
Chapter 11 War Renewed

The war has been going on for roughly ten months at this point.

Also just to make it clear since I was unsure of my sources but Corlys Velaryon is grandfather to both Alyn and Addam Velaryon.

Chapter 11 – War Renewed

Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

Rhaenyra was not heartened by the sight of her ancestor's home as she might have been in the past, her arrival was tainted by her failures in Kings Landing and some harsh insights into her own actions. She had never felt so bereft and uncertain in her life, what had once been a sure thing was now seemingly impossible her ruling this country and now she wanted more than anything was to spend some time reassessing her life and the choices she's made.

She only hoped that it was not too late to make amends, not least with her own family.

As she and the others including Joffrey who had sent his dragon on ahead disembarked the boat she noticed that Ser Alyn Velaryon and Ser Robert Quince were not there and instead the sullen knight Ser Alfred Broome with a company of men. She had often disliked the sullen knight as he while a senior knight had a habit of beating women and the way he had leered at Visenya, that had rubbed her up the wrong way not to mention he was exceptionally sour and not a man she ever saw ruling anything.

She was about to say something when a sight that made her breath stop in her throat and a sliver of ice settle in the pit of her stomach.

Aegon, her half brother sitting on a chair just behind Ser Broome, smirking at her and he said with a grin that honestly made him seem more like a demon than a man said.

"Welcome home."


Old Oak, the Reach Coast...

Old Oak was the seat of House Oakheart, an old house in the Reach that had once been on the front-lines of struggles against both the Westerlands and Dorne when they had been at war with the Reach but those days were long past and now they stood as one of the few Reach houses that had declared for Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and had been afraid since Daeron Targaryen had come to the Reach not to mention Ulf the White and Hugh Hammer that they were going to be attacked.

However they were wrong to fear an attack from either the south or the east as their position as one of the Reach's northern most settlements had another disadvantage that they had not first realised.

They were not under the protection of the Shield Islands being further north than them.

So when the hordes of Dalton Greyjoy descended on them they were completely unprepared, their castle instantly closed its gates and its high walls would prevent the Reavers from getting in but that did little good if you were one of the commonfolk trapped outside.

The screams and sounds of death echoed to the men on those walls who broke down and cried, many had families down there and they were desperate to go down there and try to save them but Lord Oakheart who stood with his son watching the carnage only said.

"We must wait for aid before we can dare venture out of the safety of this keep."

However when pressed he would never say just where he expected this help to come from and was glad when a few days later the Iron Born returned North.


Casterly Rock, the Westerlands…

Harry arrived earlier than expected and was greeted as he rode into the castle by Samwell and Tyland who looked glad he was back.

"We heard about things in the capital." Tyland said with concern given how uncertain affairs were now, Harry nodded before saying.

"Yeah, it was a complete mess and honestly I don't think its going to get better anytime soon."

Samwell looking grim told him.

"Well it certainly is already getting worse since two of her new dragonriders have defected and are trying to start their own faction in the Reach, not to mention another one deserted." Samwell explained and Harry looked up alarmed.

"WHAT!" He exclaimed and as they made their way to the hall where the rest of their allies had gathered they told him everything that had happened not only in the Reach and on the coast. Harry honestly wanted to groan in frustration as things seemed to be falling apart faster than they could put them back together. Dealing with the Iron Born was going to be hard enough without having to also contend with two rogue dragon riders each with the ability to destroy castles/towns/armies on a whim. Why had Rhaenyra been so stupid as to give those two bastards dragons? Harry raged in the quiet of his own mind.

"So what now?" Lord Mallister said with urgency especially as his own home was threatened by the Iron Born since it was close to the coast. Harry likewise was getting tired of this and acknowledged the great threat but was not going to fight for such a bad monarch any more, Jacaerys would have his support but perhaps it was time to redeploy their army to protect the coast and their own homes.

The two rogue dragonriders could be dealt with by other means, assassination was perhaps the best method as it would reduce the danger to only one person or a small group. The dragons could be recovered later.

"Lord Mallister and my own vassals with coastal holdings should return home to defend them, the rest of us could stay here for now and protect the Westerlands coast." Cregan suggested and Harry nodded in agreement much to the relief of Tyland Lannister and a number of others. Tyland then passed along his most recent intelligence of Iron Born movements.

"Apparently the thieving bastards have set themselves up at Feastfires and Fair Isle as strategic launching points for attacks against the rest of the western coast."

They all stopped to think as a strike against either or both of those targets would possibly break the Iron Born and send them back to their islands. Something they would have to carefully consider.


Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

In her cell Rhaenyra, now stripped of all her finery and dressed in a rough cotton dress wondered if this was the due punishment for her misdeeds.

Ser Glendon and the few men that had come with her had done their best but they were too badly outnumbered and slaughtered. She grieved for all of them but her most consuming thoughts were for her son Joffrey and had never been more glad that Jacaerys was with the army and her youngest safe in the Riverlands out of Aegon's reach. Honestly she thought that maybe she should kill herself so Jacaerys could take her throne and while filled with the obvious fear of death that was not what stopped her.

What had stopped her though was the knowledge that Joffrey would be treated all the worse if she were not here to be the main target for Aegon's spite. She curled up into a ball as misery gripped her, love trapped here what a cruel irony she thought knowing full well that she would not leave this island alive in any case.

A shadow appeared at her cell door and she looked up expecting to see one of her brother's guards or even him there to try and torment her but was surprised to see the castle's cook who had been there longer than any other member of their household. The old woman was smiling through the grate but it was not the smug mocking smirk she had seen directed at her, instead it was friendly genuine smile and she got up with curiosity.

"Agnes?" She asked knowing the woman by name given how long she had served and was astonished when the woman slipped a long but slim knife through the grate on the cell door.

"You must hide this as best you can your grace, I have managed to slip a similar one to your son and he claimed if the false king is distracted he can summon his dragon to fly him and you to safety anytime." Agnes told her and Rhaenyra took the knife and carefully tied it into her long and thick hair, the only place she could conceal it were she wouldn't be searched.

"No if you can tell Joffrey...if you can that when I give the signal he must flee on his own. Aegon could not dare risk killing me because if he does then Jacaerys would be king and he would lose all leverage." She told her last true ally on this island. Agnes looked aghast at the idea but told her with reluctance.

"As you wish your grace, but what is the signal to be?" Agnes asked and despite her circumstances Rhaenyra smirked, a plan forming in her mind.

"When all the yelling starts."

Casterly Rock, The Westerlands…

Jacaerys arrived the following day and looked incredibly harried, partly because of what was following him they all suspected.

The blasted sellswords from Kings Landing! Harry honestly felt his heart sink as that rabble descended on them, then just when he thought it couldn't get any worse Daemon appeared on the back of his dragon.

Harry was appalled at this, he needed this rabble and this arsehole like he needed a hole in the head.

Jacaerys landed and all the Blacks acknowledged him as the Crown Prince with a bow that returned with respect and as Daemon landed his dragon, dismounted and approached Jacaerys who turned to face him with the Black lords behind him.

"Well boy, why isn't the army ready to move out? There are two traitors and the Reach to deal with." Daemon demanded the moment he was close and he glared straight at Jacaerys, trying to assert dominance and take control. Jacaerys did quiver a tiny bit as he faced his stepfather but held his ground and stared straight back at Daemon without flinching.

"This army is not yours to command and I have decided they will stay in the Westerlands to defend its coast, if you want to lead the sellswords against the traitors be my guest but this army is staying here until we have dealt with the Iron Born." Jacaerys said with an edge.

Daemon seemed taken aback at how the young man in front of him was challenging him and more so when he realised that all the Black lords; Northern, Riverlands, Vale and even Westerlands now all took a step forward together standing behind Jacaerys to show their support.

His anger spiked as his authority was once again being denied he snarled at them openly which only made him seem less suitable to lead them in their eyes.

"I'm married to the Queen." He snarled trying to pull what he imagined was a trump card but Jacaerys told him coldly.

"And I'm the Crown Prince, you are the Queen's Consort nothing more." Jacaerys said, that only made the air around them more tense. The sellswords all looked confused they had been eager to 'explore' the delights of Lannisport like they had Kings Landing. Seeing the rough looking crowd after what Harry had told him about how they had conducted themselves in Kings Landing was enough to make Tyland Lannister wade in on the discussion.

"And these sellswords are forbidden to enter Lannisport or Casterly Rock. I will not put my people at risk given their previous behaviour." Tyland said sternly and the sellswords that spoke the common tongue instantly started complaining and shouting with anger.

However the glares between Jacaerys and Daemon tool centre stage, as their contest of wills played out. Neither willing to give way to the other and both holding firm to their own beliefs.

Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

Rhaenyra had waited for almost two days before finally being 'summoned' to the courtyard, seeing her half brother sitting there on a gilded chair with guards surrounding him wearing Aegon the Conqueror' crown and having Blackfyre once again would have once angered her so much that she would have screamed in fury but with a will born of knowing this was possibly the most important thing she could do in her life and quite possibly the last she suppressed her rage and stayed as calm as a millpond as she walked with as much dignity and composure as she could manage.

The rough hands of the guards meant nothing as she stood tall and proud, not kneeling or showing any sign of fear which she knew would anger Aegon immensely but until the moment she was waiting for came. The sight of the wounded and scarred Sunfyre made her pity the poor dragon for a moment as it had not been his fault he was bound to such a person, however it did in another way lift her spirits as she saw her plan come together.

"STRIP HER!" Aegon said loudly and with great sick joy as he hoped to humiliate her no doubt but as her simple cotton garment was ripped roughly away from her she merely stood there without a shred of shame or embarrassment.

Aegon was astonished as his half-sister's body was revealed to him for the first time, he had not seen her up close in years since her daughter's wedding and she had been a fat and ugly cow back then with considerable girth and a sagging face.

But now…

He had no idea just how she had effected such a transformation but her body was perfect. Not a sight of fat or stretch marks that he knew women got when they gave birth, not to mention her face now was as soft as a much younger woman and not sagging at all. His eyes went lower and he noticed that her body was so perfect that it could well have been professionally sculpted with big teats, a flat stomach and her legs were elegant and shapely. He could not help but feel his breeches become at the sight of her and wanted her more than he could have believed possible given how much he hated her.

He had planned to just have her paraded naked around all his men but a new plan formed in his mind, one that brought the smirk back to his face and would be far more degrading to her.

"If you want your son to live and your other children when I destroy wherever you've hidden them then you will serve your king on your knees!" He said loudly to the men around him who all jeered excitedly.

Rhaenyra honestly was revolted, she knew exactly what he wanted and why. It disgusted her so much that she wanted to call him out on it and level all the worst insults she could imagine at him but kept her words to herself as she was forced by the guards to make her way forward towards Aegon.

She just had to wait until the time was right.


Elsewhere in the castle the cook had as quietly as possible released Joffrey from his cell and the young boy was reluctantly climbing the Dragonmont and trying to reach Tyraxes from a place where they could escape with enough time to outrun Sunfyre. His mother had told him to either flee to Jacaerys in the Westerlands or if he couldn't make it that far to go to Driftmark which they hoped was still in loyalist hands. He desperately wanted to go to save his mother but her orders had been strict and he realised his brother needed to know that Aegon was still alive.

Behind him he heard a crunch of stone and turned quickly to see to his horror that the traitor Broome was climbing up after him. Panic drove him to keep climbing as fast as he could and through the bond they shared desperately call Tyraxes to him. He could feel the dragon had been sleeping and was not quick to rise but he needed him now!

The unsteady ground was not helping him stay ahead of Ser Broome who was fast catching up to him, he scrambled desperately up the hard slope until he felt a sharp metal object stab into his unprotected back.

Ser Broome gave a nasty little smirk as he stabbed the boy many years his junior in the back with a dagger but was suddenly shocked when a dragon appeared and batted him hard with its tail. Had he not been wearing protective plate his ribs would have all been broken but he would be incredibly bruised as he rolled down the Dragonmont.

Joffrey though with all his strength and the dagger still in his back climbed onto his dragon and urged him to take off. Tyraxes, now feeling his rider's pain quickly did as he was told and flew south east as Joffrey clung on tight in great pain, his body loosing blood.

He clung on tight and urged his dragon on as his determination and pure will gave him the strength to stay awake and hold on to his dragon as they flew away.

He had to get to Driftmark, Joffrey thought desperately as he continued on his mission. He had to warn his family.


Rhaenyra was unable to think of anything at that moment as her head was forced forward to take in as much as Aegon's filthy cock as it could. She wanted desperately to empty the contents of her stomach but she didn't fight back. She waited patiently for the sign her plan was working.

Aegon was amazed at how good his sister was at this, he sighed blissfully she missed her calling on the Street of Silk he thought with mirth and decided to test her cunt later tonight preferably in front of her son.

To make him watch as his mother was taken again...and again.

A shadow fell across the yard as he opened his eyes to once again revel in the sight of his oh so proud and mighty sister on her knees sucking his cock. He like many of his men saw a dragon with a small figure clutching its back. They were all so confused that no-one was paying attention to what Rhaenyra was doing.

The very thing she had been waiting for, that her son was safely away.

So with all the force she could muster she bit down hard.

Aegon's screams were music to her ears as she managed to bite completely through his pathetically small cock and spat it out as the shock held the men in place. However faster than again of them could blink she rushed forward, breaking free of the men who had been holding her, straight past her ailing enemy and at the prone Sunfyre pulling the knife from her hair and plunged it straight into the dragon's exposed eye.

It was a thin blade but longer than normal and sharp, long enough that it went straight through the eye and into the dragon's brain. Sunfyre did shudder for a brief moment before slumping down dead, Rhaenyra pulled out the knife and turned to face the men who were all looking at her with disbelief and a little bit of awe given she had just killed a dragon by herself while Ser Marston did his best to stem the bleeding from Aegon's severed penis while screaming for the maester. Rhaenyra, her mouth red with blood that also covered her breasts and stomach making her both disturbing and alluring at the same time.

"Now my sons will destroy you! Jacaerys is the king!" Rhaenyra said with triumph and before anyone could stop her, she plunged the knife which was still covered in blood from Sunfyre straight into her own belly as hard as she could before pulling it out.

The pain she felt was excruciating, more than anything she had felt in her life but as her vision darkened and her life literal poured out of her she smiled, now Aegon had no dragon, had stepped out into the open again and would never father another child. He was vulnerable and her sons could finally destroy him.


Godric's Hollow, the Riverlands…

The night was quiet at first, no sign of any trouble or issues and the Peverell family and their guests were sitting in the hall eating their dinner. The atmosphere was good with the parents presently spending time with their children while Visenya and Rhaenys gave the three young Targaryen children and Aenar their attention.

That was until a very loud boom filled the hall.

Everyone jumped to their feet in shock with the younger children looking very alarmed at the unexpected noise, the distant roars of Rani and Meleys did not help matters.

"What was that?" Rhaenys asked in alarm but James, Lily, Sirius and Amelia all shared a look before Lily told her and Visenya.

"We'll handle this, go down into the lower levels and wait." She said with a stern voice that allowed no argument, Visenya saw them fingering their wands and realised this was probably a magical thing and without a word she gathered her younger siblings as well as Harry's siblings and started moving them and Rhaenys out of the hall. Rhaenys tried to say something but a harsh look from Lady Amelia and Lady Lily stopped her in her tracks.

Lily knew immediately that was the ward she and the others had set up when the Faceless Man had attacked them, it was a basic one but very useful as it only allowed magic users that had been keyed in to enter the town and if someone who wasn't keyed in tried to it made a loud boom in the castle to get everyone's attention. The four of them rushed to the gates of the town moving faster than they ever had before and were so focused and alert that no words passed between them.

This town was under attack and they had to defend it.

The ward was visible as they all reached the gates and saw guards near panicking at what looked like blasts of magic being thrown against it. They all knew that while effective this ward could be overwhelmed so they rushed forward to see just what was attacking them and all stopped cold at a sight that they had never expected to see again.

"Bellatrix!" Sirius said with horror, his evil cousin who had been the one to kill him in the other world and merlin only knew how many other people...not to mention what she had done to Frank and Alice.

Her grin which had been small suddenly grew wider, almost impossibly wide and somehow was more sinister because of this.

"Little cousin!" She said her voice full of dark pleasure. "It seems that finally my prayers are answered, magic to consume." She said with glee, her eyes wild and none of them had even a moment to focus on what she had said before she attacked them.

Lily was her first target, no doubt because in the other world she had been a 'Mudblood' but she pivoted out of the way and was glad her old skills were still sharp and James immediately sent a strong curse at Bellatrix who just laughed as she batted it aside.

That disturbed all of them, Bellatrix hadn't been able to do that before but they had no time to reflect on her seemingly greater power as they continued the fight.

Working as two separate groups they started attacking Bellatrix quickly from multiple angles, Lily and James, Sirius and Amelia. Moving in a circle around her, one attacked then immediately followed by another. Throwing whatever curses and spells they could think of at random to try and throw her off.

Lily sweated with effort as she threw a blood boiling curse, the darkest spell in her arsenal at the bitch who had tortured her friend into madness but Bellatrix just batted it aside and Sirius had to move quickly to dodge it. She refused to give up and let this mad vicious whore near her children and with her emotions now fuelling her magic she cast stronger spells.

James, Amelia and Sirius stayed as calm instead and kept up their attack, the rapid pace meaning Bellatrix was too busy defending to attack but that didn't seem to bother her and she just laughed at them...watching as they tired themselves out.

But she did seem to be getting slower Amelia thought with sweat on her brow, so the obvious question was which would break first, her defence or their attack.

Fortunately they didn't have to find out.

A fifth curse suddenly burst out of nowhere and hit Bellatrix, making her stumble more so when more curses hit her shield. Four figures burst forward and with wands or staffs joined their efforts.

The defenders had no time to wonder just who these mystery wizards were but the suddenness of the attack and having more opponents caught Bellatrix off guard and she glared at all them seeming to nearly foam at the mouth.

With a high pitched screech she threw down a bag that enveloped the area in complete darkness, it cleared quickly but by the time it did she was gone.

The eight of them were left standing there alone, turning rapidly to find any sign of the monster they had been fighting but found nothing. So they looked to each other and both sides were gripped with shock and surprise.

"Moody!" James, Lily, Sirius and Amelia all exclaimed in surprise, the old grizzled auror who had fought dark wizards before they had been born and was a legend worthy of remembering. He likewise was surprised by them.

"What the fuck are all of you doing here?" He asked, not believing his eyes that old comrades long dead had returned before his eyes.

His companions meanwhile were confused, Fred had met Sirius before and after his death in the Ministry of Magic had never expected to see him again. The others though were confused by the man and woman that resembled Harry Potter and eventually Cedric realised just who they were.

"You're James and Lily Potter." He said with awe never having expected the parents who had literally given their lives to defend their son. Colin and Fred were astonished too and then saw Amelia Bones who both of them knew had died at Voldemort's hands.

"Perhaps we should continue this inside? I doubt Bellatrix has gone far and I need a drink after that." Sirius said feeling more winded than he was happy with given his mad cousin's strength.

They all silently agreed and went back inside, the children and other guests could finish their meals in their rooms as they had much to discuss.

Driftmark, the Narrow Sea…

Addam Velaryon was in the yard practising with the knights sworn to his family while his grandfather Lord Corlys Velaryon stared wistfully out to sea from the castle's walls. Dreaming of the great sea voyage to the far off places that many in Westeros had never even heard of, he had always planned to go but something continually delayed him time after time. This time it was this blasted war but he was determined that the moment it was over he would leave things in the hands of his grandsons and simply take his ship, the Sea Snake and do it. He swelled up with satisfaction at his own private declaration and took a deep breath of the invigorating sea air.

Gods he loved the sea Corlys thought with a smile. He had sailed with his own grandfather to Pentos when he was only a boy of six and had been sailing ever since. It was truly the one thing he enjoyed above all else.

He looked towards the stars that lit up the night sky along with the moon and suddenly caught something in the distance. At first he thought it was merely a bird but then as it grew closer he realised it was far bigger and more dangerous.

"DRAGON!" He called out in warning to his men, all of whom including Addam all froze for a moment before rushing into action. Men on the walls rushed to load the ballista and Addam called his own dragon Seasmoke to him but then as the dragon came closer Addam noticed something.

"Its Tyraxes, Prince Joffrey's dragon." He declared and most of the men sagged in relief, realising this was not an attack that it would almost impossible to defend against but rather a surprise visit my royalty.

However when Tyraxes landed roughly and Prince Joffrey with a bloodstained shirt slid off his back a sense of horror gripped Addam who rushed forward and yelled out.

"GET THE MAESTER NOW!" Addam took the injured Joffrey in his arms and saw the dagger stuck in his back, trying quickly to apply pressure but the amount of blood lost made his already pale skin appear completely white. Joffrey with a desperate grasp took hold of his collar and said with great urgency.

"You...have to...tell…Jacaerys." Joffrey said with a breathless voice as breathing became more and more difficult. "Mother is dead…Aegon is back."

That stunned Addam who was the only one close enough to hear it but Corlys and the maester who appeared soon heard the rest of what he had too say.

"Mother killed his dragon but she died too...Dragonstone is in his hands. Jacaerys is the king now." Joffrey said before adding with desperation. "Warn my brother...He needs to be ready!" Joffrey said weakly and having delivered his most vital message finally lost consciousness and his heart stopped beating.

"Prince Joffrey. Your Grace!" Addam said urgently as the young prince but he had passed from this world right there in his arms. He turned to his grandfather who looked at him with shock and sadness, not just for the young prince in front of them but the knowledge that for Dragonstone to be in the hands of Aegon, well Alyn had to be dead too.

Two men allowed the prince's body to be taken away while they in their grief for the grandson and brother that they had lost retired to their rooms to mourn in private. Tomorrow they would begin to rally their men and since Aegon had no dragon now they would attack Dragonstone as soon as they were able. The lords of Crackclaw Point had stayed loyal to Rhaenyra so far and should answer their call for aid, that would give them the men they needed. It might take a week or two but they would be able to mount some kind of attack.


Dragonstone, the Narrow Sea…

Aegon was drinking milk of the poppy like it was ale to stifle the pain of his lower regions. The place where his manhood had once been.

His mind was a dark place, his only consolation that the bitch was dead but the cost of his dragon...his only true companion...that was worse than any physical wound.

He wanted to try and claim another since many dragons now called this island home but his injury meant he could not climb the Dragonmont and they would not descend to anywhere he could reach them.

The letters from the Reach did not improve his mood, whinging of the lords for his help and protection from the two bastards the bitch had so stupidly given dragons too only made him furious at their weakness. Apparently they were raping and killing noblewomen but no one tried anything to stop them on their own.

He hopefully could rely on his enemies to deal with them for him as he no longer had a dragon of his own and needed to find a fresh egg to hatch but the option of hiring assassins did have a small appeal.

The news from the Stormlands was far better as Lord Baratheon had rallied an army of his own and was now marching up the Kings Road towards Kings Landing. The reports he had heard indicated the city was in chaos and would be easy to reconquer, Ser Broome had assured him he had managed to kill the little bastard even if his dragon had flew off with him and his plan to get the nasty little shit that had cut out his brother's eye was already well underway. Ser Broome would have accompanied him to Kings Landing but would stay here to command in his absence.

After that the throne would truly be his, after all what could his bitch sister's littlest whelps do to him? They would be found and killed soon enough.

So with his wounds bandaged he boarded the ship Lord Tarth had so graciously provided and would sail down the Blackwater Rush to go and meet Lord Baratheon and his army, the man was demanding that he marry one of his daughters to his son would too. He could live with that even with an age difference if it got him an army.

As he set sail, leaving Dragonstone in the hands of Ser Broome he looking down and sighed knowing he would never know the pleasure of a woman again but he could still be king he thought with determination, he would find pleasure in other things.

Godric's Hollow, the Riverlands…

The hall was empty of any one non-magical for the first time in ages but as the eight people sat around the table, giving each other a brief recap of their lives here so far before at last the mention of James and Lily's eldest son came into it.

"So Harry is here too?" Colin thought with excitement and hope, Harry would be able to defeat this witch he was sure of it. But Sirius Black just shared a look with Harry's parents before saying.

"Sort of, he is Harry in spirit but not in memory. Not to mention he is leading the army in the Westerlands."

Colin's face fell at that, disappointed but he understood. Any way he had no time to be sad as Professor Moody butted in.

"As charming as this is we need to pin down Lestrange and end her before she regains her strength. That psycho has been draining every magical being and human she can find and after chasing her nearly the entire way around the world I would like it done sooner rather than later."

James, Lily, Sirius and Amelia all felt a stab of fear for their children who they knew would all be drained by the bitch if she got her vicious little hands on them but then James realised something, there was a far greater source of magic nearby.

"The Isle of Faces." James said as worry dawned on his face, the others turned to look at him before he explained himself with worry. "The Peverells when the Seven worshipping Zealots started their invasion gathered a lot of magical creatures to set up a sanctuary on the island, layered it with all kinds of magic to make it almost a separate world and crucially made it impossible for non-magical humans to reach it but Bellatrix..." He said and Lily ended his sentence.

"Has magic, so the wards aren't going to keep her out. Plenty of magical creatures there for her to drain."

"And she will sense it, all that ambient magic." Sirius said with worry at all the havoc she could wreak.

That honestly made them worry, leaving them with only one option to follow her there and see just what it was his family had created and see lands no human had seen for thousands of years.

Feastfires, the Westerlands…

The Black Army, now reinforced with a good number of Lannister men marched down the road towards the small peninsula where Feastfires castle stood. It had so far held out against the Iron Born but House Prester was struggling to keep the bastards out.

For that reason and that this was their main staging ground for attacks along the coast, a strike here would be crippling to their war effort.

The fact that the sellswords had accompanied them and they had two dragons overhead however heightened the tension in the men. The sellswords had been worse than they imagined and had to be constantly watched. At the gates of Lannisport men had needed to be deployed to keep them from trying to sneak into the city and a group of them had raided a local farm, killing the men of the family while brutally raping the women, even the children.

Harry who was riding with his men had put the men responsible to death but it had only soured things further and he honestly wanted more than anything to just get rid of them all one way another. But that he realised with a grimace would only sour things more with Daemon.

The man in question was flying overhead, he had taken a liking to some of the sellswords and now commanded them apparently but the only reason he and the others allowed him to stay was that they wanted both him and them was to be where they could watch them. Gods only knows what trouble they could cause if let loose.

Finally the castle Feastfires came into view and the rabid Iron Born around it, they stopped and Harry looked at the chaotic arrangement and saw that the Iron Born had made a very costly mistake, they were far from their ships moored on the beach and any potential retreat. If they sent a fast cavalry force with torches up the beach they could burn the ships and prevent them escaping.

To deal with the men around the castle they could have the two dragons burn them or press them against the walls till they broke.

He stopped the army and called the commanders together, reluctantly including Daemon and his leading sellsword a vicious looking thug named Carggio from Essos. He was however one of the few that could speak the common tongue and thus one of the few that could translate their orders but still his shifty little eyes made Harry and others nervous.

Harry, Cregan and Tyland dismounted their horses and waited for the others. Lord Bracken and Lord Mallister were the first to arrive while Lord Frey and Black Aly took only a moment longer, Daemon sulkily made his entrance and Jacaerys then approached with Lord Samwell Blackwood and behind them Carggio and a pair of his men.

It honestly seemed so normal that all of them felt nothing was amiss, until Black Aly with her keen eyes turned to her brother to offer him a smile when she saw just past him the sellswords drawing daggers. Time seemed to slow down as she screamed out a warning but as they looked on, the sellswords planted their daggers right into Samwell and Jacaerys' backs.

Harry and Cregan rushed forward and tackled the sellswords while Tyland called out for the maesters and healers in the camp, the Kingsguard knight rushing forward. Mallister and Frey took down the sole remaining sellsword and Black Aly ran over to cradle her injured brother while Daemon stood there in shock. Harry knocked Carggio out cold with an armoured elbow to the head before going to see what he could do for Jacaerys.

The most dramatic reaction came from Vermax however, the dragon as if feeling the pain and betrayal of his rider went crazy and roared so loudly it burst the ear drums of all the men close to him. He took off and without any guidance dived on the sellswords who could only scream as he bathed them all in fire before taking off to do the exact same to the Iron Born leaving their army alone completely.

Harry tried to use some healing magic as covertly as he could on the young prince but his knowledge of this kind of magic was very limited. None of his family or their associates were particularly skilled in healing magic and with Phoenix tears available it had not really been necessary.

However as he called Fawkes through their bond all he got no response. A deep and dark sense of foreboding filled him as he looked at the young prince who was now being fed milk of the poppy to dull the pain.

Then just to make things worse, a messenger approached having ridden all the way non-stop from Casterly Rock and as the prince couldn't accept the letter Harry did in his place.

The contents made the ground feel like it was dropping away beneath his feet.


Samwell had died right there in Aly's arms, the dagger having pierced his heart and was now being prepared by the Silent Sisters for transport back to Raventree Hall. Aly had needed to be physically dragged from her brother's side and now was in an induced sleep.

Jacaerys meanwhile was still holding on and his dragon was only allowing certain people near him, Harry had called and called for his phoenix but there had been nothing. In a quiet moment he had actually gone back there in person to retrieve some tears but all the Phoenixes in the tower had vanished, scared off by an attack carried out by a dark witch.

And because of the fragile and delicate nature of the tears they had to be used within minutes of being created, no magic could preserve them and if tried they often became a deadly poison.

He hadn't managed to speak to either his parents or Visenya during his brief visit and the powerlessness he felt was the most wretched he had ever felt as Jacaerys lay there dying. He had left a message and could only hope that it reached her in time.

"Send word to mother and Joffrey." Jacaerys said with a voice weak, his injuries making him bleed out slowly and tainted with poison from the blade. Harry stayed close while the healers and maesters worked to keep him alive. Harry who had dreaded this moment since the message from Driftmark arrived but knew he had to tell his goodbrother the truth.

"Your grace, your brother and mother are dead. Aegon has returned and the Queen died while killing his dragon and your brother used the last of his strength to escape to Driftmark and give us the warning." Harry told him with regret.

The news took a moment to sink in but a single solitary tear ran down from each eye, like one for each person he had lost but Jacaerys seemed to pull himself together and said as clearly as he could.

"Gather the lords and a septon, I have to die a king and I need them to witness the will I will leave." Jacaerys said and Harry honestly was shocked at the request. Jacaerys took this as meaning he didn't understand why and told him.

"With my mother dead I am now the king, once crowned for however long I live it allows me to secure the line of succession. There has to be no confusion, I have to name my heir officially and leave a will to ensure it is fact. Aegon, my little brother tell me you will fight for him?! TELL ME!" Jacaerys said with a pleading look in his eyes. Harry shook himself out of his shock and took a firm hold of his hand and said clearly.

"I will see that boy on the throne, I will not let Aegon the Usurper and his thugs win." Harry swore to him.

That did seem to ease his fear and so Harry gave him as genuine a smile as he could manage before leaving to meet with Tyland and Cregan who were waiting outside with Elmo Tully. They looked as defeated as he felt at the moment but there was little to be done about that.

"Summon the septon and the lords, Jacaerys wants to be crowned before he dies to secure the line of succession. He wants us to witness his will too so he can hand the throne to his younger brother." Harry explained to them and they were as surprised as him.

"But Prince Aegon is so young!" Tyland said not as young as his own nephew but still far to young to rule alone. Cregan merely glared at him before saying.

"Then a regent can be established, one of us probably till he comes of age. That also gives us time to teach him everything he needs to know and ensure he is ready before he gets crowned." Cregan said grimly knowing this was not going to be easy regardless of what they said. The ambitious would take advantage of the situation in anyway they could and wrest control of the land. They would need a strong power-base to keep that from happening but before that could happen they had get hold of the throne.

"Its either this or we put up with the whore monger." Harry said with impatience. They had no idea how long Jacaerys had left to live and if they were going to follow through with this plan they had to move fast.


Godric's Hollow, the Riverlands…

Visenya sat on her younger brother's bed, one in each arm while Alysanne slept, so young they had thought it best to spare her the news about her older brothers and her mother. Given her age she would likely forget them in time.

But Aegon and Viserys would not she thought with sadness as they cried into her shoulders. The news of mother and Joffrey dying had just reached them and then on the same day they got word that Jacaerys was mortally wounded and would likely be dead within a few days. She held the two boys close and let them spend their tears, she herself was doing all she could to be strong for them when all she wanted to do was scream and rage.

A bloody sellsword! Hired by Aegon the bastard! She thought with fury, that was the cowardly way they had killed her brother!

She waited till finally the two boys had exhausted themselves crying before putting them to bed. She needed to see Jacaerys and it would be easier to go if Aegon and Viserys were not begging her to stay in case something happened to her too. She left her son and younger siblings in Rhaenys and Melody's care while Serenity ran Godric's Hollow, racing on Rani's back to the Westerlands with all speed.


Feastfires, the Westerlands...

The sellswords that had been captured alive were right then wishing they had not gotten greedy in accepting Aegon's coin and that they had not been captured alive.

They had been locked up in the dudgeons of Feastfires but Lord Prester had under duress released them into the custody of Daemon Targaryen who was looking to relieve the tension of the last few days.

The news that his wife was dead did hurt him deeply, she had been the most beautiful fuck he had ever had and the best road to a crown of his own. She had given him sons that he had wanted for a long time not to mention his first daughter (oh yes he thought with a small measure of pride, Visenya was his) but at the same time all he really felt was aggravation. How the hell was he supposed to be king now? He raged.

The prisoners begged him to spare them but he paid them no mind as he put a bucket with a rat in each securely onto their chests and held a torch to the end of each one in sequence. The men's screams were far less satisfying than he had hoped, the death of Jacaerys though he realised created a great opportunity.

His sons Aegon and Viserys were now in line for the Iron Throne, neither would be of age for years yet and as their sole surviving parent and the consort of the last monarch he could rule for them until they were of age.

His excitement grew, nothing to do with the fact that the rats in the buckets started clawing their way through the stomachs of the sellswords. As the regent he would have the power to do almost anything he wanted and the chance to take lands perhaps even Storm's End or Hightower and Oldtown as his own after executing their current owners for treason honestly made him eager to crown his own son as it provided a far greater road to power for a time. Even when he eventually had to give up power to his son he would be rich and powerful, able to do what he wanted.

Then again he thought with a smirk as blood started forcing its way from the sellsword's mouths, who says he had to give up power once he got it? He could easily control Aegon and Viserys, rule through them and make them his puppets.

Yes he thought with his confidence restored by his new plan.


In the small sept of Feastfires a group of lords from the North, Riverlands, Vale and Westerlands gathered with the Septon of Casterly Rock and its maester too not to mention the two remaining members of Rhaenyra's Queensguard.

On a bed that had been carried in sat the pale and weak Jacaerys who had been helped into some fine clothes and was doing his best to look regal even though he was in great pain and facing the fact that he had at best two or three days left to live.

Still the Septon of Casterly Rock with a simple band of gold that the camp's blacksmith had made from a pouch of golden dragons procured from Tyland, placed the makeshift crown on Jacaerys' head and gave the words expected.

"May the Warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times." The Septon said all the words sounding so pointless since he would unfortunately not be king for very long but to crown him properly they had to follow the proper ceremony.

"May the Smith grant him strength, so he may bare this heavy burden. And may the Crone, she who knows all, show him the path he must take and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead. In the light of the Seven I now name Jacaerys of House Velaryon, first of his name, king of the Andals and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms."

The Septon as he placed the crown on Jacaerys head seemed to stop for a moment, the words caught in his throat as they did in all who were close to the young man but with a nod from Jacaerys the septon said with sadness.

"Long may he reign."

"Long may he reign." They all solemnly repeated, knowing he had less days to live than most of them had fingers on one hand.

"Long may he reign." A surprise voice said and all of them including Jacaerys turned to see Visenya in her dragon rider gear standing there with great distress on her face. Jacaerys smiled at his sister who immediately walked over and put her arms around him.

All the lords quickly left including Harry so his wife could spend some desperately needed time with her brother.


Visenya was unable to hold back the tears when she hugged her brother tight, she had dreaded something like this happening and now hated her mother and Daemon more than ever for bringing those damn sellswords to Westeros at all. If Vermax hadn't already killed them already she would have done it herself.

Jacaerys however merely wiped away her tears with a gentle movement of his hand, smiling so warmly at her that she honestly felt like her heart was going to shatter into a million unrepairable pieces.

"I was afraid I wouldn't see you again." Jacaerys said in a quiet voice. Visenya wanted to scream, damn that bloody witch for attacking right now and scaring the Phoenixes off. If she only had a vial of their tears right now she could save her little brother, but there was nothing they could do.

"I had to come." She said as tears continued to run down her face and carefully took a hold of his face trying to smile for him and managing it barely.

"You were always the smartest of us." Jacaerys said with a smile. "You had mother and all the rest figured out right from the start, you always knew it would come to this and got out the moment you could."

"I should have taken you with me." She said with grief, in this war she had already lost two brothers and was now going to lose a third. He however took her hand and kissed it gently, making her start tearing up again and threw her arms around him, crying into his shoulder.

He simply held her, they stayed like that for what seemed like an age till there was a disturbance outside the sept.


Daemon stood near the entrance of the sept, he was glaring at Harry who stood in his path. They had gathered quite an audience as most of the men in the camp looked on, lords, knights and commonfolk alike. Rain started to fall, making the ground slick with mud and soaking them all.

"Let me pass." Daemon demanded with an almost animalistic growl but Harry held his ground and said.

"No, Jacaerys doesn't want to see you and even if he did he is with his sister." Harry told him sternly noticing the vial in Daemon's hand, no doubt he thought poison or something else to 'help' Jacaerys along.

"I lead this army now, I am the father of Aegon the Younger. I am his regent." Daemon snarled at him but Harry who already had guessed his game was unmoved.

"His older brother is king and he will make the decisions, a fact that you would be aware of if you had been less busy torturing prisoners and scheming to get power for yourself." Harry scolded him but Daemon it seemed had taken all he was going to take and with an enraged yell drew Dark Sister and charged toward him.

Harry with now well-honed instincts drew Lady Forlorn and met in the middle.

Everyone looked on mesmerised, not able to look away as the two of them circled each other, swords raised and eyes sharp. Daemon made the first move, dashing in hoping to end this quickly but Harry stepped around it and their swords briefly met in a flash of sparks before separating.

Harry saw another strike coming towards his back but quickly blocked it before leading Daemon away from the sept before counter-attacking with fast series of jabs and thrusts but Daemon proved he was given Dark Sister for a reason blocked each of them as they circled each other, like animals locked in a death struggle.

Daemon snarling as this whelp dared to get in his way charged again, his sword flashing as he did but Harry quickly blocked and forced his sword up to block it, using all his leverage to force Daemon's blade wide before slashing quickly at the older man's exposed leg.

Daemon yelled out in pain as he had been not been wearing his armour and the sword wound although shallow still bled and was quite painful although not as painful as when Harry quickly smashed his sword's pommel into Daemon's head.

Daemon staggered and fell to the floor, unable to stand properly and his vision blurred. Harry quickly pulled Dark Sister from his slacken grip and cut its elaborate scabbard from his waist. Kicking him over so he could look him in the eye. Caraxes snarled and looked ready to come over and kill him on the spot but Rani interposed herself between them and Caraxes seemed intimidated by the other dragon.

Harry waited till Daemon had regained enough of his faculties before saying with all the anger and disgust that had been building up over months.

"You brought those fucking Sellswords here! You and your wife! You are so full of your own arrogance and ambition, nothing else matters. The pair of you lost Kings Landing! You gave those bastards dragons and set them loose on Westeros. You killed Jaehaerys in that disgusting way!" He told him spitting in disgust as the wounded and dazed Daemon could do nothing but listen as did the rest of the camp in rapt attention. Harry looked very intimidating with his intense green eyes burning with rage and his hair sagging around his head.

"Now Jacaerys who could have been a great king is dying and Aegon is only ten years old! Now he has to be king and we have to clear up all the mess you made. I'll give Dark Sister to Viserys when he is old enough and I am sure Aegon will want Darkfyre. But one thing I am sure of is that we will be far better off without you, I won't kill my future king's father nor will I dishonour Jacaerys by spilling blood right now, but you are no longer welcome at this camp or anywhere else the Blacks control." Harry proclaimed with an edge of finality.

He was overstepping his power by saying he was now exiled from anywhere the Blacks controlled and no doubt it was foolish not to end him here and now but given how things were so unstable he needed to be seen as the calm and measured one, not to mention the honourable leader. He had to be strong and decisive without making a rift with young Aegon who now was in line to inherit the throne. He would deal with Daemon if he became a problem in the future. Turning to Ser Royce and Ser Yronwood's who had not left the side of the tent he said.

"Get him to his dragon."

The force of his words was such that neither man hesitated to follow his orders, grabbing the rogue prince by the arms and dragging him through the mud and over to Caraxes, dumping him just before his dragon. Perhaps still stunned Daemon didn't turn around or order his dragon to attack. Instead he got slowly and unsteadily onto the dragon's back and flew away.

Still Harry made a point to double the guards on watch and ready the anti-dragon launcher, just in case he tried to come back and attack.


Jacaerys had not moved from the sept and neither had Visenya, however she held his hand, he dictated his will to the maester with all the lords and knights around as witnesses.

"I, Jacaerys first of his name being of sound mind hereby name Prince Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaenyra and Daemon as my lawful heir and the next ruler of the Iron Throne. Until my brother comes of age authority will reside in the hands of the two people I trust to ensure his safety and provide the education he will require to rule my eldest sister Lady Visenya Peverell and her husband Harry Peverell. They are to be his regents till he comes of age, they will in turn be overseen by a Council of Five made up of Lord Cregan Stark, Ser Tyland Lannister, Ser Kermit Tully, Ser William Royce and Septon Robar of Casterly Rock." Jacaerys said clearly and his throat started to become dry so Visenya gave him a cup of water to ease it before he continued talking.

"Should Aegon perish before he comes of age or passes without genuine issue my brother Viserys Targaryen will become the next king in his stead." Jacaerys said before putting out his hand so he could sign it. The maester finished writing with his quill before handing them both to the ailing young man. Jacaerys carefully wrote his name down before handing it to his sister who reluctantly then added her own name as a witness.

It was passed around the room and each knight and lord present Harry included signed it along with the septon and the maester themselves before they all knelt.

It was a good move Harry thought as he stood next to his wife as she did her best to comfort her dying brother. This way there was no question who was next in line for the throne and who were the regents to be, not to mention by naming a council to oversee him and Visenya they had extra security by having four powerful houses and a septon to represent the faith. It gave them extra legitimacy and since they were allied with all of them should offer a great deal of confidence in the houses.

Also with so many witnesses who had signed that they supported this it meant a strong group could enforce it and to reject it later would be seen as extremely bad taste give it was someone's last request.

Jacaerys merely smiled at all of them and gave as big a smile as he could to Visenya before he closed his eyes, his life and will spent and at last with his job done slipped from this world.

Visenya just sat there holding her brother's hand before Harry came up to her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. She didn't need him to force her away, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to Jacaerys' forehead before gripping his hand one last time before turning and sobbing in Harry's arms. He merely held her and let her do whatever she needed to do. Her pain was so great he could feel it himself and he was going to do whatever it took to ease it even if nothing ever really could he was going to try.

And as his eyes looked at the dead young man that could have been the next great king he swore to himself with anger and incredible loathing that he was not only going to end this war but the usurper with it.

Aegon the Bastard would not survive Harry thought darkly.


Outside Vermax sensed the death of his rider and let out a mournful wail that would surely have been heard for miles. He seemed to be lost in grief for a moment before taking off and flying to the east much to the relief of the men around who thought for a moment he was going to attack them.

Unknown Location, One Hour Later…

Daemon was still feeling the effects of the blow to the head that he had taken from Harry Fucking Peverell and perhaps he realised himself was not entirely able to think straight. He still though had the sense not to go back and attack the ones that had rejected him so instead he flew south at great speed.

The morning sun was strangely beautiful as it rose over Oldtown but Daemon didn't even notice this as his eyes fixated on the single tallest structure in the city, the tower from which House Hightower got its name. His eyes still a little dazed but that became his entire focus, the place were the only threats to his blood sitting on the Iron Throne lived. He didn't even care to remember their names only that this was where they were hiding like rats and as Caraxes and he rushed towards it at break neck speed as all he wanted to do was burn it into the sea.


Daeron was early to rise, he always did so and checked on his young niece and nephew first as he did every morning.

Today though he had been sluggish, slow to rise and as he did an impending sense of dread came over him that he couldn't explain.

However the roar of another dragon soon provided the answer.

He didn't even hesitate to get dressed and ran up the stairs of the tower to the top where Tessarion was waiting for him. His dragon was very anxious and he wasted no time in jumping on its back and taking off, he needed to see just who it was that was attacking Daeron thought urgently.

The red scales and the lean frame were all he needed to see, he knew that dragon by sight as now with Sunfyre and Vhagar dead it was the most dangerous dragon in all of Westeros.


He was struck with fear but steadfast in his duty and pushed any fear he might feel down to do whatever he had to do. Taking off he looked to see to his horror that on each past around Hightower Caraxes was blasting fire through every window and on every surface. The sheer power of the dragon's flames seemed to twist the stone itself and knowing time was of the essence Daeron went straight in for the attack.

Caraxes however seemed to sense the fire and rolled to the side in order to avoid the attack, Daeron pulled up out of the dive and wheeled around before diving sharply when he saw Daemon coming straight at him. Daeron flew faster knowing that in straight speed Caraxes would easily outpace Tessarion so his only hope was to outfly and out-think the other dragon rider.

He barely dodged a blast of fire coming from behind him and was horrified to see it hit the side of the tower that contained much of the personal rooms for House Hightower and also his niece and nephew. He wanted to land and go make sure they were okay but had no chance to do that while they were under-attack.

So he peeled away trying to leading him away from the tower but Daemon didn't take the bait and Daeron saw him continue to attack the tower, Daeron felt a rising panic as he knew his charges were in danger and had to find some way to stop this.

Seeing Caraxes blast away at some masonry and cause it to fall free from the rest of the tower he was struck by an idea. A dangerous one but it was his only real hope of stopping Daemon.

So he and his dragon turned around and charged straight at Caraxes, giving a blast of fire to get his attention before peeling off around the tower. Daemon and Caraxes easily avoided it and pursued them both, Daeron felt the heat from their fire as he and his dragon flew around and around the tower, going lower and lower till he found just the right place.

Committing to one last run around he had Tessarion launch a blast of fire at a masonry covered balcony, Tessarion might not be as fast or as large as Caraxes but his fire burned extremely hot. The heat was such that stone work broke off the balcony and just as he had hoped fell straight on to Daemon and Caraxes. The dragon cried out in surprise but was by large unhurt much to Daeron's disappointment and fear, but a large chuck of stone came smashing down straight on top of Daemon.

He could just about see it, the large black stone crashing down onto his head, smashing it like a melon. Caraxes roared out in rage before blasting the tower once again in anger before flying off the west with the headless body of Daemon on its back.

Daeron was tempted to go after him but instead watched the dragon fly off into the unknown, nothing was really known about what was out there and if it was nothing but an endless expanse of ocean it hopefully would be the last they saw of him. Daeron did not allow himself to feel any triumph at what had occurred though, instead he turned back to the tower and saw to his horror that it was now truly aflame, burning on several levels and smoke rose high in the sky blotting out the top of the tower.


Days Later…

Daeron sat curled up with his dragon his head in his hands and in a state of complete shock and misery.

The bodies of his young niece and nephew had just been carried out of the tower, found clutching each other in terror. The sight of it when he had burst through the door had made him howl in a mixture of agony, horror and grief.

He had failed...again.

He had sworn that he would protect them, made his entire life about achieving that goal since he had left the capital. Now...he thought with depression it was over.

Many of his mother's family had perished too, some had managed to survive not that it meant much to him at that moment as he considered the sword in his hand. His hand moving it so it would be easily plunged into his stomach.

He felt the rumble of his dragon who looked him straight in the eye with almost human concern as if begging him not to do it. He felt his resolve breaking the longer he looked his beloved dragon in the eye, the sword slipping from his fingers and tears coming back to his eyes again.

"Ser Daeron." An unwanted voice intruded and he looked up ready to scold the person that had dared come up to him. It was a maester from the Citadel where administrative control of the city was now being held, the surviving members of his mother's family had found rooms there and would for the foreseeable future until Hightower could be made habitable again. The maester brought him back to the moment with the words. "A message from your royal brother."

Daeron duly took the letter and it felt very heavy in his hands as he stared at it, not wanting to know what was said inside it. The maesters had been the ones to write to the king and tell him of the death of his last children since he had not been able to even hold a quill at that time. He honestly had no idea of just what was said but dreaded just what his brother would have to say at his failure.

Still he opened the letter and slowly began to read its contents.


Return to Kings Landing, the city has fallen and all those who would oppose me are dead. I will require you to put a babe in my new Baratheon wife once she arrives in the city since my injuries prevent me from doing this myself and I find the girl ugly in any case. 

I will also require your dragon to burn several strongholds down to ensure my rule is no longer challenged by anyone. This is something we shall discuss when you arrive. 

His Grace, 

Aegon the 2nd. 

The cold and uncaring words actually put Daeron into a state of disbelief, he had expected ranting at him for his failure even hatred for allowing his children to die.

But instead Aegon was telling him to sleep with his wife and put a babe inside her since apparently he was no longer able or found the girl so ugly she did not excite him.

But then again a nasty little voice that did not seem to belong in his head spoke and said.

'So what else is new?'

Daeron could remember when Jaehaerys had been born, with an extra finger and toe on each hand and foot yes but he had been the apple of his father's eye. A young boy who had been strong and healthy. But his interest in Jaehaera had been none existent, despite being a twin to Jaehaerys he had not even deigned to hold her until their father had noticed and he had done it merely to save face.

He called her a stupid and frigid girl, even to her face and Helaena's too. Daeron had seen her face fall at his words until she seemed to stop caring about anything. His heart had bled for the small girl but she just seemed to become more and more like a statue with a heart that beat for all the emotion she displayed.

Maelor though, Daeron and others had thought that a second son would be celebrated by Aegon but he had not even come to see him for nearly a week after he was born, instead spending the time and gold to enjoy whores. He had been a gentle boy and one scarred by the actions of others...not to mention deprived of a father's love.

He didn't care about either of them Daeron realised with depression gripping him, he enjoyed his worldly vices far too much for there to be room in his heart for two small children and everything that had happened in this war had only squeezed out whatever love there might have been.

Now he was also being ordered to father his brother's children regardless of whether he wanted too or not and having seen most of Lord Baratheon's daughters he had no intention of doing that.

In that moment something strange came over him, a firmness of mind that he honestly had only felt once in his life before that moment. The time when he had removed his brother's children to Oldtown but even then that had been in connection to his duty, this however was something more.

He wanted to ignore his brother's orders and do something purely for himself.

It seemed almost sacrilege, all his life he had taken his brothers orders whatever they were or however distasteful he found it. However this time he could not bring himself to get on his dragon and fly to Kings Landing...not this time.

He wanted to go after the two rogue dragon riders that were terrorising the Reach, to make them pay for all the crimes that they had committed not to mention get those noble beasts away from them.

He was actually going to do something that he wanted...not something his family wanted him to do.

Come what may.

Well that is chapter 11 done and I hope you all enjoyed it, a lot happened but there is a point to this all I swear. Please review and let me know what you thought.

Breakdown of Houses and who they fight for as of this chapter:

Aegon the 2nd(Greens)-

House Baratheon and all the Stormlands.

House Bar Emmom, House Celtigar and House Sunglass of the Narrow Sea.

All Houses of the Crownlands except those of Crackclaw Point. 

Aegon the 3rd(Blacks)-

House Stark and all the North.

House Tully, House Peverell and all the Riverlands.

House Arryn and all the Vale.

House Lannister and all the Westerlands. 

House Velaryon of Driftmark, House Boggs, House Brune, House Cave, House Crabb, House Hardy and House Pyne of Crackclaw Point. 

Next Chapter – The Blacks rally and the Battle for the Reach begins.