Chapter 45: An Unexpected Proposal

It was a sunny morning in Los Angeles, and Kendall was relaxing on the terrace of her home, with a cup of coffee in her hands, while Thomas did his daily outdoor exercise routine. Life seemed to be in balance. Thomas, always discreet, was now part of her daily life, not only as her bodyguard, but as a friend and confidant. He was a steady and reliable presence, something Kendall appreciated more than anything else in her busy life.

As she gazed absently at the horizon, the phone began to ring. Without paying much attention to the caller ID, she answered with a slight smile.

— "Hello, this is Kendall."

On the other end of the line, a calm but commanding voice answered.

— "Hello, Kendall. This is Anna Wintour."

Kendall almost dropped her coffee cup when she recognized the name. Anna Wintour, the iconic editor-in-chief of Vogue, was calling her directly. Her heart skipped a beat for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure.

— "Anna! What a surprise! How are you?"

— "I'm fine, thank you, dear. I'm calling because I have an idea, and I think you and Thomas would be perfect for it. Vogue is always looking for something fresh and modern, and I thought it would be fascinating to do a cover with you and Thomas together."

Kendall was silent for a second, processing the idea. She had already starred on several Vogue covers over the years, but the idea of ​​sharing this space with Thomas was something completely unexpected—and very intriguing.

— "With Thomas?" Kendall asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

— "Exactly. I think it would be something new, having a former special forces member, a silent hero, alongside one of the biggest models in the world. Plus, considering the recent media interest in Thomas's past, it would be a striking cover, something different from anything we've done before. I think people would be fascinated to learn more about him and, of course, about this unique connection you two share."

Kendall looked at Thomas, who was focused on his exercises, completely unaware of the conversation that was going on. She smiled at the idea, thinking it could be fun, but she knew she would have to convince him.

— "Anna, I love the idea. I think it would be really innovative, but... Thomas isn't the type of person who likes the spotlight. I'll have to talk to him."

Anna laughed lightly on the other end of the line.

— "I figured he wouldn't be the type to seek fame. But that's exactly what makes him so fascinating, don't you think? He has a powerful story, and we want to approach it in a respectful way, showing his journey with dignity. No tabloid fodder, just the true essence of who he is."

Kendall bit her lip, considering. Anna was right, and she knew that if anyone could do this right, it would be Vogue. Still, she would have to see how Thomas would feel about all this exposure.

— "Let me talk to him, and I'll get back to you soon. I think he might be a little surprised."

— "Sure, honey. Feel free. I look forward to hearing from you. And please give Thomas my love."

After hanging up the phone, Kendall looked back at Thomas, who was now doing push-ups. She took a deep breath, wondering how he would react. Walking over to him, she waited until he finished his set of exercises.

— "Thomas, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Thomas stood up, wiping the sweat from his face with a towel, and looked at her, noticing the curious tone in her voice.

— "Sure, what's up?"

Kendall smiled, still trying to find the best way to present the proposal.

— "I just got a call from... Anna Wintour."

Thomas frowned slightly, recognizing the name, but not understanding what it had to do with him.

— "The editor of Vogue?"

— "Yes, that's right. And... she had an idea. She wants us both to be on the cover of the next issue of Vogue."

Thomas blinked, clearly taken aback by the proposal. He shook his head, as if trying to process the information.

— "Both of us? On the cover of Vogue? Kendall, you know I'm not... from this world. I don't know if that's a good idea."

Kendall laughed softly, expecting exactly that reaction.

— "I know, I know. But listen, Anna thinks it would be great to show a different side of you than what people are used to. You already have all this media attention because of your awards and your story, and she wants to explore that in a respectful way. It's not about you being famous or anything. It's about showing who you really are."

Thomas crossed his arms, thoughtful. He had never been comfortable with the idea of ​​being in the spotlight, and the idea of ​​posing for a fashion magazine was completely out of his comfort zone.

— "I don't know, Kendall. This just seems... not for me."

— "I understand, I really do. But think of it as an opportunity to tell your story in a way that you can control. Vogue isn't just any magazine. They'll do it right. Plus, you won't be alone. I'll be there with you, and we'll do it together. It might even be fun."

Thomas looked at her face, seeing the sincerity in her eyes. He knew Kendall would never force him to do something he wasn't comfortable with, but at the same time, the proposition seemed less intimidating knowing that she would be by his side.

He let out a sigh, scratching the back of his neck.

— "Okay, let's do it then. But only because you think it's a good idea."

Kendall beamed and jumped up to hug him.

— "I knew you'd say yes! It'll be amazing, I promise."

Thomas, still a little hesitant, smiled back, sensing her enthusiasm. He knew this was a unique situation, and perhaps it would be a chance to show a side of himself that few people knew—the human side behind the soldier.

Later that afternoon, Kendall called Anna back, confirming that they would both be on the cover of the next issue of Vogue. The editor-in-chief was ecstatic and promised that the shoot would be memorable.

As Kendall hung up the phone, she turned to Thomas with a satisfied smile.

— "Get ready, Thomas. We're going to make history together."

He laughed, shaking his head, still in disbelief at the whole thing.

— "I never thought I'd be on the cover of a magazine... much less Vogue."

— "Well, you never know what the future holds," Kendall said with a wink. "And now you're a part of it."

Thomas smiled, accepting the news. Vogue's unexpected invitation was undoubtedly something he never imagined, but as always, he was ready to take on the challenge — as long as Kendall was by his side.

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