
"I can't... I can't... I think I might have to puke."

"Is it that bad?"

"My xenophobic braincells are rampaging right now with foreign informations. The only way to stop it is to put my fingers in my throat and let it out... Do you have trash cans in future?"

"It's right there..."

Jetson turned its direction to the trash can. The trashcan looks nothing out of ordinary aside from having a curved lid which seems like the lid was going inside the bin. Without hesitation, Steven runs towards the trash bin and lifts the lid and instantly wished he didn't. The trash bin sucked half of his body and the other half stucked at the opening. Inside, there is nothing... but a bottomless pit.

Jetson, using his futuristic trickery, lifted Steven out of the bin with its telekenesis. 

"What the hell is that! I ALMOST DIED!"

"Don't worry... the bin was designed to suck only half of your body."

"What do you even throw in there... Also, I don't feel nauseous anymore for some reason... Explain?"

"You see... the trash bins in our far future suck not only trashes but also useless parts of your body, including your negative feelings."

"What do you call them? They must have their special name right? I can't believe I'm actually investigating on a trashcan."

"We called those black holes. These bins have portals that direct them towards black holes. Invented in 566th century..."

"That's cool."

"Not only that, we also have white holes that do the opposite and push you instead."

"Ok, cool..."

"We also have blue holes and red holes and yellow holes and green holes and brown holes and purple holes and pink holes. Blue holes can make everything optimistic, used for vacation. Red holes can summon demons, used for cheap thrills. Yellow holes can turn into sun-like celestial bodies which are holes instead of spheres, used to replace stars for conspiracy. Green holes can turn anything eco-friendly, used by companies to lie about their product without actually even using the green holes. Brown holes can make anything taste like coffees... and poops... I don't know why that exist. Purple holes can turn anything purple... that's it. Pink holes can turn anything cute, used for tortures in concentration camps by cuteness overload."

"Uhh... cool."