Chapter 25

Harry presented his ticket to the gate attendant and she scanned it before politely thanking him and letting him through. Harry walked past her and boarded the plane, heading off to the first class section where he sat down in his seat, calm and collected.

A flight attendant walked up to him and asked if he would like a drink. He ordered and quickly received a coke and drank it as he gazed out the window. All he could do was hope nothing went wrong with his meeting with Tony Stark. His own experience told him that trouble was brewing and trouble had a funny way of finding him. His years at Hogwarts were a prime example of this seeming-universal truth.

Harry ignored the pilot's voice and instead focused on the task at hand. The recent news told him that Tony Stark had returned to civilization and was confined to bed rest. He hadn't been seen for the past month since his return and subsequent sensational press conference.

If he wasn't into weapons, then what was he into now? Harry sincerely hoped the Neo-Stark Industries would be aimed towards doing some good in this world.

Harry leaned back and closed his eyes, allowing himself to get some rest during the nine-hour plane ride. He quickly fell asleep and before he knew it, was being gently woken by a flight attendant telling him they would be landing soon.

When the ephemeral flight pulled into the gate, Harry walked out into the airport as hostesses all wished the passengers a safe journey.

Harry, instead of getting in a taxi, decided to walk in the city in order to see its landscape. It only took thirty minutes for him to realize that LA was a bit more sprawled than New York was. He had no idea how far he was from the heart of the city, much less from Stark Industries. He decided to do something he probably should have done to begin with. He pulled out his phone to get directions and an idea of how far he'd need to travel. Oh, SI and LA were in almost opposite directions from where he was, and neither within ten miles. He'd need something a bit faster than his feet. He kept walking, but with a new goal in mind: Find a decent method of transportation.

One thing about Los Angeles that was different from New York, was the weather. It was hot and dry, somewhat unexpected considering its proximity to the ocean, but true, nonetheless. It wasn't as hot as Saudi Arabia, of course, when he'd visited it nearly eighteen months back, but still, it was hot enough.

He placed a cooling charm on himself to prevent his clothing getting drenched with sweat, wanting to maintain a 'better' appearance.

Harry suddenly stopped as he passed a place that sold motorcycles. Ever since Sirius, and learning that the flying motorcycle in his childhood dream had been real, Harry had a special place in his heart for motorcycles. He gazed at the display for a long moment before walking inside the dealership.

Once inside, one motorcycle immediately caught his eye, an all-black beauty on two wheels. Before the approaching salesman could open his mouth, Harry declared his decision to buy it. His ability to easily pay the full asking price in full ensured a quick sale.

As soon as he had it outside, he mounted it and sped off through the streets, sweeping through Los Angeles's notorious traffic as if it was nothing. He moved and maneuvered the motorcycle with the same grace and skill as a broomstick.

It may have had nothing on his Firebolt, but it was still wonderful to almost feel as if he was flying again, only much lower to the ground and the obstacles were muggles and cars rather than bludgers and chasers.

After nearly thirty minutes of riding the motorcycle around the city, Harry decided to head towards Stark Industries. An hour later, he pulled up into the front of the building and parked his motorcycle in a guest parking space directly in front of the building. He put the helmet down and placed a sticking charm on the helmet to ensure that it would stay safely with the bike.

Harry walked in to see that Stark Industries was very busy, though he was unsure what else to expect. It was Stark Industries, after all.

"Excuse me." Harry said, walking up to the receptionist.

"Yes, may I help you?" She asked.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Tony Stark." Harry stated.

"Is this your first time here?" She asked.

"Yes," Harry replied honestly.

"I'll call Miss Potts, perhaps she can help you." The receptionist said as she picked up the phone.

"Thank you." Harry said as he turned to sit down.

"What's your name?" She asked, realizing that she hadn't asked before.

"Harry Potter." Harry said mildly.

It took ten minutes for Miss Potts to come down the stairs and into the lobby.

"Mr. Potter, forgive me for being late, but we weren't expecting you for several days. Please come with me. Please give him a visitor's badge." She ordered the receptionist. She nodded her head and pulled out a badge from a drawer in her desk.




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