At Homesick Valley

"So... what is 'Homesick Valley'..?"

"Good question. You are now here..."


As Steven looked around, he saw a familiar structures of the civilization he had once left behind. A suburban neighborhood... but the houses were in same color and they are seemingly empty. He checked inside of one of the houses' window and sees nothing in the room. Apart from the floor tiles with different irregular shapes, all houses are barren.

"You can go in there if you want to..."

"For something like future, it seems that no security systems were installed here. Even the doors don't exist. Are the servillence invisible?"

"Under the eyes of Lord Generoth, no criminal can enter the territory. The furnitures are still there..."

"Who is Generoth... and where are the furnitures then...?"

"The name of Lord Generoth cannot be spoken lightly. It is better the less we talk about him..."

"What about the furnitures..."

"Do you see the tiles with inconsistent shapes laying beneath you...?"


"Do you see that big hexagon one over there..."


"Try tapping it with heels of your foot."

Tap... tap...

The big hexagonal tile emerged from the ground like a pillar rising up. It then stopped.

"This is a table."


"As you can see this table also has smaller tiles on it. Tap them with your hand."

Tap... tap..

When Steven tapped on the circle one, It rises for a bit then the circle lid floats upward in the air and slowly dissappeared, revealing a few stuff underneath. Some tiny cubes and spheres as well as a few cones.

"What are these... wait... let me guess... foods?"

"Correct. The cubes are every meat combined, the spheres are vegetables and cones are other stuffs like snacks. There are also cylinder shapes for drinks."

"That's neat... guess people got bored of choosing variety of meals and make it quick, huh? Let's try one of these cubes... It tastes like meat. I don't know what kind but it tastes like meat."

"This culture dated back into 49th century. Do you want to know more about it?"

"Oh wow... that is a hell lot of time jump. Maybe later..."

"Do you want to sit while we talk?"

"Sure... where is the seat button."

"Why don't you look around the table."

"Steven saw the smaller circles near the table. He taps on one of them. The smaller circle rises upward and a cylinder pillar appeared. He sat on the pillar and put his elbows on the table. He then exhaled a deep breath."

"OK.... where do I start. Alright, so... What happened after the 2020s."

"Nothing strange happened after 2020s."

"Ok... what about 2030s..."

"Nothing strange either..."

"What about 2040s..."






"Ok... you have to be joking. Come on... there must be a reason why the world look weird today. Just spit it out... There is nothing benefitting from hiding the information."

"I'm speaking the truth. Nothing really strange happend for things to end up like this. Its all apart of nature."

"Bullshit... do you think something like a flying goldfish is normal for you?"

"Do you think something like Las Vegas is normal for a caveman?"


"Think about it sir... would people from 18th century predict a timeline where you watch the most tragic war happening in other countries directly from a piece of glass from your hand while you were sitting on your toilet. And then you scroll it down to watch some cat videos."

"Well I mean..."

"Would greeks have predicted a carbon monoxide alarm beep? Would mongols have predicted a video game console? Would Issac Newton have predicted 9/11? Nothing had become strange sir... It is strange because you are watching like a person from past. You are watching like a person seeing new things. Here... People are borned and grew up in this environment where nothing is seemed extraordinary to them. To them, to us... it's normal. Future is unpredictable."

"You know... for a robot... you sure are emotionally real when talking."

"I am not a robot. I am simply evolved from one of the 1108 evolution braches originated from Homosapiens. The reason I talk like a robot is because I got paid more."
