Chapter 1: Kendall Jenner’s Choice

It was a sunny morning in January 2023, and Kendall Jenner, shrouded in an aura of understated elegance, stepped out of her black SUV in front of the imposing entrance of Zenith Security, a renowned private security company. Kendall had been in the spotlight for most of her life, and with that came the risks of fame. Her previous security team had been competent, but she was looking for something more, someone with experience in high-risk situations and an impeccable track record.

As she walked through the mirrored glass doors, Kendall was greeted by the company's owner, Richard Hamilton, a middle-aged man with an imposing presence and carefully combed gray hair.

"Miss Jenner, it's a pleasure to welcome you to Zenith Security," Richard said, shaking Kendall's hand. "We are aware of your needs and have some of the best professionals at your disposal."

Kendall smiled politely and followed Richard into a large conference room with glass walls that overlooked a series of monitors displaying security camera footage and live feeds of company operations. On the mahogany desk, a folder was open, displaying several photos of muscular men, all with disciplined postures and serious faces. Kendall began to flip through the images, but none of them looked quite like what she was looking for.

Richard noticed Kendall's hesitation and commented,

"I understand this may be a difficult decision, but I can assure you that everyone here is highly skilled. We've provided security for countless celebrities and high-ranking politicians."

Kendall nodded, but continued to scan the photos. It was then that one image in particular caught her eye. It was a black-and-white photo of a man in a suit, his expression serious, his gaze piercing. Even through the photo, his presence was imposing. The tailored suit outlined his broad shoulders and erect posture. There was something about him that stood out, something that spoke of experience beyond the others.

"Who's that?" Kendall asked, holding up the photo.

Richard looked at the photo and smiled, pleased with her choice.

"Ah, an excellent choice. This is Thomas. He served in DEVGRU from 2009 to 2020. One of the best I've ever had the honor of hiring."

Kendall frowned slightly. "DEVGRU? What's that?"

Richard looked at her with a mixture of respect and admiration before answering.

"DEVGRU, or SEAL Team Six, is one of the most renowned special operations units in the world. They're responsible for some of the most secretive and dangerous missions you can imagine. Judging by Thomas's resume, he was a true legend in the Navy. One of the best operators of his time."

Kendall looked at the photo again, now with a greater understanding of what she was seeing. Thomas's imposing presence seemed even more palpable now.

"And he did security for presidents, right?" she asked, wanting to better understand the kind of experience Thomas brought with him.

Richard nodded and, with a quick movement, pulled another file folder from the desk. He opened it and began showing Kendall some photos. The first showed Thomas, much younger and bearded, wearing a full tactical uniform. Next to him, none other than President Obama, both in an apparently militarized zone abroad.

"Here's Thomas on a security mission for President Obama, during a visit to a conflict zone," Richard said, explaining every detail of the photo. "He was one of the operators in charge of ensuring security during foreign trips. Here's another photo of him with Vice President Biden, and later, he also worked for President Trump on some international diplomatic visits."

He turned another page, showing Thomas in a more casual outfit, but still with the same imposing presence, alongside world leaders and high-security officials.

— Thomas is known for his ability to handle high-pressure situations, whether in combat or protecting dignitaries. He has led entire security teams on several overseas missions. If you are looking for someone who truly understands what it means to keep someone safe, he is your best choice.

Kendall examined the photos, fascinated by the story they told. It wasn't just Thomas' physical presence that drew her in, but also the fact that he had lived and worked in such extreme and challenging circumstances. She knew that her life, while full of glamour, also carried considerable risk, and having someone like Thomas by her side seemed like the perfect fit.

"He looks impressive," Kendall commented, still looking at the photos.

Richard smiled, pleased with her answer.

"He is. He's not just a security guard, Ms. Jenner. He's a professional who has seen the worst and knows exactly what to do to keep his client safe.

Kendall sat back in her chair, absorbing everything she'd just heard. There was something comforting about knowing that someone with Thomas's experience and training would be in charge of her security. Someone who had operated at the highest level, protecting not only lives but national interests.

"So, when can I meet him?" she asked, her mind already made up on the decision to hire him.

"I can schedule a meeting for tomorrow, if that's convenient for you," Richard replied, picking up the phone to make the arrangements.

Kendall nodded, satisfied. "That would be great."

As Richard made the calls, Kendall glanced once more at Thomas's photo. She knew that by choosing someone like him, she was choosing not just a bodyguard, but someone who understood the value of security on a level that few people ever would.