{[Hatred is taught through words… The foolish accept it without question… They rally behind hate and are too stupid to see that they've become monsters… Only the brave fight against twisted ideals… And only heroes risk their lives for those who are persecuted and hunted… Heroes kill the monsters that believe themselves to be saints.]}
"It's so boring today," Luna whined. Her eyes shined with innocence. And her face was youthful. A girl who was slowly turning into a young woman.
"Then let's go into town." Another elf spoke to her. She had black hair and brown eyes. As long as Luna was alive, she had never seen an elf with her hair color. Talina was a rarity. "Or do you plan on sleeping on your hammock all day again?"
"I don't laze around all day." Luna stretched her legs and arms and prolonged the word 'all.' "I consider it, recharging from the hard day I had."
Her bodyguard glanced at Luna's body. Then her finger poked her bust.
"What are you doing?" Luna just about fell out of her hammock.
"How do these keep growing?" The black-haired elf gave a jealous pout.
"I don't know." Luna was honest. "They're a hassle sometimes."
"I don't think any man would complain about having a woman with your body."
"You say that, but I catch the gazes of everyone… Men of all types, of all ages, of all races… Even women."
"Sounds like a nightmare." Her friend rolled her eyes. "If you're going to nap all day, again. I'm going to ignore my duties and go into town without you."
"Wait!" Luna tried jumping off her hammock, but it spun, and she fell face-first on top of flowers that grew at the tree's base. The guard scoffed softly. "Talina! Help me!"
Talina rolled her eyes and then did her duty, protecting the princess.
"How are you that clumsy?" Talina glanced through the glass and studied the armor and clothes demi's and humans had created. All of them were enchanted with lush aromas, anti-stain spells, and anti-wrinkle charms, and some were blessed with fabric that kept them warm or cool, depending on the season.
"I don't get out often." Luna smiled.
"You lack stamina." Talina lectured. "For a princess, you're lazy… What will happen when Relana passes into the Endless Forest? All eyes will land on you for guidance."
"My mom won't die for a long time… And did you ever consider I don't want to be the next queen?"
"Our kin will choose who they want. But you'll be an obvious choice." The girls stopped in front of a bakery with half a dozen enchantment stones. Some were to prevent bugs from getting to the food, others to keep the material fresh, and some to capture the attention of customers. "I think you'll make a fine queen."
"Careful." Luna winked at her friend. "Compliments will get you everywhere with me."
Talina rolled her eyes. "Take this seriously… You're a strong woman."
Me? Strong? You're the warrior elf, The strongest royal guard in my kingdom… And I'm just a lazy princess who spends her days napping away, sometimes with wine in my hand and a book in another. I'd make a horrid queen.
"You're wrong." Luna smiled and paid for a handful of sweets with gold coins. The entire city had gold, its streets, its homes, and even the armor of the demi's. It was the most abundant material, and the locals used it for almost everything. "No one would follow me. They'd follow you, though."
"I'm your guardian knight." Talina tilted her head. She wasn't wearing armor, but she carried her sword regardless. "It's my place to protect and uplift you."
"Wrong again." Luna held a cookie close to her friend's lips. "It's your job to let me nap and to wake me up on the rare occasion my mom or dad decides to visit me."
"You're suggesting that I'm your babysitter?"
"Basically, it's not like monsters venture this close to our kingdom. The only nests are deep in the north, where the snow is overwhelming. Or they're hidden away in the most profound parts of the world."
"That doesn't make the soldiers of the Dead God any less of a threat-"
As Talina spoke, Luna slid the cookie into her mouth. "Eat it."
Talina rolled her eyes and did as she was told.
"Good girl." Luna teased with a smile. Talina's face burned red, and she fought her emotions.
Luna smiled, grasping exactly what the knight was imagining. The busty elf adored the power she held over her guardian.
"Princess, will you stop that." Talina glanced away with a bright blush on her face. Her skin was pale, and her black hair and dark eyes always highlighted her face when she was embarrassed.
"I will… But since we're in the marketplace… Let's go visit Bron." Luna skipped away, and Talina's face burned a deeper red. Talina, as always, followed her.
Demi's of all kinds were living their lives. Most of them had a profession that benefited society. Some were soldiers, but that was viewed as a relaxed job, and the people who chose that profession were usually the demi's who were still discovering what they wanted to do with their lives.
Eden was living through the greatest era of peace.
An era where only a few souls had experienced the horrors of war.
Luna rushed into her favorite store, the faint redolence of vanilla lingered in the air. The walls were filled with adventures of heroes, love, and freedom. Luna smiled as she entered her favorite bookstore.
"Good morning, Luna." The salesman smiled at his most energetic customer. He was one of the few humans living in the elven kingdom. Only a few hundred or so made that place their home, but the kingdom was a melting pot of different demi, with the elves being the most common race.
Luna smiled brightly at the handsome man. "Is it here?"
The man smiled brightly.
"Forsaken Kindness, the fourth adaptation to the series." He pointed to a pile of books next to him. "Yes, they were finally distributed."
Luna grabbed her treasure, her fingers gentle with the blessed book. "FINALLY!" She screamed and got a few odd gazes from the other customers.
"Princess!" Talina walked in just in time to tune into her fangirling out. "Did you forget your manners?"
"To hell with manners… I've been waiting two years for this story to continue." Luna hugged the book tightly. To the elf, its cover was a shield, its binding was its flesh and bones, and the ink was its very soul. "I won't leave my room for weeks now."
"Princess." Talina was going to start lecturing her again until Bron smiled at her.
Talina immediately blushed.
"Princess." Talina's tone shifted to a more girly one. The knight was about a head taller than Luna. She was a young elf, but she was an adult nonetheless. "You shouldn't scream in public."
Luna was lost in her own world. She put down a handful of coins, more than she needed to pay, and took a seat. The shop had dozens of them. Some customers preferred to read there, and Bron didn't mind. Instead of rushing home, Luna opted to start her new book then and there.
"She's the same as always." Bron giggled and returned most of the coins Luna had given him. He handed them to Talina. "But she's lucky she has you."
"I…" Talina wrapped her black hair through her fingers. "Thank you, I'm lucky to have her too."
"I have something for you." Bron turned around and handed her a bundle of blue flowers.
"For me?" Talina smiled brightly.
"Yes." Bron rubbed the back of his head. "The offer still stands… If you want to go on a date with me… I'd be honored…"
Talina's face burned red.
Two demi-lions entered the shop and took a quick glance at Bron. Their eyes became disgusted. "Filthy human." They let everyone in the store digest their words.
Bron glanced away. This infuriated the dark-haired elf.
"What's your problem!" Talina glared at the demi-lions. They were physically fit and stood two feet taller than the knight.
"My problem?" The lion scoffed. "I don't have a problem with you, but him, humans… I hate them."
Luna glanced at them. She had only read the first page of her new book.
Again with this… Demi-lions used to pride themselves in protecting the weak… But lately, they've become bullies… Especially towards humans…
"Let me guess, you hate them because they're not as resilient as you, or you hate them because the Goddess blessed them with multiple types of magic, or maybe you hate them for being a short-lived race… Or maybe because you don't like their ears, or how quickly they can have children with just about every demi out there." Talina was disgusted with the demi-lions. "I've heard it all… The only reason you hate humans is because your fat king does, and he keeps telling his subjects to do the same…"
"Lord Lezzio is a great king!" The demi's bared their fangs.
"Great kings don't belittle people who don't fit their ideals." Talina glared at the two lions. "Instead, they uplift those who are different, find beauty in the things that separate our races, and become an inspiration for all beings to better themselves… But you lions… You latch to his every word because he gives you the excuses you want to hear, to hate someone without any consequences… But the truth is, none of you had this hate for humans before. It only started after Lezzio started filling your little brains with it… The irony is, you're too weak-minded to see it… You don't hold a candle to the lions of the Blood Era. Instead, you're similar to the cowardly demi-pigs who fled north and abandoned their demi brothers and sisters, refusing to face the Dead God… They found out the north was filled with monsters, and death claimed them all."
"Fuck you!" The lion reached for his sword. "Don't insult our king!"
"Lezzio wants glory, but he's too cowardly and lazy to lead his people north and destroy the nests of the Dead God. So what does he do? He creates an enemy closer to home, one that isn't a threat. One that has fought alongside us for eons and helped us destroy dungeon after dungeon."
"Humans are weak. They rarely clear a dungeon."
"But they have. They serve our Goddess, and you refuse to acknowledge it." Talina was fuming. "That bitterness in your heart, it's not strength, it's not loyalty to your king, it's fear you hide behind fragile courage."
The lions glanced around. Some customers were uncomfortable, and others glared at Bron with disgust.
The lion walked up to Bron. The demi stood a foot taller with a muscular body. He also had sharp claws on his hands and spiky teeth. "What is there to fear? He's a weak creature."
Bron glanced down. He was a skinny man who wasn't fit for combat.
"It's not his strength you fear." Talina slid herself between the two. "His creativity, perception, and drive for literature make you hiss in terror… You're nothing but a brute who believes strength equals greatness… That's the mindset of weak men."
"I am not weak." The lion wanted to fight her, but she was a royal guard. He feared her skills in swordsmanship and magic. The lion wasn't going to risk his life. Instead, he scoffed at Bron and walked out with his tail between his legs. His friend followed behind.
Talina mocked the lions and scoff. "Assholes."
"Thank you." Bron was timid with his words. "You didn't have to stand up for me. They're also not the first demi's to talk down to me…"
"It's not right." Talina tilted her head towards Bron.
"I'm a weak man," Bron admitted with a distant tone. "It wasn't very manly of me to stay quiet."
"It wasn't very feminine of me to speak up." Talina cocooned into herself now that the lions had left. Without an immediate threat, she presumed Bron viewed her as a woman quick to anger.
"You two are odd." Luna broke the ice, and both Talina and Bron glanced away from each other. "So when were you going to tell me that you're the author of this book?"
Bron's eyes widened, and Talina tilted her head towards him, her hands interlocked behind her back.
"How did you know?"
"We've been friends for years. If anything, I consider you and Talina my best friends… I know your habits… Those habits are present in the hero of your story. For instance, you always sweep the floor twice, and so does the hero. Or how you tend to overuse the phrase 'books are alive in the ink they bleed' that's something the love interest has said more than once." Luna tapped on her new book. "And your store always has this series a week ahead of everyone else."
"It's true… I wrote the series." Bron admitted. Talina smiled.
"You are the poet of this generation." Luna leaned in, using her body to lure in her prey. Talina brought her fingers to her face.
"What are you doing?" Talina asked in a sharp chirp.
Luna ignored her guard. "Can I possibly get your autograph?"
Bron giggled. "Anything for a fan." Bron scribbled on the princess' book as Talina smiled brightly.
"I need to thank you for making the princess so happy over the years." Talina made up her mind. "Bron, I would be delighted if we went on a date."
Finally! The tension between these two has been building over the years.
Luna just about hopped for joy, and Talina's ears slanted down for a few seconds. Her red blush contrasted elegantly against her dark eyes and black hair. Bron squealed happily.
"You adore the stories about heroes." Talina teased Luna as she finished Bron's story for the fifth time. Luna had her head on Talina's thighs. According to the busty elf, her legs were more comfortable than any pillow.
"Yes… But it's a shame…" Luna closed her book. "All heroes die young."
"That can't be true."
"Yes, my brother died in a dungeon before I was born… He held his ground while his men retreated… The dungeon was never cleared… And his soul was devoured… Heroes are like the flame of a candle." Luna smiled bitterly, got up, and held her hand over the candle lighting up her room. "They push away the darkness with their courage, but that light only lasts for a moment… I wish I could've met my big brother."
"Princess." Talina leaned in and hugged her friend. "If the light only lasts for a second… Cherish that second for all eternity… Shelter it from the wind, cover it from the rain, don't panic, and try to add more wax to it… The flame is perfect as it is... That light will destroy the darkness for all future generations."
The girls studied the candle for a few seconds. Luna glanced at her knight.
"I want to meet a genuine hero one day." Luna giggled like a teenage girl waiting for her crush to emerge. "If I ever meet him or her, I'll give them the best parts of myself."
"Knowing you, it'll more than likely be a woman." Talina teased.
"What can I say?" Luna jumped her friend and pinned her against her bed. "The reactions and cute noises women make when I pin them down stirs my heart."
"Princess." Talina's face blushed. "Please release me."
"You're the strongest elf in my kingdom. You win tournament after tournament, besting all types of demi's… Yet you don't have the strength to push one lazy elf off of you." Luna kissed her friend's neck. "Imagine if I decided to take it a step further…"
"Princess…" Talina closed her eyes tightly.
"In the battlefield, you rein supreme… But while we lay in my bed… You obey your princess…"
Talina's breathing accelerated, and her mind tried her best to resist the advancements of her friend.
"But." Luna slid to her side with a huge grin. "I refuse to break the heart of my favorite author… Especially since his series will end with the next book."
Talina took a few seconds to recover.
Luna returned to her book. Debating if she wanted to re-read the series again.
"How do you have that kind of courage?" Talina's hair was a mess, and her face blushed. "I want to be able to do the same."
"For Bron?" Luna teased and ran a single finger across Talina's stomach.
"Yes… We haven't gone beyond kissing… Sometimes, I wish he would just push me against the bed and do, well, what you just did."
"Men are a mystery to me," Luna admitted with a finger on her lip. "I can read their emotions sometimes, but other times… I can't understand what they want… But in Bron's case, it's obvious he wants you."
"Then why hasn't he touched me?"
Luna debated it for a few seconds. "I don't think you should worry… Bron is a romantic. I've seen it in his words… Just give it some time, and he'll take you."
"What if…" Talina covered her face with her fingers. "What if we end up having children."
"Then I'll become their favorite auntie princess." Luna teased brightly. "I'll make sure they have the best outfits the kingdom offers."
"The book is almost done." Bron's hair had grown a bit longer. He was still skinny, but he was much happier.
"The last book." Luna escaped into her imagination. She sat on one of the seats in the bookstore. Behind the counter was Talina. "Don't tell me she's been distracting your writing?"
Talina's face blushed, and she curled a black strand of hair on her finger. "I only distract him on occasions… He's so attractive when he holds a quill and creates a story… I can't help it… Sometimes I lose control."
"Ah, so you're the reason the last book is taking so long." Luna half teased and half insulted her friend.
"I'm sorry." She closed her eyes tightly. "But we have some news."
"Please don't tell me it's another delay."
"No." Talina caressed her stomach. "I'm with child."
Luna blinked five times, and then she stood up, knocking the chair out from under her.
The busty elf hugged her guard tightly. "I'm so happy for you two." She pointed at Bron.
Bron raised his eyebrow.
"You better keep her happy, or else you'll bring about the full rage of my kingdom."
"As you command." Bron bowed, and his hand gently caressed Talina's stomach. "I promise I'll take care of Talina and finish Forsaken Kindness before our child is born."
"Remember you swore an oath to royalty… So keep it."
"Lord Lezzio arrested all the humans in his territory." Talina had recently given birth. She was still recovering and wasn't fit for duty yet. The brunette had charged into Luna's room unannounced. "His kingdom neighbors ours… Luna… Please… What his kingdom is doing, it's disgusting."
Luna, like always, was lazing around. As promised, Bron finished the last book, but it was currently being mass-produced. According to both of them, the moment Bron wrote the last sentence of his book, Talina's water broke. Forsaken Kindness wasn't available to the public yet.
The waiting was torturing Luna.
"They're taking humans, putting them in chains, and forcing them into slavery… Those who refuse are slaughtered… It's disgusting… Why are we doing this to our neighbors?"
"I can talk to the queen." Luna stood up and glanced into Talina's brown eyes as they watered. "The lions will be held accountable for what they've done."
"It's not just them." Talina gritted her teeth. "The rhinos, panthers, bears, eagles, wolves… So many demi's have joined in… They created armies to hunt down humans and force them into servitude… What can we do? How can we help them?"
Luna blinked quickly.
I knew the distaste towards humanity was growing, but I thought it was just limited to the demi-lions… If so many demi's have sided together for this cause… What can we do? My parents, they'll know… They'll make a plan...
Luna and Talina rushed into the throne room. Where ambassadors of different demi's were having conversations with Luna's parents.
Talina stopped Luna since she didn't care if she interrupted everyone. "Why did you stop me?"
"That's the demi-lion ambassador." Talina's ears were sharp. "Maybe there is a reason for this… Maybe magic has something to do with why demi's are enslaving humans…"
"Are all of you a part of this?" Relana, Luna's mother, had a crown made of golden leaves wrapped together and around her ears. Her tone was commanding and echoed.
"Yes." The lion glanced back at his allies. All powerful demi races united behind a cause. "We're only asking you to allow us to purge your kingdom of its filth."
"You're not asking us." Relana corrected the lion. "I know your warriors have already started rounding up the few humans under our protection… Some of my guards turned a blind eye."
Talina's ears slanted down, and her jaw dropped slightly.
"Those guards were wise and finally opened their eyes… They see humanity for what it really is…" The lion smiled. "We just want you to sign this treaty, and together, we'll create a better world… From what we've gathered, this kingdom only has a few hundred humans… Let us take them into our care."
Talina gritted her teeth.
"Mother!" Luna spoke up. This made all the demi's glance at her. "Father… Please… What they're asking for… It's…"
"It's human lives… Or elven lives." Luna's father spoke up loudly. "If we refuse their conditions… We'll be rounded up alongside humanity…"
"Nobody looks down on the mighty elves." The demi-lion bowed. "Your magic affinity is phenomenal, and we wish to continue having friendly relations with your kingdom… We're neighbors after all…"
That's a threat. He's letting my family know that if we refuse they'll slaughter us with their allies…
"What do you hope to accomplish?" The queen asked.
"We've allowed these lesser beings to live like demi's… A mistake that must be corrected… King Lezzio has opened our eyes… His wisdom is unmatched, and he will lead us into a better future… One where the strong stand on top of the world, while the lesser beings will wash our feet, tend to our crops, and obey whatever order we ask of them."
If we refuse, we'll have to fight… Elves don't have the manpower or strength to take on so many demi's…
"What are your conditions?" The elven king asked.
Talina's heart dropped, and her eyes shook.
"Now we're getting somewhere." The demi smiled, deluded by the ideals of his king. He set the treaty in front of the king and queen. "All humans must accept their new place in the world… They shall be sorted out and judged from age to beauty. Then they'll be given to demi's who pay an appropriate fee for them. Anyone found harboring humans will be imprisoned, and in extreme cases, they'll be put to death… From now on, the very act of being human means they must serve a master."
"My king!" Talina bared her heart out. "My queen! Please… Reconsider this!"
The two gave lamentable gazes at their most decorated knight. But all the representatives had warriors with them. Powerful demi's who, if given the order, will bring havoc on their kingdom if they refused. The two had to choose. A small race that resides in their kingdom or the entirety of their people.
They signed the treaty.
Talina shook her head slowly, and her mind returned to her home, to the bookstore. Talina broke away and dashed through the elven kingdom. Luna chased her.
As they ran through the city, the bodies of humans and demi's who had desperately tried protecting their friends and loved ones littered their once beautiful home. A kingdom that glittered with gold, with a delightful aroma of different breads and cookies. Now, it painted a new picture.
It reeked of iron, and the gold diminished with the blood that stained it.
Why is this happening? What changed us? And why am I so powerless? I'm a princess. I'm supposed to have some power…
But the worst part was that some elves were helping collect and chain up humans. They had yet to receive the order, but they had chosen where they stood. They had thrown away all their empathy and laughed as they stripped the clothes off women, whipped those who fought back, and ran their swords through the bravest of humans and the demi's that protected them.
I want no part of this… These people are my neighbors. Many of them I watched grow up… That's the woman who makes cookies and the young man who sells coal… And her, she's the woman who delivered Talina's daughter… She's… She's dead… Killed by elven arrows…
Luna's eyes watered. These were her subjects. She didn't give a damn what their race was. They were men and women who traded goods, helped each other when they were sick, and were people whom Luna respected.
I can't help them… I can't help any of them… What can I do? What can I do? WHAT CAN I DO!
The elven girls stopped in front of a bookstore, which was partly on fire. Even so, both of them rushed into it.
Inside was the last stand of a desperate man. His blood painted the books he adored, the chairs he kept comfortable for his customers, and the tea Talina suggested selling alongside the books.
A place where friends gathered and where love sparked.
Reduced to blood, flames, and ashes.
Bron lay on the ground, one hand gripping a blood-stained short sword Talina had gifted him. The other cradled an infant.
Two dead lions with their throats cut wiggled, one rhino with multiple stab wounds to his chest had destroyed a few chairs in their fight, and two dead elves lay at his sides. They were the demi's the skinny man killed to protect his little girl.
Talina knelt down next to his body. Her face broke into a million pieces, her hands stained with his blood, and her tears and screams tortured the very fabric of the world.
Bron… How could this happen to my friend… Why? Why are my own people participating?
"Talina?" Luna glanced around. The bookstore was quickly burning away. "We need to go!"
"You liar… You are a fine warrior. Your strength rivals that of dragons…" Talina kissed Bron's cheek one last time. She gently grabbed her daughter, who was wrapped in a blanket, and the two women rushed outside of the building as it burned away their precious memories. Thousands of stories, most of which Luna had read, the building Bron had built from the ground up… A place Talina imagined Bron and her raising their children… A place where the three had spent hours reading books, laughing, cooking, and occasionally drinking together. The flames choked all of it away.
The fighting had slowed down, and most of the humans were stripped naked, ripped apart from their families, and their belongings were ransacked. Talina carried her daughter and, alongside Luna, went back to the castle.
"Talina?" Luna didn't have any words to comfort her.
The black-haired elf didn't say a word. She kept walking.
The sun started setting, and the screams continued to echo.
Talina entered the throne room with Luna behind them. Her eyes were empty, and her footsteps echoed heavily with each step.
All the ambassadors were gone. Now, it was just the queen and king. And the royal guard warriors that Talina had led and trained. She held her daughter gently in her arms.
The royals glanced up at her.
"I was shunned for my hair," Talina spoke loudly. "I'm a full-blood elf but with unnatural hair color… From the moment I was born, my mother and father left me in the woods to die… I was hated for being something different… Even so, I survived… I picked up a sword, and I mastered it. My mana is unnaturally strong, and my merits earned me the recognition of the highest authority of all elven kind…"
The queen and king's eyes were tired.
"I am powerful… So much so that you entrusted me to train your royal guards and protect your daughter… A young woman who I learned to love like a sister… And you two… I cherish and view you like the parents I never had… I found friendship, family, and love in this kingdom… So I present something to my king and queen." Talina moved forward and laid her infant daughter at the feet of the king and queen. "This is my daughter... She was cut down by demi's… In the arms of the man I love… I lost my family…"
The queen's eyes watered, and she glanced away from the dead child. And the king's knuckles became white from squeezing them so tightly.
Talina's voice broke, and her tears ran down her face. The moment she admitted that her family was gone broke her body but not her soul.
"My king… My queen… We need to fight… We need to protect those who can't protect themselves… We need to stand as a beacon against those who wish to chain the innocent!" Talina's jaw shivered. Her pain was consuming her, confused and losing herself in the storm of her mind. Jaded with illusions of revenge. "THEY'VE BECOME WORSE THAN THE MONSTERS WE HUNT FROM AN ACTUAL GOD OF DEATH! WE HAVE TO MAKE THE CHOICE TO STAND UP AGAINST THIS! WE HAVE TO FIGHT!"
Nobody spoke up.
Luna glanced at the blanket. Her eyes were watering, and her knees were quickly growing weak.
"Fight who?" The king covered up the corpse with the same blanket she was wrapped around. "Several demi nations have aligned with the lions. If we start a war, they will pin us on all sides and slaughter all our kin. Not to mention, our ranks are filled with elves that despise humanity. If we fight back, we'll either be destroyed by our enemies or from within… Or both."
"We won't." The king continued. "I'm sorry for your loss… But I will not destroy our kingdom for the sake of one race… If you ask again, you will be imprisoned for questioning your king."
Talina's eyes widened, and her rage circled in her soul. Her mana raged around her body in a blue light. Then, she studied the royal guards, who all drew their weapons against her.
Talina's power faded, and her eyes glowed a deeper blue. "My Future Sight shows me all possibilities… If you try to fight me, I will cut all of you down." That wasn't a threat. It was a fact.
Talina glanced at her daughter one last time, then at Luna, whose eyes were covered in tears.
"I renounce my oath to you," Talina spoke to the royals. "I refuse to serve cowards that allow and encourage the death and enslavement of innocent beings… The Luminous God has tested your resolve, and you both failed."
The words stung both of Luna's parents. Because they grasped the reality of Talina's words.
"You can't renounce the kingdom!" A royal guard readied his sword.
"Then stop me." Talina wanted to fight. She needed an enemy to cut down, even if she was weakened from recently giving birth and crumbling after losing her family. The elf was ready to destroy everything in her way.
"No." The king lifted his hand, and the royal guards lowered their weapons. "You suffered enough due to our actions… Do whatever you please."
The brunette elf did just that. She turned her back on the royals and walked next to Luna, stopping just for a second. "Please, don't let the Dead God devour them." Luna nodded.
Talina marched out of the castle into the wild.
Where will you go? What will you do? Talina… I'm so sorry…
"Father… Mother." Luna spoke up this time. She had also lost friends. "We don't have to do what they say. We can take another path."
Both her parents were torn from their actions. It was evident in their faces.
"The words of a child who prefers to stay in her room and read books all day holds no merit in the throne room!" Her father roared. "We have to carry this pain… You don't… Leave us… The king and queen will decide what to do next… Not the princess…"
Luna nodded and ventured into her room. That's where she collapsed on her bed and cried the years away.
Luna was in a carriage. She glanced outside through the glass. Demi's had adapted to the rules the lions had established. Humanity now served the demi's.
So much has changed in fifty years.
Demi's of all ages carried a whip. And most humans had clothes that exposed their backs. Even the youngest children had whip burns.
"Luna." The queen motioned her hand at the busty elf. "You need to be on your best behavior."
"Why are we going to see him?" Luna scoffed. "King Lezzio is responsible for-"
"Enough!" Her mother scorned her. "That was fifty years ago… It's time to let go of the past… Luna, your depression will lead you to the grave."
"You've never made human friends." Luna pinned her head against the glass of the carriage's door. "You don't understand what I'm feeling."
"You're right. I'm a queen. I don't have time to befriend other races." Relana fiddled with her hair. "I gave you time to mourn over your friends… It will help if you accept our new reality… King Lezzio has invited us to his ball, so we will attend, and you will mention nothing about the humans."
You don't care about humanity… At one time, you did… But you've adapted to the world… I haven't…
The carriage stopped, and human slaves guided the elves towards the ball.
These humans, they're terrified, And as much as I've tried to fight it… Most of my people have started to look down on humans… We've all turned into monsters… And I'm a coward that can't do anything about it…
Luna wore an elaborate dress. As she entered the party, she caught the attention of several demi's. Her busty figure and charms were enchanting. Not that she wanted a partner. Some demi's waved at her. She ignored them and found a corner near one of the balconies.
I don't want to socialize… I want to go home… I want to go into my room and re-read Bron's books… I never read the last book… He never told me who was making his copies… Not that it matters… His ideas and his world died with him… I'm half empty… Ever since I lost my best friends… Even if I was just the third wheel… I loved them both so much… Some days, I see a woman with black hair, and I imagine her… Other days, I go to where Bron's store stood and stare at it for hours… Sometimes, I think I get a whiff of something similar to Talina's scent… Wait… This smell…
Luna whiffed the air and ended up stepping outside the ball, where a lone woman sipped on tea under the moonlight. She had green hair, the same as Luna.
"That tea…" Luna sat down next to her and grasped that she had elven ears. "My friend used to make it…"
"Hello, princess. It's been a long time." The woman tilted her head at Luna. She wore a hoodie and dyed her hair, but her eyes were still brown. "Fifty years barely ages an elf. You're still a teenager."
"Talina?" Luna wanted to jump out of her seat and hug her friend. "What are you doing here?"
Talina sipped on her tea. "I'm fulfilling my role in this world." She sipped once more.
"What role?" Luna glanced around. The night was chilly and it was eerily silent.
"Death." Talina put her cup down and filled one up for Luna. "Did you know I discovered this tea by accident… When I was young, I was alone in the woods with a cup in the middle of a storm. While I collected the rainwater, some leaf strands landed in my cup, and I discovered that I liked the taste."
"What are you plotting?" Luna asked, but she sipped her drink.
"The Dead God is gaining power, demi's have ignored his nests, and they're allowing humans to become husks… Due to their poor decisions, monsters are becoming a problem far in the north…" Talina's eyes were different. Her body was more muscular now. She had scars all over her hands and one on her neck. "Demi's have changed… They accepted humanity as lesser citizens… What about you, Luna? What do you think of humans?"
"I miss…" Luna's eyes watered. "I miss Bron… I miss you…"
"I missed you too… My lazy little sister." Talina smiled. Her face was tired, but her smile was genuine. "I have been going kingdom to kingdom, freeing humans wherever I can… I even helped create a refuge. A place with hidden magic… I'm so happy that you haven't allowed the hate of others to influence your heart… It took some time, but I'm finally here… I'm here to get revenge, not for just my family… But for all humanity… I need to kill that fat tyrant of a king."
"Please, Talina." Luna pleaded. "You can return to the kingdom. We can be a family again."
Talina sipped on her tea.
"That path is not something I want." The elf shook her head and used a wet rag to wipe away the green from her hair and eyebrows. Revealing her black hair. "I've helped humans escape their masters, I've hid them away, and I've killed slaver demi's… I'm wanted for crimes all across our world… That's why I dye my hair... But whenever I save humans, I let them see my unnatural hair color... All I've done has led to this... Because my time is coming soon."
"What do you mean?"
Talina removed her cloak, which had magic preventing people from perceiving her soul.
"Your soul…" Luna gasped. "It's shattered…"
"My depression is eating my soul away… I never got over the loss of my daughter or Bron… But I won't face them until I cut down the man responsible for all the pain humanity has suffered."
"You're a hero," Luna admitted. "You're a real hero… Fighting and protecting those who can't protect themselves… You've become the very thing Bron loved to write about."
"I wish I felt like a hero… I've only felt emptiness and anger… And this place will be my tomb…"
"I want to stop you… A part of me wants to beg you to stop and go home with me... But I hate that smug king… If I had the power to kill him… I would…"
"I'll kill him for you." Talina was confident with her words. Her eyes glowed blue due to her future sight power. "But it will cost me my life… My power shows me all possibilities… There is no way I get out of this kingdom alive… But if I don't kill him now… I'll never get another opportunity, and my depression will kill me anyway…"
"Heroes all die young." Luna tilted her head down.
"I still don't know if that's true or not… But I will die today… My princess… My little sister…" Talina stood up, and Luna stood up quickly. "One last hug?"
Luna nodded and hugged her friend. She held her tightly, accepting her warmth, her fears, her hate, her stolen happiness. Every emotion flashed through her… "I love you, Talina..." Then Talina broke away. She drew her sword and faced her last enemy. Luna walked behind her to witness the courage of a hero.
Talina entered the ball, a woman burned by the actions of cruel souls. A woman who preferred a life of peace but was dragged into one of violence. A hero to the chained and a monster to the privileged.
"KING LEZZIO!" Talina roared and quickly cut down two armored demi-lions. Luna held her breath as the woman she admired most finally got the ending she yearned for. "YOU BROUGHT MORE TEARS INTO THIS WORLD THAN THE DEAD GOD EVER HOPED TO!"
Lezzio was drunk, and the yelling made him stumble on his seat.
Talina whispered the names of her daughter and the only man she ever loved. Then she dashed forward. She had no more tears left to shed. Now, only a flame in her chest existed. She cut down the royal demi-lion guards. Expertly moving forward towards her target.
Ten, fifteen, thirty. The lions died like clockwork.
The king yelled like the coward he was. Several swords ripped into Talina's body, but she cut down the last of the guards. Lezzio was alone, so he did what all cowards do. He begged for help. He begged for his life as the half-dead elf marched towards him. Her blood painted the steps leading towards his throne. This was the first time in history that demi-lions had died in their kingdom.
Lezzio leaned against his seat, his eyes watering and his lower body released everything he had from the fear this woman had brought to him. He was so fat he wasn't able to lift himself up from his seat, and his slaves that carried him everywhere had fled. He was easy prey.
Talina's sword dug into the king's heart. She slowly dug it deeper into his body, savoring every inch. It was sweeter than honey and emptier than the vastness of space.
His eyes watered, and he spilled his wine.
"Karma came to collect." Talina gave her last words to the king and pulled the sword out of him. As she did, everyone ran for their lives. Blood stained the hall of the mightiest of all the demi's. A race that boasted themselves in their strength were bested by a single woman. Over sixty royal guards lay dead. They had done their duty and died for their king… Not that it mattered…
Talina pulled two swords out of her stomach and accepted that her end was near. The brunette collapsed on her back. Her revenge had given her nothing in return. Her soul was still broken. If anything, all it did was perish the flame in her chest that had kept her going.
Her depression overwhelmed her more than the sword wounds in her body.
Luna stepped forward, avoiding the blood and screams. To the demi's, Talina would be stigmatized as a lunatic who killed a mighty king. But to Luna, she was a warrior worthy of the title 'Hero.'
A woman who fought for the weak and died for them.
Luna knelt and lifted her friend's head up, using her thighs as a pillow. Talina gasped slowly. Blood was running down her body. Luna's warmth brought her back for a few seconds. "This reminds me… Of our past… But our roles are reversed." Talina reminisced on the years that were long gone. Luna used to lay her head on her lap and read book after book. All the while, Talina stroked her hair.
"This is the least I can do for you."
Her brown eyes met Luna's purple eyes. "It's over… I can finally rest… I'll walk with them in the Eternal Forest…" Her eyes watered. "Life has barely been worth living without them… Can you…"
"I'll send your soul to them," Luna reassured her friend.
Talina smiled brightly, her blood stained the gaps between her teeth. The world had taken so much from her, but her soul wasn't going to be devoured.
"I feel… So cold…" Talina's tears ran down her face. "I'm ready, but I'm scared."
Luna caressed Talina's hair and cheeks, just as Talina had done with her when she was a child. Talina exhaled softly and closed her eyes. Her body faded. The pain she carried was finally gone.
Luna's light magic released her soul into the Afterglow, where she ventured through a forest. She stopped when she tuned into the laughter of a toddler. Talina turned, and her eyes landed on a skinny man. He held a toddler by her hand, and his fingers were stained with black ink.
Talina smiled.
All heroes die young…
Luna was the only soul that wept for the death of Talina.
As the years passed, humans created a new spell. One that enslaved all demi's. Revenge for the suffering and torment that plagued them for hundreds of years.
"Run!" The elven kingdom crumbled. The very slaves that had given their blood and sweat to create it had revolted. The rage they endured their entire lives was released.
Luna ran alongside her mother and her guards. Only a few demi's lay dead. The humans had spells that quickly enslaved them. Or sometimes, they held them down and painted odd marks on their bodies.
"Don't stop!" The elves abandoned their enslaved kin and pushed south.
We're victims to our own sins…
The strength of the demi's faded, and some of them were able to negate the spells, but they were too few and far between.
The whip had been handed over to a new master.
All demi's united and fought, including the king of the elves… Who went to war and never returned…
As much as Luna empathized with humanity, she witnessed firsthand what they did. And for the first time in her life, she started to hate humanity.
The years passed in a flash from there.
Until they stumbled into a forest where demi-cows accepted them.
Then, to Luna's horror, her mother was cut down by a wyvern while they scavenged for food. Her kin had to hold her down and cover her mouth so the dragon would fly off and not attack anyone else.
Luna personally released the soul of Relana and spent almost ten years weeping in her room.
I'm sick of running… I used to stand for humanity, but I know they have no mercy… I know we created their hate… But it's worse being on this side… Talina, I wonder what you'd think of the world if you saw what it became…
Luna led a group of elves, who were scavenging for food that had become scarce over the years.
With mom gone, I need to lead them… I can do this… I can…
"We found you little elves." Half a dozen humans emerged.
In seconds, her armed guards were cut down, and then two elves were pushed onto the ground, stripped, and... Luna glanced away. Until the largest man studied her body.
I've never slept with a man… And this is how I'll lose it… To a disgusting human… Wait, who's that?
Ashner and Risa emerged from a cave.
"Show us your ears!" The slaver demanded.
Ashner removed his helmet. Immediately, all the humans sighed in relief.
Another human with a slave… I always knew I was on borrowed time… But right now… I wish I had more time… I wish someone with Talina's courage guided us… I can't do this… I'm not strong enough to carry the pain of the world…
"We found a group of elves. They claim to have accidentally crossed into our lands." The slaver laughed.
"You've got a warrior slave. A beautiful one at that… If you're looking for a bargain, we'll sell you one of the girls we just finished with."
That demi he's with is beautiful… Why is his armor so weird? And why is his soul… It feels shattered… I haven't felt this from anyone's soul since my last meeting with Talina… Her courage and her strength… Maybe he has it too… Perhaps this is just like Bron's stories… Maybe this man is a hero sent to save us… Perhaps he'll prove to me that not all humans are cruel… Maybe I won't lose my virginity today… I might not be able to escape… But at least my mind can…
"But this one." One of the men grabbed Luna's shirt and ripped it off her body. Leaving her bare for all to inspect. Her green hair came down to her butt, and her purple eyes glared at the man that had stripped her.
Hero… Please save me… Save this princess… Please… I don't want this… I don't want to be raped…
"Don't look at me that way. With my authority, I order you to smile."
You fucker! I want to kill you. I want to see you on the ground begging for your life… And while you beg, I want it to end… Why do you have to be my master?
Luna smiled.
"I realize I haven't punished you yet." Ashner tilted his head towards Risa. Her eyes were down on the grass, and she controlled her rage. "I order you, by my authority as your master… Tell me what you want to do to those men…"
He's asking her… Not demanding?
"Kill…" She whispered. "I want to kill them."
The slavers giggled and mocked her. After all, she was just a slave. The elves behind the men stayed silent. To them, this was just a pause in their suffering.
This man… He's not like the others…
"You have a pretty dark heart, Risa…" Ashner commented. "But I suppose… That in this world… That's the only way to survive… So as your punishment… My order…"
Ashner quickly drew his Beretta M9 from his holster and fired it at the two slavers in the cave. Their blood stained Risa's face and shirt red.
Ashner never moved his eyes away from Risa. The echo of the gunshot stopped all the laughter… As the slaver's bodies fell limp, their allies screamed.
"Risa, kill the slavers."
This man…
Luna smiled delightfully.
Don't trust anyone without testing them… I can't fight, and I can't kill… But my body and words are as sharp as any blade… Use them, learn as much as I can from Ashner… I believe he's a good man, but no one in the Timor Forest will accept them… This is a gift from the Goddess… I have to believe in that… She gave humanity magic to enslave us when they were in chains… Maybe she's here to give demi's hope…
"I think you're the first demi in this world that put their full trust in me…"
I might be… I've seen your courage, and I have your slave crest, yet you haven't forced yourself on me, regardless of how much I tease you… You just get shy… I hate to admit it… But it's cute to watch… He kind of reminds me of Talina when I would tease her.
"I've lived for a long time…" She smiled and made Ashner blush. "I was born in an era of peace, but somewhere along the way, the world twisted into itself… But I like to believe I can recognize great men and women when I see them… You, for example…"
"What about me?"
"Your soul is shattered, and you're picking it up with your fingers, cutting yourself with every shard… But you're still willing to help others pick up the pieces of their broken souls… You shine like a newborn fae, a brilliant light that reaches the darkest corners of the world… But… All souls like yours have one thing in common."
"What would that be?"
"You die young." She studied Ashner and leaned her head on his shoulder. "But I won't let you die… I want to see your light engulf this world and cleanse it…"
Just like Talina… I should've gone with her when she fled the kingdom… Together, we could've done more… Instead, I let her face the world alone… And in the end, the only salvation she found was through her death… This man… I won't let him die… I won't let this world crush him…
"That's a lot of trust you have in me."
"I gamble… And more often than not, I win." She smiled and studied Ashner's eyes behind his mask.
"Then what if I gave you the power Holy Light?"
"That's impossible." Luna caught her breath. "But if I had that power… I would be considered a Saint. Before the wars, demi's and humans with light affinities were renowned as Saints that held back the power of the Dead God… I lived through that era, but that time is gone. Humans allow our kind to be devoured as punishment for resisting slavery… We're an example to all demi-kind."
This man doesn't understand how our magic works… But I like explaining it to him… I enjoy speaking to a human and not fearing him…
"Nothing is impossible." Ashner put his hand on her shoulder. She glanced at it.
That's odd. I don't feel repulsed by his touch… My body… This mana going into me… How?
"What did you do?"
"Use Holy Blast."
The other elves took a step back with Luna.
Luna sensed the peaceful aura that overtook her body whenever she used her light power. She glowed white, and then a blast of white light overtook the group… As quickly as she used it, her power faded.
He granted me power…
"That was a low-level holy blast… How?" The elves surrounded Luna, but she had no answers. Her eyes just stayed on Ashner, who had just become more intriguing to her. "You're amazing."
"Use that power when we find Risa's people." Ashner moved ahead to stay in formation with Wong and Gio. Luna, on the other hand, smirked.
This man… I wonder what else he can do.
He came for me… He scooped me up in his arms and carried me away from the hounds… Like a true hero from the stories I adore… Why am I so happy? I'll find a way to protect you… From any threat… Risa is already rushing ahead and fighting that dire… My leg hurts, but I need to fight… I won't hesitate like I did in the past… I will act… I'll protect him…
The Dire's claws destroyed the seats next to Ashner. Luna was closing the distance.
No one will harm him… Not my hero!
A burst of light flashed brightly. Blinding the hell-hound's leader.
The monster lunged towards Ashner, mindlessly trying to bite him. Ashner dodged and rolled underneath the Dire. Its heart was directly above him. He switched his weapon from single fire to burst and held the trigger.
Fragments of the Dire's heart shattered around Ashner. Its body fell on top of him but slowly turned to black mist, and then gold rained so much that he had to dig his way out of the pile.
"Master!" Luna pointed towards the auditorium's center, where a crystal emerged from the ground. "Kill it!"
He did it… Talina… This human is very similar to you… And admittedly, I'm starting to like him the way you liked Bron…
A nest? Here with the bunnies? We're trapped… What do we do? We're all going to die…
"Luna!" Ashner walked to her. She was carrying some of the wounded into the White Room. "I need you to do something."
His eyes… he's not scared at all… How?
"I need you to use your power on everyone that's going on the offensive. Use all your mana on us, and then run into the White Room."
"Ashner." Her elven ears dropped. "What about you?"
"I'll be fine."
"No." Luna gripped her fingers around Ashner's armor and pulled herself closer to him. "I know it's not my place to ask… But give me more power. I'll give you everything I have."
Please… Heroes always die young… I don't want you to die… Give me everything you can so I can save you… Please… You've become more than just a friend to me…
"I can't." Ashner tapped her shoulder. She was trembling. "I can only increase your power a little at a time."
I can only do so much… If you die here… No… Please don't die…
"Please," Ashner begged her. "We'll charge ahead. This will give everyone enough time to get into the White Room. Then close it behind you."
Luna gritted her teeth and raised her head.
I'll protect you with everything I have… Because… You're a hero… Someone I cherish… Someone I adore…
Ashner's a leader… A true leader… Both in strength and in making connections… He'd make a fine king… And Risa, she's following him around like a teenage girl… I wonder if she's realized that she's attracted to him… I have… I know how badly he wants a woman… And he doesn't know how badly I want him…
Ashner removed his armor, and he laid it to his side, with his body warm from the alcohol. Ashner put his back against the stone bed. Risa lay to his left and Luna to his right.
"What are you two doing?"
"Master." Risa dug her head on Ashner's rib. "Can I stay with you tonight?"
"I don't feel so good." Luna's head was spinning. "Let me recover here."
Take care of me. I won't say a word if your hands touch every inch of me… Tonight, I'm a naughty girl…
"That's a bad idea. I'm drunk, and if you two sleep next to me, who's to say I won't try something?"
Ashner, I'm too scared to tell you openly… But I feel brave tonight…
Risa smirked proudly. "Any order you give me… I will follow." She cuddled him tightly and glared at Luna, who was enjoying the show.
"I won't lose to you." Risa declared to the blonde.
You're challenging me? I accept, and now I want to tease both of you…
Luna leaned over Ashner, pressing her chest into his face. The elf got face-to-face with Risa. The demi-cat stood her ground. "Risa… This shouldn't be a competition…"
Luna jerked forward, grabbing Risa's chin. She slowly leaned the cat girl directly above Ashner and forced a kiss on her.
To Ashner's surprise, Risa submitted and let Luna have her way… After the kiss, Luna pulled back slowly, leaving a spit line connecting both their tongues.
I'm not a woman you can beat… Risa, I will dominate you and make you mine if you push too much…
Risa glared at Luna.
That glare… You're adorable.
Luna spoke calmly. "You view me as someone to overcome, but have you considered that maybe Ashner would prefer us kissing instead of fighting?" Luna leaned back and pointed at Ashner's pants. To his left side, his erection was clearly visible.
Master, you're so naughty.
Risa shook. She studied Ashner and Luna. Conflicted with the development that unfolded, and confused with her body and why she was so turned on. "I… I…" She used her wind magic to try to escape out the front door, but instead, she bumped into the wall and flew back, falling on her back and knocking herself out.
Luna laughed loudly. "She only acts tough. That girl feels valued when someone she respects tells her what to do… But when it comes to her sexual desires, she submits quickly. Risa doesn't understand why her body acts that way, but I find it fun teasing her."
"That was cruel."
"Was it?" Luna licked her lips and straddled Ashner. Ashner's heart raced. Luna's lips were pink, and the weight of her body excited him. Luna smiled devilishly and rubbed his dick over his pants. "Then is this cruel too?"
Did I move too fast? Ashner… Master… I don't mind if you take me… My body is yours… Touch every inch of me… Use me… Every part of me is for your pleasure…
"You can dominate Risa…" Ashner half moaned with his words. "But if you try that with me… You won't be in control for long…"
She smiled. "Then put me in my place." Luna lifted Ashner's mask up just enough for his lips to show. Sure enough, they were deformed from the acid, and some teeth were visible.
You're so handsome… I want a taste…
Their lips locked for a few seconds. They both allowed the alcohol to dictate their actions.
One kiss is all it took… My body… It's so hot… I need it… I need him right now… My hero… Please… Fuck me…
Luna leaned back up, her hips grinding against Ashner. She rubbed her lower half against Ashner's hard member. Her eyes lit up, and her lust ignited.
Slide it inside me… Please… I need it… I want it… I… Oh…
"Oh… No…" Luna turned to her side and threw up on the stone bed.
Risa kissed him... She actually kissed Ashner… Luna sensed a slight pain in her chest. The three of us have feelings for him, but we all hold back… I expected Angel to kiss him first, but Risa… This Christmas is turning out interesting.
Iris giggled. "I see… You must be another slut… One that's paid to be nice… Oh, Ashner, you petty excuse for a man… A woman like her doesn't care about you."
Angel grabbed Ashner's chin and kissed him.
Both of them in one night? Now, I need to act… I won't be left behind… But first… Luna took another shot for some borrowed courage. I need to let Iris know that Ashner doesn't have an option between three women… Instead, he has three women who all adore him… And Risa will serve as an example.
Luna kissed Risa. Then, she found her true target. Her heart raced, and her face burned, but she hid it behind her fake courage.
Luna kissed Ashner, savoring his flavor. Her body grew hot, and her heart raced. Her mind became putty, and she giggled inside.
This man, he's earned the love and trust of several people… But I know for a fact that I loved him first… He's the hero I adore…
Most of the drunk demi's had crashed out on the couches or on the floor. It was just Ashner and Luna. They both carried their drunk friends into separate rooms. Luna had removed most of the intimate parts of her story as she told it.
The two ended up sitting on a bed in one of the vacant rooms.
"I was thinking." Ashner wiggled his toes. "I think Talina found Sanctuary and helped create it."
"She only mentioned that she helped create a refuge."
"It's not a theory… I ran across her name in the books I translated in Sanctuary. I haven't told anyone yet, but the humans there created the slave crest, and then they ventured out of the Timor Forest and started enslaving demi's… It's sad to think about, but they turned into the very thing they hated."
"That would've made Talina extremely sad." Luna cuddled into herself. "She was, and still is, my hero."
"My brother was my hero," Ashner admitted with a smile. "He's gone now, but the people you admire never really leave you."
"Yes…" Luna studied Ashner's face. She was happy to be alone with him. Risa had a habit of hogging his time up with the excuse that she was simply 'protecting' him. "But how do you feel now that you kissed three beautiful women?"
Ashner smiled. "I'm happy… Even if it was just to put Iris in her place."
"Is that what you think it was?"
"What else would it be?" Ashner's mask gave a digital eyebrow raise.
Ashner, you're clueless when it comes to the matters of a woman's heart… It hurts that I drop so many hints, and you don't get it…
"It's a mystery." Luna teased. She turned, but then she stopped herself.
I shouldn't do this to him… I want to show him what I want… I don't think he's dense… He just doesn't understand how I feel… Because he's so hard on himself…
"I didn't kiss you just to get Iris to stop harassing you," Luna spoke timidly. "I kissed you because I wanted to."
Ashner tilted his head.
"Ashner… You're the hero I adore." Luna grabbed Ashner's mask and pushed the button under the chin to expose his mouth. "And I love you."
Luna kissed Ashner.