Chapter 10 - Shadows of Doubt

The school day dragged on, with Julian's return looming over everyone. Liam struggled to focus, his mind drifting to Julian's intentions.

In the cafeteria, Aria and Anya chatted about Julian's sudden appearance.

"I don't trust her," Aria said, sipping her juice.

"Me neither," Anya agreed. "She's up to something."

Liam's gaze met Julian's across the room. Her smile sparked a wave of unease within him.

After lunch, Liam couldn't take it anymore. He needed space.

The final bell rang, and Liam hastily gathered his belongings.

"Hey, Liam, wait up!" Kai called.

Liam waved Kai off. "Catch you later, Kai. Got some stuff to think about."

Liam rushed out of school, his thoughts consumed by Julian.

As he walked home, questions swirled in his mind:

What does Julian want? Is she seeking revenge? Does she know the truth about Alex's death?

Liam's feet carried him automatically to his front door. He entered, calling out, "Dad, I'm home."

His father's voice echoed from the study. "Liam, welcome back. Come here for a minute."

Liam's heart sank. He hadn't spoken to his father about Julian's return. Nor about his own doubts.

Liam walked into the study, his father's expression serious.

"Son, I heard Julian's back," his father said.

Liam nodded. "Yeah, she showed up today."

His father's eyes narrowed. "Be careful around her, Liam. She's not to be trusted."

Liam's thoughts flared. Did his father know more than he let on?

"Why do you say that, Dad?" Liam asked.

His father's expression turned guarded. "Just be cautious, Liam. That's all."

Liam pressed on. "Dad, do you know why Julian's really back?"

His father's pause was almost imperceptible. "No, son. I don't."

Liam's gut twisted with anxiety. He didn't want to believe his father was involved in Alex's death.

"But you know something, don't you?" Liam accused.

His father's expression turned stern. "Liam, drop it. Just focus on your studies."

Liam left the study, his mind reeling.

In his room, Liam locked the door and collapsed onto his bed.

"Why did Julian come back?" Liam muttered to himself.

Memories flooded his thoughts. Alex's death. Julian's accusations.

Liam's family secrets.

"Uncle Victor," Liam whispered. Alex's father.

Liam's father's closest friend and business partner.

Uncle Victor had been in a coma for the past 12 years, a tragic accident leaving him incapacitated.

But if Alex had lived... Liam's thoughts trailed off.

Alex would've inherited a significant share of the family empire.

A share that would've rivaled Liam's father's control.

A chill ran down Liam's spine as he considered the possibility.

Did his father see Alex as a threat?

Did he orchestrate Alex's death to protect his own interests?

Liam's eyes scanned his room, searching for answers.

The spiked drink. The fatal accident.

Was it really an accident? Or a carefully crafted plot?

Just then, Liam's phone buzzed. Kai's text flashed on the screen:

"Hey, man. You okay? You seemed pretty shaken up today."

Liam hesitated. Should he confide in Kai? Or keep his doubts hidden?

Liam's fingers hovered over the keyboard.

"I'm fine, Kai. Just need some time to think."

Liam's determination grew. He would uncover the truth.

No matter the cost.

But where would he start?

And what secrets would he uncover?

As Liam pondered, his phone buzzed again.

This time, it was a text from an unknown number:

"Meet me at the old warehouse at 8 pm. Come alone."

Liam's heart skipped a beat.

Who was this?

And what did they want?