Trouble in Paradise

Meanwhile, back at the Rex Morgan House

Veronica stood naked before the bathroom mirror.

"It is a good thing I am grounded in my faith, but I know now that I am still a woman reaching after the next branch above my head. Why lord why and how have a found me in this situation. I've been married for twenty years , but I like Matt's company and even when he told me that he was planning to kidnap me the only thing I did was laugh."

Veronica giggled and tried in vain to restrain the effervescent laughter that escaped her medium sized lips. She had spent years behind the cream walls of the house and secretly got bored of staring at the four walls. Each time her phone pinged her heart skipped a beat wondering if Rex her husband would mistakenly open her identical phone by mistake and read the jokes she had been sharing with Matt. Guilt crept through her stomach as she was caught in two minds to delete the messages or to create a password. Her heart was heavy when she decided on the third option and deleted Matt all together. He was like chocolate, one bite led to another and suddenly he was comfort food and her waist line reflected the decadence of their conversations. Veronica sighed heavily as she placed the phone in her purse and hoped that Matt felt the mental spasm and reduced his communication.

"If I had my own way I'd like to continue to eat chocolate, but I have to be responsible and mindful that not because I like it that it is good for me. Surely it wasn't worth the risk at all but it felt nice to rekindle the butterflies through friendship. "Now I remember what it feels like to be a woman again. I guess I have forgotten because I've been a wife for too long."

Veronica smiled shyly as she twisted the lock of hair and looked at her almost adolescent face in the mirror. Suddenly she felt anxious

"Shoot I promised Matt that I would accompany him to the bookstore later today to help him the gift he wanted to give Monica, Veronica's best friend since high school. Tsk Tsk, I can't believe Matt was using me all along to find out what books Monica liked so that he could surprise her. Why are men so typical befriending with a view to exploiting." Veronica took out the phone from the huge black purse that was resting on the bed and typed a text message as quick as she could because she thought she heard Rex' footsteps coming down the passage.

 Ok I will wait until Rex leaves to attend his regular meeting on a Tuesday between 11 am and 2pm, I will tell him that I have to go to the supermarket and then pick up the kids from School just to avoid any suspicion. I will meet you at the store, but I won't have a lot of time to spend so please no surprises of ice cream like the last time

Veronica looked at the clock and gasped.

"Shaving cream it's almost 10:30 a.m. and I have no idea what I am going to wear and I wanted to leave as soon as Rex left his office downstairs."

 Veronica deleted the text as soon as she realised it was sent, she felt as if she was in a spy novel covering her tracks and ensuring that her cover stories were foolproof. Matt White brought out the child in her again and she was enjoying the excitement of sneaking out of the house to eat ice cream or chocolate. It was clean innocent fun to the normal person, but if Rex found out that she left the house without his knowledge or his tacit approval he would raise his voice at her.

Rex had changed over the years and had slowly become quite reclusive and withdrawn spending hours working in his office and the only time he emerged was when it was time to eat or sleep. There were days when she could not recall seeing him any at all, but knew he was at home because his car was parked in the driveway.

After twenty years of marriage, it was painful at times to see how the man she loved with all her heart got consumed with his work. He was a young passionate criminal defense attorney when they got married twenty years ago and he was only eighteen years older but as they got older something has changed within Rex.

I want back the man I married when I was twenty, Veronica thought. Even if it means going to the gym and getting his attention back or he finds out about Matt, besides I don't think Rex has a jealous bone in his body and won't hurt a fly, one way or another". Veronica muttered.

Veronica glanced at her reflection in the full-length mirror hanging on the bedroom, Not bad for a girl may age with two children, maturity is creeping in slowly but my skin was flawless with mid-life showing around her waist. I have acquired a little tummy. However, I have seen women on the streets looking far worse than how I look. Even my helper Ms Nancy spoke candidly about being ravished by her common- law husband repeatedly and Rex barely had time to notice the red lingerie that she had purchased last week.

"At least Matt tells me that I am a hot mama and wonders how Rex has not planted a third seed yet. Monica is indeed a lucky girl to have latched on Matt when I introduced them a few weeks ago. He is very attentive," she mumbled then sighed

Veronica heard Rex shouting, "I will be back later, gone to a meeting," and the front door closed softly.

A smile crept across her face as she watched him through the bedroom window as he got into the car and reversed through the gate. Instantly she pulled the blouse over her head and ran towards the bathroom door, her breasts bounced and she cupped them and squeezed them tight. "Hello guys she muttered it's been a while since you guys saw any action, but I promise you… soon."

The black cotton panty gave way as she stepped into the earth tone tiled shower. Quickly Veronica washed and rinsed her body of the rich lather from the shower gel. Time was of the essence and the quicker she reached the bookstore the more time she could chat with Matt.

"I can't wait to play marbles or even jacks with him, I am caught in two minds, should I wear something kind of sexy like an off the shoulder blouse and my tight blue denim jeans or my yellow paisley print that stopped just above my knee. It's not my fault Matt has rekindled the tomboy in me, but the tom boy had blossomed into a beautiful woman and it was not every day that I can be myself and let down my shoulder length hair," Veronica said as she finally decided on the off the shoulder blouse and the tight jeans.

The blouse slipped over her breasts and caressed her uncovered nipples. It felt sexy and mischievous at the same time. Ruby red drop earrings and her red strappy slippers completed her ensemble.

Ten minutes later Matt White stood with his mouth agape as he looked at how stunning Veronica looked.

It feels good being admired. Veronica thought.

"Wow," Matt said as she walked beside him. "You look so different Veronica what is the occasion?"

"Nothing," Veronica replied while blushing. I was just tired of the walls in the house so I decided to through on something quick. How do I look?" Veronica asked.

"Veronica did Rex see you before you left the house?" Matt asked.

"Nah," Veronica smiled wryly. "Are you crazy he would have asked too many questions and besides I can't stay long with you today, Matt. So, let's go," Veronica demanded.

"I can't get over how lovely you look Veronica, but have you found out what your husband have been working on in his office?" Matt asked.

Veronica was puzzled.

"Why are you so curious about what Rex is working on Matt? I thought we agreed to get something for Monica and maybe a quick bite to eat and that would be that?" Veronica asked.

"Relax, Veronica but surely would you be naturally curious what your husband has been so secretive about all this time in his office that you and the children are not allowed to enter. You said the only thing that comes out is shredded trash," Matt replied.

"Matt, he is an attorney and the head of an agency of government, and he works on a lot of confidential things, besides I have never made it my habit to talk about my husband's work with him or anybody else for that matter. Why, do you and Rex have business Matt?" Veronica asked.

"No! No, Veronica it was just out of curiosity that I asked. I have no reason for an attorney Veronica and worse a former criminal attorney at that. I have stayed far away from the law and I make it my business to stay out of trouble,"". Matt replied tersely

"You better or else I will tell my best friend to leave you in the dust," Veronica said while playing with her hair.

"Why are we talking about Monica, she is not here now and I still can't get my mind around how seductively amazing you look Veronica," Matt remarked.

Veronica blushed as her cheeks became rose pink. There was something about Matt that made her feel a little uneasy, but he was such a gentleman and good looking that he could charm the skirt off any woman.

I have to be careful around this man. Veronica thought.

"Matt! Monica and I could almost pass for sisters, so I can understand your misplaced compliments. I am a happily married woman trying to help out a desperate friend. So please do not read too much into how I am dressed right now. It's been a while since I've been out of the house for anything, but routine so I decided to spice it up a bit. Besides it's nothing special. It's just a pair of jeans and a blouse." Veronica suddenly felt self-conscious.

Matt leaned down beside her ear and whispered "I can see your nipples if I look hard enough Veronica, you are sexy for a big woman" Matt said with a seductive smile on his face.

Veronica giggled. "So, what I am sure you have seen nipples before Matt and keep your eyes and thoughts to yourself please.