
Chapter 9 Blacks Triumphant?

Chapter 9 – Blacks Triumphant?

Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

Rhaenyra with her father's crown on her head and dressed in her best, finest red and black silk dress smirked as she saw the Crownlords who had only a couple of short weeks prior deserted her for her brother and now that she had won the war were now crawling back to her door. Looking down at them grovelling before her while she sat on the very throne ancestor had used before conquering the Seven Kingdoms, she honestly felt a rush of power running through her that was unlike anything she had even imagined before.

Lord Rosby, one of the most powerful lords who now bent the knee to her stayed knelt before asking.

"What is your will, your grace?" He and the other men behind him looked extremely nervous as well they should Rhaenyra thought with satisfaction. They had deserted her so easily and now came crawling back, she honestly wondered just how she might punish them for this hostages being taken was a possibility but her more practical side reminded her that she needed truth be told their men to help claim Kings Landing not to mention prevent them blockading her capital once it was taken. So she swallowed her pride and said.

"Rally your men, we march immediately on Kings Landing. Once we have claimed my throne then all will be well." She said, making them fully aware that her conquest of Kings Landing would mean all was forgiven and no retribution would be coming to them. At least for now Rhaenyra thought in the privacy of her own mind and it would free her of dependency on the men of the North, Riverlands and Vale who not only would take weeks to get here but were so far beneath her notice they mattered little. Despite all they had done for her cause so far they were by large barbarians that resisted her commands and would feel a great increase in their taxes once all was said and done Rhaenyra thought with satisfaction.

The fact that this compromised a great deal of her current power-base and even threatened to make her enemies in her own family did not cross her mind, the power she had from all her new dragonriders made her feel invincible, she was drunk on power and felt untouchable like nothing could go wrong.

They all nodded in agreement and many she noticed were sporting relieved looks that they had avoided punishment, Rhaenyra allowed them to think that before turning to her new dragonriders.

"Ser Ulf and Ser Hugh, I need for you two to fly down the Reach and unite with our allies there to secure the area against any Green loyalists that resist us." She commanded imperiously from her throne and the two men bowed.

"Of course your grace we will leave at once." The one named Ulf said with a simpering voice.

With that done, Rhaenyra then turned to the two Velaryon brothers who had ridden dragons for her Alyn and Addam. They stood to attention and their devotion pleased her.

"Ser Addam you will return to Driftmark and work with Lord Corlys Velaryon to ensure our newest ships are fully prepared for any potential counter-attack that may come from the Triarchy or Redwyne Fleet." She said given he was the smarter of the pair and with his experienced grandfather would ensure their fleet controlled the seas. "Ser Alyn Velaryon meanwhile will guard and rule Dragonstone in my stead while myself, my husband, Prince Joffrey and Nettles join our army on the mainland." She said with even just four dragons she would have the upper hand and have her assets protected. Not to mention if she could get the Reach houses that supported her free to march north it would be a potential asset against the North, Riverlands and Vale if they rebelled or the Crownlords for that matter.

She in her euphoria didn't notice the looks exchanged between Ulf and Hugh, sly grins that said they were up to something and whatever it was the looks of derision secretly sent her way meant it was likely not good for her.

Godric's Hollow, the Riverlands…

The news of Aegon's death had brought a great deal of relief to many as it was hoped that the war would soon be over and their soldiers would soon be on their way home, however some remained unsure of that or if Aegon was truly dead. No sign of him or his dragon had yet been found so they could never be sure.

In the training yard young Godric and Aegon swung wooden training swords in the same stance as Sirius who stood in front of them while Rhaenys looked on with approval showing both young boys how to handle a sword. Sirius smiled as the two boys did well and while slower and less steady than him, managed to copy his movements.

"Good lads good. Where and how you place your feet is key to good swordsmanship so always pay attention to that." He told them but a confused look spread on both their faces.

"But you only use your hands when fighting with a sword." Godric said, not sure what your feet had to do with it. Aegon likewise nodded in agreement and Sirius gave them both a warm grin.

"That's exactly the same question that me and James not to mention your brother asked when we were all training." Sirius said with amusement before he gave them the same explanation he had been given and later offered to Harry. "Using your feet to make sure you have a firm base means that you can put a lot more force behind each strike not to mention make it less likely you can be knocked over by a strike you block. It's for this reason good and strong footwork is a vital skill to any swordsman, now again." Sirius said and readied the position yet again.


Visenya meanwhile was playing with her son, the boy's excited cries as she did peek a boo with him made her laugh and rubbed her nose against his before kissing him on the forehead. He wrapped his little arms around her neck and she cuddled him back with great care and affection. These moments she treasured greatly as it was just her and her son without a single care in the world, no war and no ambitious families to ruin it all.

She wished Harry could have been with her, he was missing all of this and dearly she hoped they could all be together again soon but somehow she knew the war was far from done. She comforted herself by holding her baby close and humming a soft tune for him. Alysanne nearby slept but smiled in her sleep which at least made her elder sister believe she was having good dreams.

"Sister these men were revolutionary." Viserys interrupted as he sat at the table reading some of the scrolls and books from Valyria that she had given to him. She smiled as she came over and saw the complex words written on the page and wondered how her little brother could understand it all but then again she thought with pride he had always been the brightest of all of them. Able to read earlier than any of them and picking up subjects with great ease, he would be perhaps one of the most intelligent men their family had ever seen Visenya thought with pride and had given him some of the knowledge of Valyria to encourage his imagination.

She ruffled his hair and he beamed with pride. Melody and Serenity then entered the room and brought some new scrolls for him before gushing over their little nephew.


Thank god for Phoenix tears Lily thought as she lay in bed with her husband.

His recovery had been shaky at first but the tears had pulled him through and as they lay snuggled up with a dried layer of sweat from last night's activities covering their bodies. They were taking the day off so they could have some alone time while Amelia and others ran the town, it could she thought with relief manage without them for awhile.

The Bone Mountains, Dorne…

Bellatrix hissed like a snake with anger as yet more healing spells failed to get rid of this horrible scar the little bastard had given her.

The audacity that he would even try to attack her was enough to infuriate her but the fact he had actually permanently scarred her was sufficient to make her nearly steam from the ears and if she ever ran into that little shit again she would boil him alive!

Still her journey north had given her a new lead on magic in Westeros. Apparently some family in the Riverlands were named Peverells, the name was known to her in those stupid old legends from the other world and speed at which they got their town built hinted that they might have magic. It would she thought be worth checking out.

Casterly Rock, the Westerlands…

The Black Army arrived outside the greatest stronghold in all the Westerlands and arguably one of the best in all of Westeros but they were not going to siege it. The Lannister men at arms stood on the walls and looked down with fear given the earlier defeat but did not surrender especially as the formidable Lady Johanna Lannister stood amongst them.

However the Blacks stayed out of range of their mounted weapons and a sole figure rode towards the gate, the guards instantly grabbed for their weapons but Lady Lannister told them.

"Stop! Open the gate then close it once he's through."

They all looked at her like she was mad but her glare was so strong that they did not hesitate to follow her orders, comforting themselves that the Blacks had no chance of getting through the gate before it closed.

Through the gate the solitary figure rode and men instantly surrounded him but he commanded in a voice that shocked many of them as it sounded like they were listening to a ghost.

"Lower those weapons!"

They were so surprised that they did as they were told and as Lady Lannister came rushing into the yard she was shocked to see him.

"Tyland." She said throwing herself into his arms and he held his brother's widow as gently as he could.

"Johanna, thank the gods you are safe." He said pushing past the feelings that rose in him every time he was with her. He and his brother had always had the same tastes and Johanna was what would be called their type. He had dreamt of marrying her himself but she was betrothed to his brother and as much as he wanted to expression his feelings, his guilt at lusting after his late brother's wife stopped him cold.

"That was to be my words to you. What happened and where did you get that armour?" She asked taking a step back and saw the impressive suit of plate armour he wore. It was black steel but decorated with gold and on the chest and shoulders elegant roaring lions, a red silk cape flowed behind him and at his waist was a magnificent sword with a Lion's head pommel and rubies.

"The Peverells, its the armour of Tommen the 2nd I'm surprised it fitted." Tyland said, marvelling at the best made suit of armour he had ever seen. He even drew Brightroar for all to see and the ripples of Valyrian steel dazzled them all. The mention of who had given him the steel though instantly put Johanna back on edge.

"The Peverells." She repeated taking a step back and the mistrust stabbed at Tyland's heart and after he dragged her gently by the hand to a small alcove which offered more privacy reassured her with a pleading look in her eyes.

"They let me go and they are willing to offer House Lannister a deal to see us removed from the war." Tyland said with great seriousness. Johanna looked at him suspiciously not trusting the people that had killed her husband and who followed a queen that had committed such a vile murder as what had happened to Prince Jaehaerys.

"But Aegon? The Greens?" She spluttered already trying to come up with arguments against it but he beat her too it.

"Aegon is most likely dead, his last son barely more than a babe. All we have to do is stop supporting the other Greens and offer some low interest loans to the crown when needed. Prince Jacaerys himself offered this deal and it means we don't even have to offer a hostage!" Tyland said now desperate to get out of this disgraceful war with as much of his family intact as he could. Not to mention their pride and integrity. He took her hand and urged her. "Think about it Johanna, your son gets to rule with you and me as his regents. We don't have to surrender any of the girls or pay huge reparations. Its the best we could have hoped for." He said with an almost pleading look to not dismiss this and plunge them back into war.

He had just as much right to stand in as regent for his nephew as she did but Johanna was not just the Lady of Casterly Rock, she was his dearly beloved nephew's mother. He would follow where she led but he just hoped that this time at least she agreed with his suggestion.

There was a long pause as she considered what he said, just leaving the war like this could have big implications especially if they needed support from another kingdom in the future. However it meant not huge amounts of gold had to be given and no hostages taken, they would be able to hold their heads high and not be forced as despite their strong position, Johanna realised that given time the Blacks would be able to force their submission eventually through one means or another. Then they would be severely punished or worse she thought at Rhaenyra's mercy. A woman like her would probably have her entire family killed just to prove a point, maybe sparing one of her daughters to marry her own son to claim the Rock and its gold for herself.

It didn't bare thinking about.


Outside the castle through their eyeglasses the Blacks saw the black and gold dragon banners of Aegon and the greens being dropped and the more colourful Black banner raised in their place. Harry smiled as he stood by Jacaerys side, it was a big gamble and one that could well blow up in their faces but he felt it was worth it. Taking a great danger to them out of the war and ending the bloodshed here at least.

Harry knew that this was was far from over though, he cast his mind to the Stormlands which refused to bend the knee to the Blacks and many Greens in the Reach still resisted them. He just hoped that Rhaenyra was not so blind by her own ambition and anger that she would ignore the great deal 'Jacaerys' had created here. His hand might have been guiding the young prince but it was Jacaerys's name on it.

Unless she wanted to slight her own son, he just hoped she honoured his agreement.

Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

This city had never fallen in its entire history, Rhaenyra thought as she flew far above it on the back of her dragon. Not since it had been the landing place of her ancestor when he had conquered this land and she was going to be the first in history to break it. Strangely it made her very proud, she might be breaking the city's record but she was a conqueror like her ancestor and in her mind was taking back what belonged to her!

She came in to land and saw Daemon was rallying their troops for a charge on the city, the laughing and coarse language of the sellswords that made up a good portion of her army was somewhat off-putting to her but she put it aside. She needed these men to take the city and instead turned to see Nettles and her dragon nearby and too her annoyance Nettles seemed to be playing with her dragon, like you would a dog or a cat. Sheepstealer was a dragon...Rhaenyra thought with anger at the disrespect not a pet for a child.

She pushed past her anger however and concentrated on getting inside the city gates. She waved over Daemon and Nettles, even Joffrey came over too eager to help. That did bring a smile to her face as a warm feeling of love came over her, what a dutiful and brave son she's raised. He was shaping up to be such a noble and trustworthy prince. Once all of them gathered she gave her orders.

"Myself and Daemon will destroy the King's Gate to allow our forces entry to the city." She said pointing to the gate in question, targeting it rather because of the name and not for any strategic reasons, vowing to rebuild it with a different name. "Nettles will attack the gate of the Red Keep and keep it clear so our men can enter unopposed, Joffrey I need you to watch the harbour and prevent any ships that might try and flee from escaping." She said giving her son a much safer job than the rest of them, the memory of what had happened to Lucerys quickly springing up in her mind as well as a stab of pain in her heart at the thought of her lost son. However she pushed past it and concentrated on what they had to do which she hoped would end this war at a stroke.

Daemon's eyes did wander briefly to the very tight ass of Nettles as she walked back to her dragon but he soon turned his attention to Rhaenyra and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle and planting his lips on her slender neck. She shivered as he found her sensitive spot and pressed her own great ass into his crotch. She felt his raging manhood against her leather covered backside and had they not been short on time he would have taken her right there and then regardless of who might see them so they settled to resolve this tension later once the city was theirs and made do with a passionate kiss for now.


The Gold Cloaks quaked as they saw the large army and four dragons flying overhead, they dearly wished they had some dragons of their own but Queen Helaena could not be roused to ride her dragon in defence of the city and Prince Daeron had fled. The sight of two diving for the gates made all of them panic and try to run but it was far to late for an escape as they were bathed in fire.

A blast so concentrated and strong, not to mention the combined strength of two fully grown dragons that it completely demolished the gatehouse and left a gaping wound in the city's defences. A sight that the Sellswords and Crownlanders immediately charged for, the men that had survived the blast all froze in fear and began running as fast as they could be the men on horse back easily caught up with them as they charged into the city and were cut down on the run. Men meant to reinforce the gate if it fell all likewise turned to run but could not as there was nowhere safe to flee too.

Daemon and Rhaenyra began to burn columns of enemy soldiers that they saw in the streets below and in process many innocent people in the streets or in the buildings that hugged the tight and narrow streets screamed as they were either burned alive by the dragon's fire or crushed when their homes collapsed on top of them. Rhaenyra and Daemon however did not even seem to notice or if they did, the sheer power acting like the most potent drug and blinding them to all else as they sought that high again.


The Crownland soldiers acting with far better cohesion than the sellswords rushed forward to the Red Keep, the gate was still open as men fled honestly knowing it was hopeless. Nettles saw some men trying to close the gate into the Red Keep and urged Sheepstealer into a steep dive, a blast of fire later and all of them either scattered or burnt.

However Nettles while she could not hear their screams felt a horrible sense of guilt. She just liked to fly, her dragon did too she could feel it and they had just burned a group of men to death. She honestly wanted nothing more than to be as far away from this war as possible and resolved to leave that night when people were paying the least attention. To get as far away as possible and see the world as she had always dreamed, but she thought with misery as she saw the soldiers storming into the city a lot of people were going to be hurt before then.

Later that Day…

There was no formal square in Kings Landing, no place for public gatherings as it had been overlooked by the poor planning and rapid growth of the city. So when Rhaenyra wanted to make a public spectacle of something she had to choose the largest open space she could find...outside the Dragon Pit.

The crowd was not cheering or looking glad of their 'liberation' from the false king, a fact that seemed to escape Rhaenyra and Daemon but not Joffrey, Nettles or some of their Small Council who nevertheless said nothing to avoid upsetting the monarch of the Seven Kingdoms and her consort.

The reasons for the tense feeling amongst them all was not solely down to the many buildings or people they had burned, some women present carried bruises and cuts on their bodies pulling ripped or tattered clothes over them. The sellswords around the area were smirking and very proud of themselves, they had enjoyed some raping and pillaging on their way through the city after all what was the point of fighting and risking their lives if they couldn't enjoy themselves. Many would be using their stolen gold tonight to pursue more vices.

However that was not the 'main attraction' for some, instead that was a group of dishevelled people were kneeling, bound and gagged in front of them. The Queen Mother, the Queen, the remaining Kingsguard, the New Small Council, head of the Gold Cloaks and the High Septon. Alicent Hightower and Helaena Targaryen both had been consumed by their grief and did not seem to care about their situation or what was likely to happen to them.

The High Septon had his eyes wide with fear, looking pleading to the Queen who just smirked at him. Some of the Small Council had similar expressions on their faces but the knights of the Kingsguard just glared at them with defiance.

"These are the traitors that tried to usurp my crown." Rhaenyra said with anger, speaking as loudly as she could. "Now they lie broken at my feet and begging for forgiveness but I cannot forget the theft of my throne, the war that they have started...the death of my son." She said refusing to let any tears run down her cheeks where they could be seen.

"The children of the usurper will face my judgement soon enough." She said causing a look of anger and disgust to spread through the crowd at the idea of killing two young children. "But first, I will rid the world of these traitors and cast them down in the Seven Hells where they belong." She said and without another word Daemon and his 'special' squad of men known for not just being capable in battle but also for a vicious and mercurial nature all walked up to the prisoners and with their swords, spears, axes or morning-stars began butchering the Greens in full public view.

The hacking and brutal deaths of the Greens however generated no cheers or cries of justice being served, to many in the crowd it was an act of murder. No trial had been given and no words of protest permitted, to the righteous and law abiding it was a tragedy and would sour their view of Rhaenyra and Daemon. Their earlier horrific murder of Prince Jaehaerys who was described by many as a charming young boy and their call for the heads of Aegon's two remaining children who had committed no crime against anyone only made things worse.

Many homes would be whispering that night of their disgust at their new Queen and wishing for the old days when Viserys had ruled more each day.

Rhaenyra however only celebrated her 'victory' that night, getting drunk and having to be put to bed by her annoyed son. Daemon who had been hoping to share her bed tonight was also drunk but still able to move and looked for someone else to enjoy the night with. He was going to send for girls from the brothels in the city but saw Nettles wandering the corridors and leered at her tight ass. She saw him as he made a drunken grab for it and gave him a cold glare.

"I don't think the Queen would approve and I don't sleep with married men." She told him with disgust before turning away to make her escape. Daemon with his judgement impaired by drink and rage at the escape of Aegon's children not to mention the Stormlands and Reach refusing to bend the knee could not take another insult.

Nettles did not realise the attack was coming till his fist slammed into the back of her head, she fell to the floor stunned and disorientated. She was unable to stand or resist as he forcefully turned her over and then pulled her breeches down followed by his own.

Casterly Rock, the Westerlands…Three Days Later…

The castle was alive with a sense of relief as the war seemed to be over and Ser Tyland had returned to assist their lady in ruling till the young lord Loreon came of age. Truth be told many thought the lady would be fine doing that on her own but Tyland now stood with her and silenced those that would have tried to usurp the power that belonged rightfully to House Lannister. That Tyland seemed to be quietly courting Lady Johanna was a source of great gossip in the castle but only with discretion.

The fact that the Black Army outside had yet to leave made some wonder if they were waiting for a moment of vulnerability to attack the castle but many realised that the army was merely taking some time to train up newer members while enjoying the 'facilities' of nearby Lannisport.

One of those that were dedicating themselves to their training was the young Prince Jacaerys who who stood in the circle of men while engaging in one on one combat. Harry and some of the others looked on to observe their future king's progress, he had skill Harry thought as Jacaerys managed to block an attack from one opponent quite easily but was very unimaginative in his movements, they were exactly as he had been taught by the knights hired by his mother and seemed unable to deal with more than one opponent at once as was proved moments later when a man suddenly attacked from behind and he was unable to move quickly in time to block it.

Jacaerys was disappointed in himself and it was made worse by the sight of the lords that were now his allies looking on. He was not too worried as he was far better at administration and economics, skills which would see him in good stead when he became king and would need to govern the lands under his control. That made him feel better about his lack of experience at swordsmanship and vowed to practice everyday to make himself a better warrior.

Taking a break he took a towel offered by one of the squires and wiped his brow clean of sweat before returning to his tent, he could have stayed in the castle but he wanted to sleep amongst his men rather than the castle and even ate the same food as they did. He hoped that they would respect him more if he lived more like they did, like Harry and a number of the lords who commanded the army did.

When he got there a message from his mother was waiting for him, he recognised her writing and opened it eager to see her agreement that he had done well and expected to see the first loan he would arrange with House Lannister.

What he found instead honestly made his earlier good spirits sink faster than a stone and stab pain straight into his heart.

Are you mad?

Forgive the Lannisters! After they betrayed me and fought for my bastard brother! 

I don't care what gold they offer, kill them Jacaerys. Tyland Lannister, Johanna Lannister and the babe! I need to send a message how I will not tolerate it and if you must show mercy then spare one of the youngest daughters. I can marry that one to Viserys and get the gold as their regent. Also I want Harry Peverell removed from command of the army, preferably dead. Visenya may actually become useful again that way and it removed a thorn in my side. 

I expect this done quickly Jacaerys, do not disappoint me. You father was a pathetic fool and if you follow his example then you are of no use to me. 

Jacaerys was badly shaken at his mother's scathing words, wondering if Lucerys' death had unbalanced her mind. She actually expected him to kill all of House Lannister except the youngest daughter so she could use Viserys to steal the castle, gold and land from them. On top of that she demanded that he also kill his own goodbrother who had fought for their family since the start of this war and owed much of their victories too.

She had gone mad Jacaerys thought with despair and now became more worried than ever for Joffrey who was still with their mother. What was she capable of now? He thought with fear, anything he reasoned her pursue of power and her lust for vengeance had overtaken all else it seemed and he honestly didn't know what to do.

She was still his mother and he loved her despite all she said and did but at the same time the thought of following through with her orders made him feel sick to his gut. None of them had done anything to deserve this and while his first thought had been to simply destroy the letter, he stopped himself and instead spoke to the steward who attended to his needs.

"Tell Lord Peverell I need to speak to him and his friends at once in the main tent."

The steward was a dutiful one and quickly returned with word that they were waiting for him. Jacaerys nodded and went to the tent where he saw Harry and his allies waiting along with Tyland Lannister, they all looked at him with curiosity at why they had been summoned but he said nothing instead just passed the letter his mother had sent to Harry who read silently and then aloud for them all too hear. The reactions were understandably shocked and deeply concerned. Tyland Lannister in particular given that it called for the deaths of his entire family.

Harry merely stared calmly before asking.

"What do you intend to do about it?" Jacaerys felt all their eyes turn to him and he had to swallow his nervousness before answering.

"Confront her this has gone too far."

A moment of silence followed as they all started speaking at once I such a jumble that it was nearly impossible to work out just who was saying what but eventually Black Aly made herself heard.

"It's too dangerous, at best you'd never be allowed to leave. At worst..." She said trailing off as while none of them wanted to think that a mother might harm her own son it was a possibility. With the way Rhaenyra and Daemon were acting they were capable of anything.

"That's why I am leaving a will that I want you all to witness." Jacaerys said stunning them all with his plan. "If something happens to me and Joffrey then I pass my crown to my brother Aegon the Younger. I can only hope that you will help him as you are helping me."


Harry was silent through the conversation and witnessing of the will being written, glad his block now had the Lannisters as a member and impressed at the young prince preparing for the worst. Aegon was a more stable choice as an heir he realised as their was no question of his legitimacy and he alone was outside the influence of his mother at the moment. If something did happen to Jacaerys and Joffrey their cause would not be lost.

That being said Harry could not in his conscience allow Jacaerys to enter that snake pit alone and decided to follow in secret and ensure he got out of there alive and well. A slight depression coming on as he realised that the war had now apparently stopped being about the Greens vs the Blacks and was now about the Blacks vs the Blacks. How had things gotten so bad so fast Harry wondered with despair and could only hope things did not get worse.


Cregan too was troubled at the thought of yet another struggle starting when this one was not over yet. He honestly was starting to believe that something was wrong with the entire Targaryen family although some like his wife and her cousins seemed like a good sort, the rest he thought were rotten like bad fruit.

Still he cheered himself by examining the plans Lord Patroni had devised for a new canal with its ingenious lock system in places to aid the movement of boats across the land and the new fortifications to defend them. He was now more sure of his decision to allow the Patronis to settle in the North and vowed to allocate a plot of land to them so a proper holding could be constructed. Lord Patroni had indicated a belief that there might be valuable minerals in the Frost Fang Mountains and while he doubted that personally it was something worth investigating just in case he found something worthwhile whatever it might be.

Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

The gates of the city were firmly closed as wagons containing food from the Reach failed to arrive, no one willing to sell to the city was in a position to send anything and Rhaenyra had sent word to her two dragon riders Ulf and Hugh to get the flow of supplies moving again but both men had been strangely silent. Many members of the Small Council were growing very concerned by this as the two men had powerful dragons under their control and the thought of them going rogue honestly was terrifying.

However things were about to get far worse as men under the cover of darkness moved to the storehouses were the existing supplies that fed the city stood and with torches, setting the hay bays and wooden buildings aflame. Cries of locals alerted the sellswords that now guarded the city who with incredible disorganisation started fighting the fire, pulling down buildings and using buckets only when Daemon arrived with his new Gold Cloaks and established order.

The lack of food instantly made the already upset and scared people of the city begin to riot, eager to get their hands on anything that they could eat, a riot that Daemon put down with the Sellswords who instantly began looting and raping at will with no one to stop them.

To make matters worse in an effort to increase funds to pay for the war and for more food to be shipped in from other sources Lord Celtigar the Master of Coin raised punishing taxes on the people. Although the treasury left by the Greens had enough gold to do so without raising taxes to such high levels, it was more a punishment of the people for supporting the deposed Aegon.

Underneath the surface a simpering tension and anger brewed, one sure to explode when provided with enough of a spark.

Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

Alyn Velaryon was flying high over the island on patrol, feeling comfortable on the back of Grey Ghost as they enjoyed flying for the sake of it. He had nothing to fear he thought, with the last of the Green Dragon Riders down south in Oldtown there were no real threats here.

The low cloud cover that night did spoil the view somewhat but he didn't truly mind, it helped him ease his mind and sleep easier when he took a flight in the evening.

The attack came so suddenly that he had no chance to react as a dragon emerged from the clouds and dived straight at him, biting deeply into Grey Ghost's neck and snapping it with a vicious twist. Alyn was helpless as his dead dragon plummeted down towards the ocean below, alert and able to see death coming right until impact.

The attacking dragon was once one of the most beautiful of all the dragons with great size and stunning gold scales but now half of them were covered with burns and scars that could not heal properly.

Still the male dragon kept himself aloft with his rider as they came in to land in the yard of Dragonstone, the men present should have either drawn their weapons or fled at the sight of it but they did not. But in fact they did just the opposite, instead of fleeing they knelt in the presence of their king.

"Dragonstone is yours, King Aegon." A knight said with pride as Aegon slowly and with pain dismounted for his dragon.

"Excellent Ser Marston, I was sure of your success but you have exceeded anything I expected." Aegon said despite wincing as his legs hit the ground. His body had been broken in the crash after his fight with his sister, his legs damaged so badly he could only walk with the aid of braces and a stick. His face and body covered with scars but he refuses to give his sister the satisfaction of killing him, he would have his revenge on her if he had to wait till the end of time he thought with his rage bubbling below the surface.

That anger and hate had kept him alive till Ser Marston Waters had discovered him and found a maester to help him before swearing to his service. He had even taken the great risk to infiltrate Dragonstone and find Ser Alfred Broome, a knight greedy enough to swap sides and recruit men to his cause. He had even told him when Alyn Velaryon took his evening flight to arrange this ambush.

The head of Ser Robert Quince was a good present Aegon thought and his dragon would feast on meat to ensure his health, he stroked Sunfyre's snout and his dragon pressed into his hand. He hoped that his dragon would recover fully poor Sunfyre had scars of his own and was no longer as fast as he had once been...something else his sister would pay for he decided.

He would have to send word to Lord Baratheon and Lord Hightower that he was still alive, to ensure they made preparations for his regaining of the throne. Not to mention cause as much trouble as possible for his sister who if he knew her well would do half the work for him.

There we have it, I had a lot to establish in this chapter as the Dance of the Dragons reaches this new stage. Please review to let me know what you thought.

Next Chapter – Harry and Jacaerys arrive in Kings Landing where a powder keg is about to erupt.

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