Beginning of bloodshed

Ryo walked into the hospital room, his arms filled with flowers and a fresh basket of fruits. Hana was already awake, her expression rather sad as she sat on the bed. Kaede lay curled up in a chair beside her mother, peacefully asleep.

She had been visiting Hana frequently making sure that Hana is treated well and kept well secured in case Masaru show up in the hospital. She knew she didn't have the strength to save her mother, but at the same time, if a little girl like her shouted asking for help, she knew that Masaru would end up in another hospital bed.

Hana looked up as he entered, managing a faint smile. "Thank you for visiting, Ryo-sama. And for the flowers… and the fruits. They are very lovely."

Ryo set the items on the table and took a seat. "How are you feeling, Hana-san?"