Chapter 81: A Perfect Day Together

The next morning, the first rays of sunlight entered through the cracks in the curtains, softly illuminating Taylor and Thomas's room. Thomas's alarm rang softly, and he woke up slowly, blinking his eyes until they focused on the environment around him. Beside him, Taylor was still sleeping, her breathing calm and her face serene. He watched her for a few moments, smiling to himself at the sight of her so peaceful.

Not wanting to wake her abruptly, Thomas leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Taylor murmured something inaudible, shifting slightly before slowly opening her eyes, meeting Thomas's loving gaze.

"Good morning, love," he said, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

Taylor smiled, stretching slowly.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice soft. "You're up early."

"I guess I'm used to it," he shrugged. "But I was thinking about doing some training. Want to join me?"

Taylor stretched out her arms and made a funny face, but soon gave a mischievous smile.

— "Why not? I think a workout would be good after all this time on the road."

Shortly after, they changed and went to Thomas's private gym, which was located in the back of the house. The space was complete with free weights, treadmills, punching bags and everything one could need for a complete workout. Taylor put on her headphones, chose an upbeat playlist, and began to stretch, while Thomas adjusted the punching bag.

— "I'm more in the cardio mood today," she said, already getting ready for the treadmill.

Thomas nodded, putting on his boxing gloves.

— "I'm going to do some punching. But if you need a sparring partner, just ask."

Taylor smiled and began to jog slowly on the treadmill, while watching Thomas attack the punching bag with impressive precision. She admired how dedicated he was to keeping his body and mind in shape, and couldn't help but feel even more attracted to him when she saw him so focused.

After about 40 minutes, they were both sweaty but satisfied with their workout. Taylor slowed down on the treadmill, stopping slowly as Thomas removed his gloves.

"Whew, that was good," she said breathlessly, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"It was," Thomas agreed, moving closer to her. "Now how about a shower?"

Taylor laughed, knowing exactly where he was going with this.

"I was thinking the same thing."

They climbed the stairs back to the bedroom and went straight to the spacious bathroom. The shower was big enough for both of them, with glass walls and a panoramic view of the garden, which gave a feeling of freedom and closeness to nature. The hot water began to fall, and soon steam filled the room. Thomas pulled Taylor under the water with him, hugging her from behind as the water ran down their bodies. She laughed and turned to face him, her eyes shining with affection and desire.

— "This is much better than training," she joked.

— "I don't disagree," Thomas replied, leaning down to kiss her. The kiss was slow and passionate, full of affection. They lost themselves in the moment, feeling the intense connection they shared.

After a few minutes, the relaxed mood returned, and they began to soap themselves, playing with each other, laughing and teasing each other. Taylor splashed water on Thomas, who pretended to be surprised.

— "Oh, so it's like that?" He said, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her slightly off the ground, making her laugh even more.

— "Sorry! Sorry!" Taylor said between giggles. "I promise I'll behave!"

After a refreshing shower, the two of them went down to the kitchen, where Thomas had prepared a simple but delicious breakfast. Scrambled eggs, toast, and fresh fruit filled the table. They ate together, chatting about light things, from Taylor's upcoming shows on tour to Thomas's plans now that he was retired from his private security job.

— "I was thinking that now that you're back, we could do some little traveling, just the two of us," Taylor suggested, taking a bite of toast.

— "That sounds amazing," Thomas agreed. "Do you have somewhere in mind?"

— "How about somewhere in Italy? I've always wanted to go back there, and it would be perfect to spend a few days just enjoying the food, wine, and scenery."

Thomas smiled.

— "I think I can get used to that. I'll start planning."

After breakfast, they decided to spend the rest of the day in their room. They put on movies on the TV and threw themselves into bed, cuddling, enjoying the comfort of being together without rushing. The first choice was a romantic comedy, the kind of movie they both loved to watch when they wanted to relax.

Taylor snuggled into Thomas's arms, laying her head on his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"I love these moments," she murmured. "Being here with you, without any worries."

Thomas kissed the top of her head.

"Me too, Tay. There's no place in the world I'd rather be right now."

They watched the movie in silence, exchanging glances and occasional smiles. When the movie ended, Thomas looked at Taylor, who was almost dozing off in his arms.

"Want to watch another one?" he asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Sure," she replied lazily, not moving from her comfortable spot.

Thomas put on another movie, and this time it was a thriller. They watched it, discussing the plot details and making jokes about the characters. With each tense moment in the film, Taylor grew closer to Thomas, and he loved protecting her, even if it was from something fictional.

Between movies, they talked about random things. Taylor talked about her plans for the tour, new songs she was writing and ideas for future projects. Thomas listened to her attentively, always impressed by how passionate she was about what she did.

— "You're so talented, Taylor. Sometimes I can't believe I'm so lucky to be with someone like you," he said suddenly.

Taylor looked at him, surprised by the sudden statement, but touched.

— "I'm the one who's lucky to have you," she replied. "You make me feel safe and loved like no one else."

They stayed like that, exchanging affectionate words, until night began to fall. The TV was still on, but they were both more focused on each other than the movie. Taylor turned to face Thomas, running her hand over his face.

— "This day was perfect," she said softly.

— "And it was just the beginning of many more," he replied, kissing her gently.

As the sun set outside, the world seemed to disappear around them. In that moment, all that mattered was the love and connection they shared.

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