"When did the first end of the world started."
"Let's say it started with world war 3 in 145th century."
"Classic... wait a minute. If the first end of the world happened in the 145th century with third world war, you also said the world had been destroyed for more than a billion times, which if even if... even if each single world ending happened for each one years, that would that at least be one billion years. How far am I in the future?"
"Dateless schedule..."
"Right... ok. Just tell me how did the bridge we live in survived this long?"
"I don't know..."
"Are you serious? What about Generoth. Didn't he protect this city from harm?"
"That's... one of the records we lost in time... just like how we don't know where the oldies came from."
"Well that sucks. Just tell me about the world war 3."
"Ok then... here you go."
Jetson summoned something out of thin air.
"Woah! Well, I mean what do I expect. It's future... Out of curiosity, how did you do that?"
"Me... you can do it by yourself too."
"Huh... ok?"
Steven thinks of something... a potato. He was not sure why he even thought of it. Less than half a second later, the potato appeared.
"Wow... how did I do that! Is it quantum or eldctromagnetic field?"
"Actually, on the quest for finding the oldies, they discovered something that could benefit for future mankind along the way."
"I guess they're useful for once after all..."
"At the approximate period between 1200BC and 860BC, they found what can be known to you as a djinn."
"That's right... A wish granting spirit of the golden lamp."
"No way... Supernaturals exist? For real?"
"Yes. Real and even used for industrial purpose."
"That's sound sinister... they don't abuse them right? "
"For the good news, no, they didn't..."
"What's the bad news?"
"They drove them to extinction."
"Oh my goodness, Jetson! That didn't make a difference!!!"
"What we have now are what left of their last 'magic dusts'. Soon, in a few years they will be gone and we might need some new things to transport our stuff."
"I cannot believe humanity was using nigh omnipotent spirits just for transporting things."
"That's the only thing they're useful for. After three wishes, they're useless. They were also rare."
"What did people wish for?"
"Some experiments to prevent monkeypaw-like negative effects, they played it safe... like wishing for a pebble to move a few inches front, or changing the color of the desert to slightly green without any physics altering effects, or simply wishing the dijinns to kill themselves. Yeah... those wishes."