
The journey to Valtheris was rather smooth, especially since the security on travel routes had been buffed up. The recent supernatural activities and the possibility of the return of the new gods were putting everyone on edge.

Only while traveling did Sol realize how much terror his recent activities had struck the hearts of people. 

In a few hours, they reached Valtheris and headed straight to the Hail Family Residence where an extra fifty soldiers, an Arcanist magus, and ten servants were waiting.

As a member of the Hail family, Sol was bound to receive the privileges that came with it. With this, their traveling party consisted of a hundred well-trained troops, twenty servants, an Arcanist magus, and a Novar magus (Damon).

Considering everything that had happened so far, the Hail family feared more attempts would be made on Sol's life because he was still weak, that's why they sent a powerful Arcanist along.