your enthusiasm! It seems we have a talented student here. Very well,*" he snapped his fingers, and a chicken feather floated before him "Try focusing your energy on this feather. Imagine the power of the wind swirling around you, feel its gentle breeze on your skin, then direct that energy into the feather and make it dance in the air."

Professor Ivana crossed her arms in front of her chest, watching your every move closely. She nodded occasionally, encouraging you.

"Don't rush. Feel the flow of the air. Imagine you are the wind itself. Soft yet strong, invisible yet able to move everything..."

He walked around the classroom, watching the other students who were also starting to practice. However, his gaze would occasionally return to Kevin, curious about the potential he had.

Although wizards can have more than one element, not everyone can master them, most of them will use the element that has the highest affinity with their body when fighting.

So learning the basics is very important for the advancement of our control over the elements.

"Although in theory all wizards have the potential to control all four elements, in reality, we all have different affinities. Some find it easier to control fire, some are more connected to water, and so on."

He walked over to the table and took out a crystal ball.

"Imagine our body like this crystal ball. It can reflect all the colors, but there is one color that is the most dominant, that shines the brightest. That is our elemental affinity."

Professor Ivana lifted the crystal ball, letting the sunlight pass through it and creating a small rainbow on the floor.

"Mastering the element with the highest affinity will be much easier. That's why it's important to recognize and understand our dominant strengths. However..."

He stared at you sharply.

" doesn't mean we ignore the other elements. In fact, by learning the basics of all the elements, we can expand the reach of our magic, create more powerful combinations, and most importantly... understand balance."

Professor Ivana put the crystal ball back on the table.

"A wise wizard not only masters one element, but also respects and understands the interactions between all elements. Because in the end, all elements are interconnected and form a unified whole."

He smiled again.

"So, never stop learning and exploring. Who knows, you might discover hidden potential that even exceeds your natural affinity."

Professor Ivana then looked at the entire class.

"Now, let's continue the exercise. Focus on the element you feel the most. Let that energy flow through you. And remember, patience is the key to controlling the elements."

Professor Ivana noticed one of the students who had a handsome appearance. She heard the news about Badril's duel against Veronica and the duel was won by Badril with his strange magic, Veronica who could be called a genius was able to defeat him.

Professor Ivana's emerald green eyes studied Badril closely, curiosity evident on her face.

"Badril," he called in a soft but firm voice, "Can you come closer for a moment?"

He motioned for Badril to come closer to the teacher's desk.

Once Badril was near her, Professor Ivana continued in a hushed tone, "I heard about your duel with Veronica. It was said that you used magic that was..." she paused for a moment, searching for the right word "... unusual."

He stared at Badril intensely, trying to read the young man's expression.

"Veronica is a very talented witch. Defeating her is no easy feat, especially with magic I've never seen before."

Professor Ivana leaned her body against the table, showing off her seductive curves, but her gaze remained sharp.

"Can you tell me more about the magic you use? Where did you learn it?"

He waited patiently for Badril's answer, his curiosity growing. He felt there was something special about the young man, something mysterious and interesting.

"Oh! If Professor Ivana is curious about my magic...." Badril looked at Professor Ivana's body up and down, with an inexplicable smile and said softly, "...we can talk in a more private place."

Professor Ivana felt her cheeks heat up a little as Badril studied her with an intense gaze. She frowned, a little surprised by her student's boldness.

"Badril," Professor Ivana reprimanded in a low tone, but it didn't sound angry, "Although I appreciate your..." she paused, searching for the right words, "...interest, but I don't think the classroom is the right place to discuss this."

He stared at Badril sharply, trying to control the situation.

"If you really want to show your abilities, prove it in class. Show me, and everyone else, what magic allowed you to defeat Veronica."

Professor Ivana stood tall, asserting her authority as a teacher.

"Don't get me wrong, Badril. I am very interested in your potential. But I also want you to respect the rules and ethics of this academy."

He smiled faintly.

"Besides," he winked, "...waiting for something special makes it even more interesting, doesn't it?"

Professor Ivana then turned and faced the entire class.

"Alright, I think we've had enough small talk. Let's continue our training. Badril, if you're ready, please show us what you're capable of."

He watched Badril expectantly, curious about what his student would do.

"Then..." Badril walked a little away from Professor Ivana, "... does Professor Ivana want to experience my magic personally!"

Professor Ivana raised an eyebrow, surprised by Badril's increasingly bold statement.

"Badril," he said in a warning tone, "I appreciate your..." he paused, "...enthusiasm, but I hope you can control yourself."

He stared at Badril sharply.

"This is a class, and I am your teacher. There are rules and boundaries we must adhere to."

Professor Ivana took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"I understand that you want to show off your abilities, but your method is wrong. If you really want to impress me, prove it the right way. Show me that you are a talented wizard, not just a young man who..." he searched for the right word, "... is being impudent."

He walked closer to Badril, staring at him intensely.

"Badril, I see great potential in you. Do not waste it on inappropriate behavior. Use your abilities for better things. Be a wizard who is respected, not feared or hated."

Professor Ivana placed her hand on Badril's shoulder, giving a gentle but firm touch.

"Think carefully, Badril. What do you really want to achieve?"

He waited for Badril's answer, hoping that his words could make his student aware.

"Professor Ivana," Badril grinned, "words are not enough to describe my magic. It must be felt, experienced... maybe outside of class, when it's just the two of us." He winked, then added in a low tone, "If the Professor dares, of course."

Professor Ivana felt her heart beat faster. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her expression calm, even though inside she felt challenged.

"Badril," he said in a low voice, "You are a brave wizard, I admit that. But bravery without control is just arrogance."

He stared at Badril sharply, trying to find the truth behind his student's words.

"You said your magic must be felt, experienced..." he paused for a moment "... does that mean your magic is dangerous? Are you deliberately challenging me?"

Professor Ivana stepped closer, closing the distance between them. She didn't want to show her fear, even though the mysterious aura that Badril exuded made her a little nervous.

"If you really want to show your magic, Badril, do it in this class, in front of everyone. Prove that you are as great as you say. Don't hide behind sweet words and challenging looks."

He touched Badril's chin gently, forcing his student to look into his eyes.

"Or perhaps..." he smiled faintly, " only dare to act in the dark?"

Professor Ivana waited for Badril's answer, ready for whatever would happen. She felt that this game was getting more interesting, and she was curious about the end of it all.

Badril looked at Ivana calmly. "Professor Ivana, I understand your concerns. But trust me, I will not do anything that will harm you. I just want to show my true abilities, and I believe you are the only one who can understand." He smiled faintly. "Give me a chance, Professor. I will not disappoint you."

Professor Ivana was silent for a moment, staring deeply into Badril's eyes, trying to find any lies or hidden intentions. But all she found was sincerity and... she was a little surprised at herself... a sense of trust.

He took a deep breath, then smiled faintly.

"Alright, Badril. I trust my intuition. I will give you a chance. But remember, your magic must be used wisely. Don't let selfishness control you."

Professor Ivana stepped back, making room for Badril.

"Show me your true abilities, Badril. Impress me."

He watched Badril expectantly, curious about what his student would do.

The classroom was silent, all eyes were on Badril. This was his chance to prove himself, to show everyone that he was no ordinary wizard.

Badril finally activated his magic, magical phenomena occurred around Badril, water droplets and small bubbles around his body.

Badril looked straight into Professor Ivana's eyes, and raised one of his hands in a gesture of grasping and pulling fingers.

Professor Ivana's eyes widened as she felt an invisible force pulling her forward. She lost her balance, her sexy body being pushed into Badril's embrace. Her reflex to activate her defensive magic was too late, and she found herself trapped in her student's embrace.

Her face flushed, not just from embarrassment, but also from surprise and a little bit of... she tried to deny her feelings... attraction. Badril's masculine scent washed over her senses, and she could feel the young man's heartbeat pounding against his chest.

He looked up, looking into Badril's eyes which were sparkling with confidence. There was a small smile on the young man's lips, as if he had planned everything.

"Looks like the Professor needs a little extra lesson on 'control'," Badril whispered teasingly, his voice low and husky in Ivana's ear.

Professor Ivana felt her body stiffen. She wanted to refuse, wanted to assert her authority as a teacher, but there was something about Badril that made her... she shook her head, trying to push away the forbidden thoughts... interested.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"Badril," he hissed, "what do you mean by this?"

He tried to free himself from Badril's embrace, but the young man's grip remained strong, yet gentle.

"I admit, your magic... " he paused , " ...interesting. But this is not the right way to show it."

Professor Ivana stared at Badril sharply, trying to control the situation.

"Let go of me, Badril. We can discuss this later."

Badril smiled mischievously, tightening his hug a little. "Lessons are always more interesting when there is direct practice, aren't they, Professor?" He moved his face closer to Ivana's ear, his voice getting lower. "And it seems like Professor needs more practice... on how to control yourself in a around me."

My heart beat faster as Badril whispered those words. His warm breath on my ear sent strange shivers through my body. I tried hard to keep my expression calm, but I was sure a blush had crept up my face.

"Lessons are always more interesting when there is hands-on practice, aren't they, Professor?"

His teasing words had me transfixed. I knew he was playing with me, testing me. And what was even more annoying was that I realized he was right. There was something so compelling about our proximity, about the way he looked at me, about his touch that made my stomach twist.

"And it seems Professor needs more practice… on how to control himself around me."

His challenging words made me want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. He was right, I had a hard time controlling myself around him. But I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I had to remind myself that he was my student. There were lines we couldn't cross.

"Mr. Badril," I said in a hoarse voice, "I think you are misinterpreting the situation. I appreciate your enthusiasm for learning, but I suggest you keep your attention focused on the lecture material."

I tried to get out of his embrace, but his grip was tight. He brought his face closer, his eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Why, Professor? Afraid of losing control?"

I stared at him sharply. "I always control myself, Mr. Badril. And I suggest you do the same."

I finally managed to break free from his embrace and took a step back. I had to end this conversation before it got out of hand.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to continue our lesson."

I turned and walked towards the board, trying to ignore Badril's burning gaze on my back. I had to admit, his challenge had awakened something in me. Something dangerous and thrilling.

The class felt so long after my intense interaction with Badril. I tried to focus on explaining the material, but the image of his face, his seductive words, and his touch that was still felt on my skin continued to haunt me.

I glanced at Badril who was sitting in his chair. He looked calm, even a little bored, as if nothing had happened between us a moment ago. But I knew it was just a mask. I could feel his intense gaze following my every move, making me nervous and awkward.

The atmosphere in the classroom felt different. The tension in the air was thick, almost suffocating. I'm sure the other students felt it too. Some of them occasionally glanced at Badril and me with curious looks.

I tried to finish the lecture material as fast as possible. Every second felt like torture. I wanted to get out of this room immediately, away from Badril and his disturbing aura.

Finally, the bell rang signaling the end of class. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, today's lecture is over. Please collect your assignments at the front desk before leaving," I said in a slightly trembling voice.

Students began to pack up and leave the room. I waited until the classroom was empty, then went to the table to collect the assignment.