Chapter 27 Asking for Cash Gift

Sheena followed the voice and turned to the sound source, figuring out it was Evan Hathaway.

"Wow, brilliant!" Evan Hathaway grinned ear to ear in a closer distance, which made Sheena feel uncomfortable.

For the desire in the eyes of Evan Hathaway had successfully scared Sheena. Deep down in heart, Sheena knew he was desiring something and this was the right moment.

Sheena cleared her throat and tried to keep them apart, at least not that close enough for a face-to-face chat.

However, Evan Hathaway was much flexible than usual time. He stepped forwards to them and smiled softly.

"All of us have waited for you two for long, please join in our happiness for you." Evan Hathaway just pulled Stephan Korade and left without waiting for the reaction of Sheena, who could do nothing but watch Stephan Korade was seized to leave in an awkward gesture.

"Hey…" Sheena called out, but soon her voice was vanished in the talking sounds of the crowd. Although Sheena knew few of them, they seemed to be really happy for her marriage with Stephan Korade.

In the not far away distance, Alex Korade and William Korade were surround by a crowd of people, full of laughs and cheers.

"Sheena, come over." Stephan Korade followed the steps of Evan Hathaway and gave up the struggles already, he walked and turned to her for the calling.

Sheena knew this was their show and she must cooperate well with Stephan Korade to get rip of any other possible trouble. So she smiled back and caught up their steps.

As expected, the most important thing for this dinner was communication with those relatives and friends. Sheena was in the same table with the family of Korade, but she couldn't enjoy the dishes, for only after a few bites of meats, she had to accept the instruction of Alex Korade and greeted to those people together with Stephan Korade.

They greeted and toasted to the people table by table, and when they finished the procedure Sheena couldn't remember how many cups of wine she had drunk up.

"Are you alright?" After finishing the greetings to the final table of people, Stephan Korade had noticed the status of Sheena and inquired with worry in his eyes. Of course, Stephan Korade had waited for Alex left for seconds and then inquired.

Sheena shook her head to relieve his worry, "I'm fine."

In the future, such a scenario wouldn't be few and it was better for Sheena to get used to it as soon as possible. Of course, if Stephan Korade could save such scenario as much as possible would be better, too.

"That's all, let's go back to the table and enjoy the meals. Hangover soups have been served." Stephan Korade held her hand while she was walking.

Feeling the warmth passing by the hand, Sheena looked up and couldn't help sensing the beating heart almost jumping out of her chest. She could feel her chins were warmed with invisible heat.

However, under the influence of the wine, Sheena did feel dizzy, the whole world seemed to be spinning around. Therefore, Sheena didn't shake off the seizing of Stephan Korade and just followed his steps.

"Wow, looked at the blushed face of Sheena, as attractive as the red apple." Right at the moment Sheena sat down, Lena Lim cried out with surprise, as if she was the first time to see Sheena. "Stephan, you're so lucky to have such a beautiful wife, please cherish." When saying this, Lena Lim narrowed her eyes and gave a meaningful smile.

What she said had won the applauds of the people on the seats.

"Yep, she looks amazing in that dress…"

"Sheena and Stephan look perfect with each other."

Although Sheena was dizzy, Sheena still could hear what they had said. When hearing these appreciations, Sheena looked up and saw the slight grin hidden in the mouth corner of Stephan Korade.

Stephan Korade looked quite comfortable for the comments and confident enough to accept all of these appreciations. So when Sheena looked up, he grinned ear to ear to Sheena with sincerity and pride in his eyes.

"Thank you all." Stephan Korade looked clear-headed that he stood up and raise up a cup of wine, toasting to Alex and his parents, "thank you for the arrangement for me to meet with Sheena, as well as the marriage."

Witnessing the statement of Stephan Korade, Sheena felt a little difficult in figuring out his true meaning. Before this day, Sheena knew Stephan Korade was doing this for pleasing Alex as well as the properties. But what he was claiming had made Sheena have a kind of feelings that he was telling the truth. No wonder Sheena had never ever heard of missaying from his ex-girlfriends. Yes, although Stephan Korade had so much girl-friend in the past, Sheena had never heard those girls speaking ill of him. Maybe this was a kind of personality charm.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, thank you very much for the care and love to Sheena," Stephan Korade toasted to Lena Lim and Evan Hathaway, who was smiling with pride and comfort.

Sheena stood up immediately and toasted to them together with Stephan Korade. No matter what they had done to her in the past, Sheena knew this etiquette procedure should never be skipped, especially when they were in front of so many relatives and friends.

"You know what?" Evan Hathaway's eyes had never left Stephan Korade, he smiled with narrowed-eyes, "Sheena was the most important daughter in our family." Evan Hathaway just spoke that out, without caring the face of Cherry Hathaway who heard the words and had a kind of weird expression on face.

Lena Lim nodded her head immediately, without noticing the expression of Cherry Hathaway. It was rare for Lena Lim not to pay much attention to Cherry Hathaway, especially Cherry Hathaway had borne a crack on her smile.

"You have picked up the most valuable treasure of our family." Lena added with pleasing smile.

"Of course, it's our honor to have gotten such a beautiful and valuable daughter-in-law." Maggie was the first one to react and make the similar statement. Both William Korade and Alex Korade nodded their heads as a kind of agreement.

Sheena was a little bit embarrassment. It was the first time for her to hear those appreciating words spoken out of their mouths. Back in the memories, Lena Lim would never look at her, while Evan Hathaway would talk with her nothing but money taking.

Therefore, for how they had acted now, Sheena couldn't figure out the right reaction.

Stephan Korade touched her hand back with his hand back, to waking up her from the memories. Sheena realized her being stunned had been caught by Stephan Korade, she forced herself to wake up and gave the polite smile.

Evan Hathaway continued without too much care for the reaction of Sheena, with a kind of firm desire in his eyes.

Sheena caught that sign and was shocked in heart. He wouldn't do it in such a location, right? She suddenly realized the timing and recalled of the words that he had nagged back in her apartment.

In the meantime, Sheena noticed Lena Lim was bearing the same expression as Evan Hathaway. Although she didn't take the lead in speaking, she just watched the acting of Evan Hathaway as a follower. From her eyes, Sheena could sense Lena Lim was waiting for Evan Hathaway's further action.

Evan Hathaway smiled and then made a statement about the appreciations on the help of Stephan Korade's family.

When hearing those words, Sheena knew the most important one was at the last.

"Dad…" Sheena called in a low voice but big enough for Evan Hathaway to hear. Because of the ties of family blood, Sheena knew he would understand what she meant. But Evan Hathaway just took a glance at her and then continued his speech.

"I know it's not right to raise up the topic, but I think it's the right time to do it now." Evan Hathaway finally finished the flattering and came to the point.

Everyone was surprised at his turning in the speech. However, Alex Korade was a man experiencing much that he was calm enough to have no other expression but just smiled to wait for Evan Hathaway's words.

Stephan Korade had an eye-exchange with Sheena, who bite at her own lips but released no words out with worries in her eyes.

At this moment, Sheena knew she could do nothing but watching everyone was attracted by her own father.

"We've make a hard living in our own days," Evan Hathaway said, "thanks to Sheena's hardworking and our family can scrape along with her salary time and again…"

"Dad, please don't." Sheena cried, with tears in her eyes but not dripping down.

However, no matter how hard Sheena was trying to beg him to stop in a way only they two knew, Evan Hathaway just continued after an eye-exchange with Lena Lim.

"If you don't mind, maybe the cash gift is needed more than the wedding party which has been omitted."