{[A good leader isn't overly pessimistic or overly optimistic. They view the world through the truest eyes.]}
Ashner opened his eyes. His body throbbed with pain, his mind was numb, and even the act of breathing stung like little needles were poked into his organs.
I'm alive… And I'm in a bed… Fuck it's cold…
"Master." Ashner's eyes focused on the girls next to him. Luna and Sapphire were sitting on couches. They were wearing heavy winter clothing. "You're awake."
"I feel like shit," Ashner admitted.
"A small price to pay for our safety." Luna teased.
Ashner recalled what happened. "Where's Crow?"
"He has armed guards protecting us," Sapphire spoke timidly. "I can smell them. He has two directly outside this door and six more around us. They're all carrying guns."
"Those guards are there to kill us if we get violent." Ashner tapped his head and grasped that his mask was on. "Crow won't kill us if we cooperate and if he finds us useful."
The front door opened, and Serenity walked in.
The dwarven girl was tiny compared to the men. If anything, she was comparable to a petite woman. Except she had curves. "Ashner." Her eyes lit up.
"Where were you?"
"I was talking to Crow." She gave a nervous smile.
"He interrogated every one of us," Luna admitted.
"Did you girls mention Eden?"
The girls shook their heads.
"Crow wasn't going to hurt us. The last thing he wants is to piss you off." Luna bit her nail. "He's good at manipulating others, but when it comes to you, he won't cross certain lines."
"Could've fooled me." Ashner stood up. He was shirtless under the covers. The cold immediately hit like a ton of bricks. His body was strong, Seasoned from spending years on the battlefield and fighting in prison. He had a handful of scars, but nothing too serious. Serenity took in his body, and Sapphire covered her eyes with her hands. "My shirt?"
Luna handed it to him.
"We need to be prepared to fight." Ashner put it on. He struggled a bit with it until Luna, with a gentle nudge, forced his body down on the bed.
"You're in no condition to fight." Her eyes were tender, and her voice hummed like a harp. "Mana exhaustion will leave you bedridden for at least five days. So, for now, sleep. We can handle ourselves."
"I don't…" Ashner's body obeyed her words even if his mind didn't want to. "Want to lose you…"
"This is different." Alex smiled, his eyes glowed purple as a beautiful woman sucked his dick.
"Zero gravity sex," Maria spoke as she licked his shaft.
Alex moaned sharply. This made Maria smile.
"Do you like it? Papi?"
"I do." Alex was only a few inches taller than her, but she had thrown herself at him the first night on the moon, and he enjoyed her body enough to come back for seconds and thirds. He didn't understand Spanish, but something stirred deep inside when she spoke it to him.
Maria's body was fit and tan from head to toe, and her black hair complimented her dark eyes. With the lack of gravity, she floated up and grabbed Alex's cock, then slowly slid it inside her wet pussy.
She moaned and thrust again and again, shaking her hips elegantly until they bumped into the wall. That's when Alex held her bubbly butt and fucked her deep and hard.
"Mas Papi!" She moaned loudly in her second language. "Me vas a volver loca!"
Alex enjoyed the harmony of her moans.
"No pares!" She glanced at Alex, her eyes watering. "No pares!"
Alex went faster, shoving it in a little deeper.
Alex's cock got wetter as she came. The thrill of her orgasm got him off too.
Alex pulled out, his cock throbbed, and Maria's pussy twitched. A few drops of cum floated around in perfect little circles.
"You fucked me so good." Maria put her hand on Alex's chest. "I forgot to speak English for a second."
"I've never heard a language so beautiful before." Alex put his hand on her ass and held her close to him.
Maria blushed. "It's just Spanish… But if you like it… Then… Dejame limpiarte… Aque." Maria smiled brightly, her white teeth contrasted beautifully against her tan skin as her hand stroked Alex.
"Suck it," Alex ordered.
Her eyes lit up, and she immediately obeyed, sucking him off. Savoring both his and her flavors.
"What do you think really happened?" Gio asked Wong, who sipped on a cup of coffee beside Risa."
"I can't say." Wong hadn't let his guard down since they arrived at the Lunar Base. "But Ashner and three of our girls are gone along with Crow and his ship… Plus, I doubt Crow's thugs know anything since Crow keeps everyone in the dark until the moment is right."
"Some of them might know." Gio glanced at Risa. Her ears were moving from left to right. "Anything?"
Risa shook her head. "I've eavesdropped on a handful of their conversations, but they're not discussing Crow or Ashner's whereabouts."
Saki walked into the room, she was cautious of everyone around her. Out of everyone, she had the worst poker face. All of Crow's thugs grasped that she was on edge and willing to kill them if things got out of hand.
"You're sour today." Gio glanced at the thugs, who all kept their distance from Saki.
"Ashner is missing… We need his leadership." As Saki spoke, a half-elf emerged from the shadows. "Did you find anything out?"
"Nothing." Twila was just as irritated as Saki, but she hid it better.
"Did you do as I asked?" Wong asked Saki as he handed her a cup of coffee.
"Yes, I searched all the restricted sections of the base." Saki took a sip. "I found enormous bunkers, but they had nothing inside them."
"That might've been for human habitation," Gio added. "Who knows what the rich were planning before the war."
"I think we should kill them and get this over with," Saki suggested.
"I second that." Twila was itching to fight.
"We might have to." Wong glanced around.
"Enough of that." Gio shut that suggestion away. "Wong, you're too pessimistic and quick to the trigger. Don't encourage the girls to do the same… None of these guys know what's going on… What if we kill them, and Ashner returns with no issues?"
Wong growled. "And you're too optimistic. What if Ashner's being tortured or if he's dead? These thugs might just be waiting for the order to kill us."
Both the guys glared at each other.
"What would Ashner do?" Risa asked.
"Who knows." Wong shrugged.
"Ashner would keep us all on the same page," Gio said, sitting next to the girls. "For now, all we can do is wait…"
Alex and Maria walked towards the group. The tone shifted immediately.
"Hola todos." Maria smiled brightly. "Why are you guys keeping your distance from us?"
"It's because they don't trust you or anyone here," Alex said plainly, shocking the group.
"Oh." Maria twirled her hair on her fingertip. "Well, we're just a couple of metal workers. Everyone here is a combat veteran. I'm one too, I fought in Brazil."
"I heard the fighting there was intense." Gio glanced at the fit woman. She had circular scars around her arms and collarbone.
"It was, I have a few scars from it." Maria pointed at her scars and explained what they were. "Grenade shrapnel, through and through round, a bullet grazed me here, and this was from a suicide drone. It blew up three feet from me and flung me into a tree, but for some reason, it only broke my collarbone."
She smiled, and admittedly, the guys dropped their guard.
"Where were you guys stationed?" Maria asked.
"Europe." Wong glared at her.
"Ouch." She smirked. "Romania? Germany? Norway?"
"All of the above, we went wherever we were needed." Wong continued. "Not that it mattered."
"Yep, the Earth is dying." Maria pointed at the blue ball. "But Crow has a plan, and I'll follow him."
"Why are you so loyal to him?" Gio asked curiously.
"It's not just me… It's everyone…" She twirled her hair with her finger. "He gets the job done. And it's thanks to him that we have food, water, shelter… I know our lives were better before the war, but I barely remember it, and he's given us hope for a better future… So I'll follow him."
The demi's grasped that they shared similar emotions towards Ashner.
"You speak Spanish?" Gio giggled. "I heard it's a dead language now."
"Yes, it was dying long before the war. America's influence went down into Mexico, and most of my people were slowly shifting to only speaking English. But I grew up in a small town away from it all. Where Spanish was still spoken… Then the war started." Her eyes shifted. "My town was bombed, everyone died… I must've been six or seven when it happened… I was lucky, and I went north, away from the fighting. I lived on the streets begging for food… Often sleeping with a gun in my purse, on more than one occasion, bad men targeted me… But a gun in the hands of a young girl is just as deadly as a weapon in the hands of a soldier… I killed to survive, and I got good at it, but I was tired of living like that… Luckily for me, America asked for aid, and anyone willing to fight in the war was guaranteed citizenship and food… I signed up at around nineteen years old and passed basic training with flying colors…. And the rest, well, it's history."
"America is in ruins now." Wong stopped glaring at her. "Ever consider going back home?"
"The whole world is in ruins." Maria helped herself to the coffee. "As for Mexico… It was nuked as well, and my hometown is nothing but ash and bones… I found my home here… I do have this, though."
Maria had a metal bracelet with a hooded woman on it. "This is the last thing I have to remember my home."
"Who is that?" Risa asked.
"This is the Virgin Mary." Maria caressed the small treasure in her hand. "It's the thing I value most in this world. I've carried this daily in Mexico, through the war, and now… It's my lucky charm… It's the last thing I have that reminds me of my family…"
"That sounds lonely." Alex shrunk into himself.
"Oh, Papi chulo." Maria squeaked at his reaction. It was cute to her. She clung to his arm. Even though they were both about the same height. "I'm gonna steal you away and make you live with me."
"That won't happen." Alex put his hand on her cheek. "The loyalty you have for Crow, I have it for Ashner… I was lonely and alone too… Until he gave me a chance…"
"It's a shame." Maria pouted. "Then let's enjoy ourselves until Crow and Ashner return."
Maria led Alex by the hand towards one of the empty hotel rooms. She was ready for round two.
XP:6,570 > XP:8,250
It's been six days… I'm still stuck in bed… Spin…
The menu jumped.
(Legendary) Direction Sense.
Level Max – Bought – As long as you have a place you call home, you will know exactly what direction to go to get to it. This power can be applied to your allies for 10,000XP.
This will be useful on drunk nights when I decide I wanna take a walk in the woods. My body is still numb… I'm so tired… I'll close my eyes for a bit…
Ashner woke up. Luna tilted her head toward him. "Feeling stronger?"
"Yes, my head isn't throbbing anymore… I was good enough to walk yesterday."
"Don't rush your recovery." Luna tapped Ashner's nose with her finger. "Mana deprivation is serious."
"So, nurse Luna, am I free to go?"
"Yes." She nodded proudly.
Ashner admitted he was still groggy, but his mind was clear. "How many days have I been in bed? I feel like it's been maybe a day or two."
"You've been sleeping for over ten days," Luna glanced out the window. When Serenity and Sapphire woke up, they were cuddled together, wrapped around a blanket, in the corner of the room.
"That long?" Ashner glanced at the girls. Serenity's hair was messy, and Sapphire had gained a little weight. She was still skinny, but her chest and stomach had grown slightly. She was getting healthier. "Where's Crow?"
"I don't know… But he'll find you as soon as you walk out that door." Luna handed him heavy winter clothes, and Ashner put them on slowly. The other girls readied themselves as well.
"He's an ass." Ashner reached for a weapon that wasn't there. "Let's talk to him."
Ashner opened the door, and both guards nodded at him. Giving him space to walk out.
That was odd.
"Where's Crow?"
"Follow me, Sir." One of the guards stepped ahead of Ashner while the other took the rear.
Ashner glanced out one of the windows. The city was near the ocean, with a small port. Some men were outside working. All of them were bitter, and their eyes were angry.
I can't imagine living somewhere this cold.
The guards opened a door to a warm room. Inside sat Crow, who was wearing winter clothes. Next to him sat Evaristo and Eugene. The men were drinking coffee, and the room reeked of weed.
"Sleeping beauty has awoken." Crow nodded at his guards, who quickly closed the door behind Ashner and the girls. "I'm sure you have questions."
"What the fuck are you plotting?" Ashner got to the point. "No games, spew your bullshit out, now."
"Alright." Crow pointed at a double door in the room. "But first. Use your magic and open a door to our people on the moon."
Ashner obeyed and tapped his key against the door. The moment he did, the wood warped and created clouds, trees, mountains, dragons, and rivers.
Good, it works.
Ashner opened the double doors. The entrance was connected to the loading dock, but now it was as small as the double doors.
"Go." Crow urged Evaristo, who entered the room, to give out their new orders.
Ashner sat down, his body restless. Behind him stood Luna. She held her dagger, which she kept hidden under her jacket's sleeve. Serenity and Sapphire weren't armed, but they would fight if they needed to. That much was apparent since they stood around Ashner.
Crow was observant of their motivations. "While we wait." Crow handed Ashner his M4 Carbine and his body armor.
Ashner took it. He was complete again.
Crow's thugs entered the room first and nodded at their leader. Then they left the room.
"Oh, fuck, it's cold." Gio shivered as the group exited the lunar station.
Gio, Wong, Alex, Angel, Risa, Saki, and Twila took in the landscape. It was depressing compared to the moon.
The group was given clothes suited for the cold.
"We're here. Tell us your plan." Ashner was tired of the games. Maria sat to Crow's right.
"This fishing town is relatively new." Crow tapped on a map in front of him. "It has electricity, and that's a rarity for the surface… That's why thousands of Russians made this place their home… The cold is harsh, but they made it work… Because they built their city around the ruins of DC, the first floating city that crashed… They're using its tech to keep themselves going…"
The group adjusted themselves. They were relieved they were together again.
"About two years ago, Raven Corp found the location of the floating island. And by the old laws, it's technically their property… So they sent Clear Water mercenaries to recover their lost assets… Their mission is to rebuild the floating city and get it airborne… But that'll leave the Russian city without power, effectively dooming everyone." Crow lit a blunt. "The locals weren't thrilled, and Clear Water had a tussle with them… Needless to say, the mercenaries ended up winning."
"What do you want us to do about it?" Ashner interrupted.
"I'm glad you asked." Crow smiled and took a puff. "We're going to ensure Clear Water never gets that floating city into the sky… Instead, we're taking it for ourselves… But first, we have a few mercs to… Slaughter…"
"How many?" Ashner's eyes sharpened. His fingers became fists.
"Only a division."
Ashner punched the table in a fury. "ONLY A DIVISION! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!"
Gio and Wong took a step back.
"I know you three." Crow took another hit of his blunt. His men were shocked at Ashner's reaction, but Crow wasn't phased. "You're a couple of bad-asses… I'd even go as far as making you Officers in my militia… Especially you, Ashner, I'd go as far as making you my right-hand man… If we fight together, I'll be more… Lenient with my demands in the future."
"No!" Ashner stood up, knocking the chair out from under him. "We already fought in a war. We were in a brigade of over seven thousand soldiers! AND BY THE END OF IT, WE WERE THE ONLY ONES LEFT ALIVE! WHY DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT IN ANOTHER WAR WHEN WE LOST SO MUCH!"
Ashner's body pulsed, and his eyes shook. Saki and Gio held him back since he was unconsciously going to give Crow a taste of his fist.
"Because." Crow took a few seconds to answer. For a second, the mask he wore cracked. The four carried the exact same scars of war. But Crow was different. "The war isn't over yet."
"We didn't have a choice then." Ashner studied his brother in arms. "We do now… So we're leaving…"
"Fine…. You've done enough for me… None of my soldiers will harm you or try to stop you." Crow nudged his head, giving Evaristo a responsibility. "Evaristo will take you to one of our safe houses in the city. We have about thirty bars of gold… As a show of good faith, you can have them."
Ashner grasped something with the odd shift in Crow's character.
His mind hasn't left the battlefield… I get that… But that's his fucking problem… I won't let him drag me or my friends into his bullshit…
"We'll take it, and we'll leave…" Ashner stood up, and both Gio and Wong nodded. Satisfied with Ashner's decision. "If you don't make it back… This is goodbye."
"Is this the moment when you tell me to change my mind?"
"Oh no, if this is our last goodbye. Remember that I fucking hate you, and I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but that's something you edge to, so fuck you, die painfully, and if you manage to live and fuck with my people again… I'll kill you."
"A threat." Crow smiled. "Get the fuck out of my base."
Ashner and his group turned tail and left the makeshift command center.
"Sir." Maria stood at attention. "Is it wise to let them go? Ashner's power is still a mystery to us."
"Don't worry." Crow glanced at his Officer. "They'll come around."
"You shouldn't take what Crow says to heart." Evaristo was guiding the group. He was a large man with multiple weapons on him. "None of us do. Sometimes, he gets a little too high and starts acting out… But he's not too bad."
The city had power, but none of the roofs had solar panels. America had advanced in technology over the years, while Russia fought endless wars and kept losing. In the end, their citizens suffered, and the entire nation ended up becoming a third-world country, losing its position as a superpower. That was one of the reasons WW3 started. Their leaders were desperate to regain their former glory.
As they made their way across the town, locals kept wary eyes on them, locking their doors and keeping their distance.
"What's wrong with the people here?" Serenity asked.
Evaristo shrugged.
"I've seen that look before," Ashner recalled his days in the war. "These people have given up hope… They're on edge and pissed…"
A cold gust of wind blew across them. The salt of the sea was in the air.
Then, a scream caught their attention.
Ashner and the group moved towards it curiously and cautiously.
"We gave you three days!" A southern American accent yelled. "So why haven't you paid your fee!"
Ashner, Gio, Wong, and Evaristo moved cautiously, using the homes as cover until they were close enough to witness the situation from a few feet away.
Three Clear Water members wore the same white and black uniform Ensley and his men wore, except they had a winter version. All three men were armed with assault rifles.
"I'm sorry." Pleaded a local man while he held his son. "Give us a few more days…"
"Tell us where you found the gold," a second soldier giggled at his victim's pleas for forgiveness. "Give us that, and we'll leave."
"We don't know." The man pleaded.
"You're lying…" The Clear Water member spoke with an irritated Western accent. "If you don't scratch our back, then we're gonna let our frustrations out on the people in DC."
Do they have civilians in their base? Why?
"Your daughter and wife are well fed and entertain our men… But we come first, so if you don't pay us, they'll be the ones that go hungry."
Of course…
Wong and Gio readied their weapons. The girls who didn't fight kept their distance, but Risa and Saki were eager to jump in.
"Please… Just one more day." In the distance, the waves crashed heavily against the shore. "I'll ask our neighbors. Someone has to have gold."
The Clear Water member shook his head and fiddled with his handgun.
Gio's eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth.
Alex was next to Ashner. He glanced up and whispered. "Snipers on the roof."
Ashner glanced up, and sure enough, two snipers wearing Clear Water uniforms were on top of the closest building. They had their sights on the family being harassed.
Around them, locals were speculating from their homes. They were silent.
"We let you keep our electricity, we don't fuck with your food, and we don't kill your women." The western man spoke once more. "Why did you get complacent? Now I have to make an example out of you…"
Ashner had enough. He gave quick orders to Gio and Wong with his hands. He ordered them to kill the snipers first and then save the prisoners. But before Ashner finished, Luna pressed up against him, and her eyes were glowing blue. "Have Alex take the shot and only send Risa."
She's using her foresight power.
Ashner gave his orders to Alex. The guys had taught him to read hand signs, but he was surprised Ashner had entrusted him with that task. Then Ashner gave the same signal to Risa.
"Please, please, please." The man begged. "We don't know where the gold came from."
The Clear Water member aimed his weapon at the father. "Sorry, can't help a sap like you."
The round rang across the cold sky.
Ashner's heart dropped.
Then, the weeping of a child followed.
The westerner laughed loudly as Ashner broke out of his cover, using his 1911. Ashner took two shots. The gunfire echoed, and the western man tumbled. One bullet dug into his elbow and the other into his ribs. Ashner fired two more times, killing the other two Clear Water members. His bullets went clean through their heads.
XP:8,250 > XP:8,950
The snipers above focused their sights on Ashner when he revealed himself and got serious.
Before they fired, Risa was on top of one of them. Her sword dug deep into his throat.
The second sniper was gunned down by Alex the moment he hesitated at the sight of his friend getting cut down by a woman who appeared out of nowhere.
XP:8,950 > XP:9,300
The battle was over in a matter of seconds.
Alex tumbled to the ground and vomited out his lunch, and Wong helped him recover. This was the first time he had killed someone.
The western man held his wounded arm. "Who are you? You FUCKED my arm up!" Blood was running down his white uniform. He wasn't able to lift his wounded arm up, much less fire his handgun.
Ashner aimed the barrel of his handgun at the man's head.
"Let's talk this through…" He pleaded.
Ashner focused on the small boy who was still crying over the body of his father. He spoke Russian, but the lament in his words and the sorrow in his tears tore Ashner from the inside out. There was no point in talking to that man.
"Sorry… I can't help a sap like you…" Ashner pulled the trigger, and the western man's head flung back.
XP:9,300 > XP:9,600
The boy cuddled his dead father. Ashner glanced at him as he wept. "Thank you." The boy mustered in broken English. He was young, maybe twelve or thirteen years old.
Thank you? For what? I couldn't save him…
"The future was set in stone." Luna lowered her head.
I see… No matter what, he was meant to die…
Then, an alarm rang.
The locals around them closed their doors and hid away.
"Now we've done it," Wong warned as he reached for the dead men's weapons. He gave Serenity and Sapphire an AK-107 each, and Evaristo and Gio readied themselves for the worst.
Risa returned, holding an MK 153 SMAW rocket launcher she looted off one of the snipers. Ashner pointed at it, then at the bunny. Risa obeyed and tossed it to Saki.
Around them, cars rushed towards them.
"We're exposed out here, and we're surrounded by too many civilians. They might get caught in the crossfire." Ashner assessed his situation, but Luna spoke up.
"Risa, take Alex and me on top of that building. Wong and Evaristo take the right flank. Ashner and Saki take the left. Gio, aim your weapon down the center. Serenity and Sapphire take the boy and run towards that red door… Angel and Twila, take to the sky… You'll flank a secondary group that's rushing us on foot… We're going to be attacked by eight trucks. One of them has a machine gun. And fourteen men will rush us from that alley." Luna pointed directly ahead of the group, then to her left, her eyes still glowing blue. "With my power, I won't let any of us die…"
Her power lets her see multiple futures… She's amazing…
"Follow Luna's orders!" Ashner rushed into a battle position with Saki on his tail. The rest of the group took their positions.
Seconds later, multiple trucks rushed around them, trying to pincer Ashner's group.
Risa grabbed Alex and Luna. Using her power, she burned through three times the normal amount of her mana, but they were on top of the nearest building instantly.
Alex readied his M39, and Risa went straight down to join the others as the Clear Water members maneuvered towards them. Alex's rifle shook in his hands. Luna put her arm on Alex, helping him calm down. "You can do this, Alex… We need your skills." Alex calmed his hands.
Alex's sight focused on the man on the machine gun. He started shooting, peppering the ground near Gio. He exhaled and slowly pulled the trigger. The man fell out of the truck when the bullet ripped through his head.
XP:9,600 > XP:9,700
Saki exposed herself with the 153 rocket launcher. Ashner gave her quick instructions on how to use it, and she rolled with it. She pulled the trigger, nailing the closest armored truck.
The vehicle lifted a few feet off the ground in a ball of fire. Lighting up the night sky.
XP:9,700 > XP:10,450
Saki aimed at another vehicle and pulled the trigger again. Nothing happened. She shook the rocket launcher as Gio unloaded his machine gun.
She needs more rounds. Those trucks will cut us down… Wait, that's it. Menu buy Reload for Saki.
XP:10,450 > XP:450
The menu obeyed.
Given Skills
Reload – Maxed
"Use your mana on it," Ashner ordered. The white-eared bunny did so, and the rocket launcher reloaded itself. She smiled and fired again, destroying another truck parking near a crumbled building.
Firearms – Level 0 > 1
Rocket and Missile Launchers – Level 0 > 1
XP:450 > XP:700
She's leveling up.
The mercenaries jumped out of their trucks. It was too risky staying inside them with Saki's rampage. As they rushed, Gio's machine gun cut them down. To the opposite of Ashner, Wong used his M302 grenade launcher, and the round exploded in the center of three soldiers. The ground rumbled, and the snow around them scattered and mixed with their blood.
Evaristo reached for his radio and started pleading for reinforcements.
The rest of the Clear Water soldiers rushed towards them. Dashing around the homes of locals, occasionally firing at them, mistaking them for hostiles.
Wong and Evaristo fired on the enemy as soon as they came into sight. Ashner did the same in his position. Saki sighted a group rush into a shack where snowmobiles were stored. She fired her rocket launcher, destroying the building on top of them. Alex had the high ground. His hands weren't shaking anymore, and he didn't sense the bitter cold against his skin. His mind was clear, and round after round, he took down his targets.
XP:700 > XP:4,850
Above them, Alex fired once more, hitting a wall. The concrete dust peppered one of the men's eyes. Making him ineffective. That allowed Risa to rush in and kill his comrade, who hid behind the truck. She then grabbed the man, who refused to wear eye protection. As soon as she slit his throat with her katana, she retreated away from the gunfire.
Clear Water had no footing. Every position they considered safe was immediately blown up, gunned down, or they were ambushed by Risa, who made quick work of them.
Rounds flew near Ashner's head. He grabbed Saki and pinned her to the ground. "Contact! Nine o'clock!" Ashner glanced to his left, the alley Luna had warned them of. From the shadows, a half-elf emerged from a wall. Stabbing a female mercenary through her neck. She fired a few rounds and then disappeared into the shadows again.
XP:4,850 > XP:9,590
The last of the reinforcements retreated back towards their armored vehicles, but Gio was ready. He unloaded as soon as he counted four men. They tumbled and died on top of each other.
Now, only one remained.
The last man rushed back towards his truck and reached for the radio inside it.
XP:9,590 > XP:11,020
A bullet ripped from one of the homes, killing the man. It wasn't one of Ashner's friends. It was a local.
Soldiers clad in black clothes rushed around the group.
"Evaristo!" One of the soldiers hugged the large man. She was petite and clung to him. She was one of Crow's soldiers. One that had gone to the moon. "We made it."
Around the group, a few stray rounds were fired.
Reinforcements have arrived, and it was better late than never. Everyone lowered their weapons.
Crow and Eugene appeared among the soldiers. Crow smiled at Ashner and whistled at the devastation Ashner's group had caused. One by one, Ashner's people came together. Relieved that none of them died. Angel and Twila emerged last.
"And here I thought you wanted no part in this revolution." Crow teased as he kicked a Clear Water corpse. "But not only did you step up, you fired the first round… It's only a matter of time until Clear Water catches on that we killed their men, and they strike back… You've really fucked us, Ashner."
Ashner studied Sapphire and Serenity. The girls had safeguarded the boy who lost his father. Neither of the girls fought in the battle. Not that Ashner blamed them.
"I'm sorry." Ashner's words were soft. He grasped the severity of his actions. "The moment I heard his sobs… I acted on impulse."
Crow put his hand on the young boy's shoulder. "Hey, little man. We're going to take you to our base. It'll be warmer." The boy was in no position to argue, so he nodded and walked away with a female soldier.
Luna hugged Ashner once she closed the distance.
"As for you, Ashner, you acted out of emotions instead of logic. You forced our hands. Now, we have to act early."
"I've had enough of you!" Wong aimed his rifle at Crow's head. "You set this up!"
"Really? Do you honestly believe I convinced a militia of murderers to attack innocent people? And you just happened to walk into it? Use your head, Wong. This is an everyday occurrence." In the distance, Crow's men started pulling out dead men from their homes. The innocent bystanders that were caught in the cross-fire.
"I wouldn't put it past you!"
"Then pull the trigger."
Ashner grabbed Wong's weapon and slowly lowered it down to the ground. "Wong, what's done is done. I need your mind to be clear. Or we will die."
"How much time until Clear Water retaliates?" Ashner asked Crow.
"Thirty minutes if they're fast," Eugene answered for Crow with his eyebrows raised. He was extremely tall, fit, and all muscle.
"What is your plan?" Ashner asked Crow.
"I knew you'd jump onboard," Crow smirked.
"It's just me… My people don't have to involve themselves…" Ashner studied the bodies. "I knew Ensley and his men were sick… But this…"
"All of Clear Water is like this." Eugene spat. "They're rapists… Thieves… Murderers…"
"It's not just here," Crow added, loud enough for all of Ashner's group to tune in. "It's happening in America, too."
"Who's Clear Water?" Luna asked.
"They're the organization that framed Ashner," Gio answered her question. "They're the reason his hands are marked… And they're the people who burned his face."
That was enough for the demi's to build a hatred for the organization.
"Ashner." Wong was trying to be rational. "We're a group of what, sixty people? We don't stand a chance against a Division."
"I know." Ashner's eyes refused to break away from the bodies. "But nobody is coming… The world is in ruins… And we have the option to stand and stop these men… I don't want to throw us into a war… But this… We're not facing soldiers… We're facing monsters wrapped in human flesh… If we don't do anything… Who will?"
Wong glanced down at the snow.
"All of you go home." Ashner readied his key, but the group shook their head.
"If this is your choice, we stay," Luna spoke for everyone. Wong was the only one still struggling with Ashner's decision.
"This mission is a bust." Wong shook his head. "If Clear Water knows we're coming, they'll kill us… We might stand a chance if we had an army…"
"We do have an army." Eugene glanced back at the locals. Some of the men were gathering the guns of the dead mercenaries.
"And we have the weapons to fight them." Crow smiled. "I snuck them onboard the ship and had my men give them to the locals days ago."
"Ashner, this is a bad idea," Wong warned.
"I'm aware… But we need an army… And we only have thirty minutes…"
"Then we move quick." Crow and his men loaded Ashner and his group into cars, and they drove back to his base. As they drove back, the city's locals prepared themselves. They were armed with body armor and grenades. The same hateful gazes they had earlier in the day were still on their faces, but now they had a purpose for them.
"We have over 75,000 people willing to fight. And enough weapons for every single one of them." Young and old men were accompanied by a handful of older women. They were grouped together into company-sized groups.
Ashner grasped that they were being led by Crow's gang, which consisted of vets seasoned through the heat of combat.
That's why he brought his soldiers.
While the militia assembled, the older women in the town drove cars towards them. They were jury-rigged with extra steel. Some of the trucks were loaded up with machine guns in their beds. Thanks to Crow smuggling them on the ship, they had more than enough weapons.
They arrived at Crow's command center, that's where everyone was scrabbling around. "We outnumber Clear Water six to one." Crow bragged.
"Most of these people haven't fired a gun in years or are too old to be effective… And you're throwing them against trained mercenaries." Ashner was disgusted with Crow. "Most of these people are going to die."
Crow didn't say a word, because Ashner was right.
"It's been twenty minutes." Wong was studying his watch. "These locals are quick."
The child that they saved carried a submachine gun and headed toward the other resistance fighters. Gio's mouth dropped, and he grabbed the kid's shoulder. "What are you doing?"
The boy spoke in broken English. "They have my mom and sister…" He didn't stay. Instead, he rushed towards his people.
"The women here are all older." Wong's eyes studied the small town. "It's obvious what happened here. I understand why they want to fight."
"They only kidnapped the young women and the girls… You don't fuck with people's families…" Crow added. "This city is desperate to get their loved ones back… They won't break when the rounds start flying…"
The demi's also grasped the severity of the situation. Saki and Twila, in particular, became increasingly enraged.
"Gather in your platoons!" Eugene spoke into his headset. "Just how we practiced."
They gathered together. Just glancing at them was enough to pity them. They were frightened but determined.
Ashner and his group were in the command center. Crow had his men place small cameras all over the city. They had eyes everywhere. Their soldiers also carried cameras on their helmets.
Thousands of people were ready to face death.
"Tonight, we spill blood!" Eugene's voice echoed. "We take back our wives! Our sisters! Our daughters!"
The militia hardened their resolve.
Risa gripped her sword tightly. Alex clung to the strap of his sniper rifle. Twila fiddled with her handgun, and Saki's ears lowered.
The militia raised their weapons and roared!
Eugene turned off the headset and spoke to everyone at the command center.
"Now I need volunteers. Our main forces will attack from multiple directions, disorganizing the enemy. But we've been digging through the earth. And we have a path that leads directly underneath DC. These volunteers will rush into Clear Water's main base, disrupt their defenses, destroy their anti-personnel vehicles, and hack their servers… Achieving these goals is essential for keeping our main forces alive… Everyone here is the best of the best… But this is more than likely a suicide mission."
Crow spoke next. "Clear Water will call for reinforcements, even if we win. They'll destroy this town regardless. They know the names of everyone here. That's why I will hack their main server, steal what I need, and destroy it. After that, everyone here has to run. Without your name or pictures of your faces, they'll never find you… My city will accept any survivors of this battle."
"Thank you, Crow." Eugene tapped Crow's back. "Our mortar teams are ready to rain hell down on them… From what our intel gathered, our women are deep in the city, several feet under the earth in a prison. The mortar rounds won't reach them. But if our troops are out in the open, they'll get caught in the blast. I need thirty volunteers…"
The militia stayed still. The weight of dying didn't consume them. It was the weight of failing that did. Most of them were ex-special forces who once fought against America and her allies.
The boy they had saved had eavesdropped and rushed forward. The first volunteer. Crow's eyes widened.
Before he spoke, Gio's strong arm grabbed the boy's shoulder. He shook his head and told the boy no. Next, he stepped up. "I volunteer."
"Idiot," Wong muttered under his breath.
"Da?" Eugene raised one eyebrow.
"Yeah, I know I'm not one of you. But I won't let a child risk his life… Plus." Gio lifted his SAW. "I'll make sure to clear the way for you guys."
"If you bleed with us, then you are one of us." Eugene welcomed him. "How do you say… Brother's through blood."
"I'm going too." Ashner moved ahead. "Risa, Saki, Twila. You girls are the most effective in mid to close combat. Will you join me?"
"Of course." Risa kept pace with Ashner as he got shoulder-to-shoulder with Gio. The demi bunny smiled and joined them. Twila paced elegantly with the suicide squad.
Alex moved too, but Ashner raised his hand, stopping him. "Alex, you'll stay behind and join one of the platoons." Alex nodded and stepped back, a little depressed.
"Crow, I request that you put Luna in Command and in control of your drones," Ashner asked. The fit man nodded.
Crow sat Luna down in a gaming chair and put on a headset on her. With it, she had control of over five hundred drones. She hesitated for a second, but her fingers moved elegantly with the machinery.
Ashner and his group put headsets on their ears. Luna now had the ability to speak to the entire militia. "You're in charge of guiding our army."
"What?" Luna's ears drooped down. "I can't do that."
"Yes, you can." Ashner walked up towards her and showed her how to use the headset. "Your Future Sight is amazing, so use it and guide our forces."
"My mana won't last long."
"Menu, buy Spirit Magic," Ashner whispered.
Ashner's menu popped up. Gio glanced at it.
XP:11,020 > XP:10,020
Spirit Magic – Level 6 > 7
"Level up what I desire." Ashner continued, and Luna sensed it in her body. She had become a first-class Spirit Mage.
Buff Target's Accuracy – Level 0 – 7
Buff Target's Speed – Level 5 – 7
Cleanse Corpse – Level 4 – 7
Detect Life – Level 4 – 7
Future Sight – Level 6 -7
Holy Blast – Level 4 – 7
Share Mana – Level 0 – 7
Steal Mana – Level 0 – 7
XP:10,020 > XP:9,195
"I… I don't know." Luna didn't want to fail Ashner.
"That's why you won't do it alone… Wong." Ashner studied the Asian man who was already a step ahead. Then, he grabbed a headset and put it on his ear. "Will you follow her orders?"
"You got it."
"Serenity, Sapphire, Angel." Ashner addressed the girls. "Your job is to stay here and protect Luna. I gave her the power to absorb mana. If she needs it, give yours to her."
"It won't be enough." Luna was still hesitant.
"Master." Angel glanced up at him. "Legends of old speak of vampires that absorbed mana through blood without the need to drink it… I want that power."
I've never looked at her powers… Menu, show it to me.
Angel's Powers
Vampire Demi-Angel Hybrid
Blood Magic – Level 1
Presence – Level 1
Ice Magic – Level 1
Flight – Level 2
Subclass Skills
Blood Rage – Level 0
Celerity – Level 0
Dominate Target – Level 1
Flight – Level 2
Freeze Burst – Level 2
Heightened Senses – Level 0
Ice Shard – Level 2
Mesmerize Target – Level 1
Resilience – Level 2
Shape-shifting – Level 2
Touch-less Drain – Level 0
Traumatize Target – Level 0
Vigor Strength – Level 1
Interesting. Menu level her up.
XP:9,195 > XP:8,195
Blood Magic – Level 1 > 2
Blood Rage – Level 0 > 2
Celerity – Level 0 > 2
Dominate Target – Level 1 > 2
Mesmerize Target – Level 1 > 2
Touch-less Drain – Level 0 > 2
Traumatize Target – Level 0 > 2
Vigor Strength – Level 1 > 2
XP:8,195 > XP:7,920
Angel inhaled deeply, then hugged Ashner's arm. "Thank you, daddy." She whispered.
"Ashner." Serenity handed Ashner a ring. "Take this."
"What is this?"
"It's a Mana ring." She explained. "It reduces the amount of magic you use per spell… Before you ask, I gave one to everyone… This is all I can currently provide."
"This is more than enough." Ashner's mask made a smile. "Thank you."
"Be safe." She spoke timidly.
"Master." Sapphire had gone to everyone's weapons and poured her mana into it while she held a white magic stone. She used her power on Ashner's gun. "This will prevent your weapon from jamming."
"Is that an enchantment?"
"Yes. It's only temporary since I don't have my tools." Her ears drooped. "I can't fight."
"You don't need to. Just protect Luna."
The two girls nodded.
"I'll be heading with you, Ashner." Crow glanced at Maria. "You're in command of Alpha company."
"Yes, sir." Maria winked at Alex, and he chased after her.
Ashner turned towards Wong.
"After the first bullet fires, you have ten minutes." Eugene fiddled with his headset as he spoke. "Then we'll have our mortar teams attack DC."
"We're up against a superior military force, so don't hold back, and don't fucking die…" Wong warned.
Ashner nodded and joined the special platoon. Finally, they were ready to move.
"This battle will paint the snow red with blood." Crow grabbed Ashner's shoulder. "Show everyone here why I consider you my rival… And welcome to the resistance."