-Year 997, New Fuuhzan Calendar-
-South Fuuhzan-
Afternoon had turned to evening as two hooded travellers made their way southward through a dense forest. The warm air was pleasant and the aromas of grass and a warm breeze were reminiscent of summer. Birds were chirping, insects were buzzing and whizzing around, and the gentle breeze could be heard as it ruffled through the leaves of the trees with careless elegance.
After spending several days going through dense forestry the travellers were about to have their first change of scenery as they are about to reach a sparsely populated plateau. As they reached the end of the plateau they could see the valley ahead, how far it still stretched and decided this spot would be perfect to set up camp for the night.
The sun was now firmly setting, obscured in part by a large mountain ahead, whose purple distortion mixed with the oranges of the sky to give the illusion of the sun dipping into a pool, slowly swallowed out of the sky.
One of the two was tall and wearing a backpack, while the other one was shorter and holding a staff.
Their long hooded robes covered them from head to toe, which was how they liked to travel outside their home region. Anonymity played an important role when travelling, as you can never know who or what you may meet on long journeys, especially considering their line of work.
Being an exorcist for hire comes with its own set of intricacies and though they had only been travelling together around four years, it only took them a few weeks to discover it easier just to travel incognito.
Feng, the smaller traveller with the staff, found herself thinking back to their early days together in this moment while they inspected the area they just arrived.
At the same time, Kaiko, the taller one with the backpack, ruffled some bushes and kicked into some shrubs to ensure there was no one around.
They had found a good spot to set up camp for the night next to some trees by the edge of the plateau.
Just beyond those trees was a gradual downhill, a long misty valley and eventually the looming mountain that stood tall, casting a massive shadow over them as the sun was swallowed out of the sky.
"So, is that the infamous ghost mountain?" Kaiko began dismissively as he dropped his backpack.
"I'm not impressed." He continued as he untied a bundle of branches from the side of his backpack.
He then paced around a bit, kicked some dirt around before digging into the ground with his hands, leaving a small ditch. After inspecting it for a moment he picked up the branched and dropped them in.
"Are you really going to keep that joke up with every ominous-looking mountain we see?" Feng replied with an air of irritation that was palpable, "Because we see a lot of those."
This was an entirely justified reaction on Feng's part, considering this was the twenty-third time Kaiko had made the joke since he discovered a teaching of the Founder of the organisation for which they worked.
To make matters worse he had made the same joke around five times in the last four weeks alone, at different points of their journey here all the way from Shoi Ni's headquarters in East Fuuhzan.
They had journeyed to South Fuuhzan's most southern province, Wansen, on an assignment which Feng found had been given an unusually high priority as well as an indiscrete levels of secrecy.
It was rather alarming to Feng also that they knew nothing more than their destination at this point.
They had been ordered to head for a village that was once a massive hub for Spiritualism. The story goes that only the greatest villages in Spiritual Arts would have been allowed to carry the title of Tai, back in the early days.
"Though, funnily enough, that is our destination ahead," she continued as she started setting up the wood for the campfire, "So at least it's the correct mountain you're joking with."
Kaiko shrugged with a smile.
There was near silence as they continued setting up, only the sounds of nature could be heard around them; though even these was oddly sparse.
Feng lit the fire while Kaiko removed the sleeping bags from the backpack and set them up on opposite sides of the fire.
By the time they were set up, the sun had been firmly swallowed out of the sky by the mountain and their camp was the only illumination as far as the eye could see.
Once they had made themselves as comfortable as possible, considering the circumstances, Feng reached into her cloak, took out a sealed scroll from her pocket and inspected it in the fire light.
She glanced at the seal that kept the content magically sealed before smiling awkwardly.
"We're close enough, it seems," She started before throwing the scroll over to Kaiko without warning him, "See the tear?"
Though he had his eyes closed, his ears perked when Feng threw the scroll and he turned in time to catch it.
"I've been told it was not uncommon in the past for assignments to have enchanted seals," Feng said rather quickly, "They would only break once they were within proximity to the job."
Feng imagined it was to guarantee a level of commitment to the assignment, but she didn't know, this was her first time going on a sealed assignment.
Kaiko looked disinterestedly at the crack in the seal that bound the scroll. He was about to toss it back when he was interrupted.
"C'mon," Feng egged on, "Open it!"
Kaiko scuffed before tossing the scroll back over.
"You know I can't read that modern script," He said as he leant back and pretended to be comfortable, "And I wouldn't want to anyway."
"You'll have to learn eventually," Feng said as she pulled on the last bit of the seal to break it all the way, "Because I don't want to be the only one reading these."
Kaiko looked away from Feng, knowing full well she was right.
Feng read the information provided on the scroll and the two sat in silence for a bit while she did. Once she was done she put the scroll down and sighed. Kaiko sat up to face her.
"So, did our, euh…" Kaiko began as he tried to think of the right words, pulling back his hood, basking his face in the light and warmth of the fire, "I guess, our 'Great Superiors' give you any indication of what to expect here?"
The light revealed his dark orange hair with white streaks, big dark eyes and slim pale face with prominent dark lines around his eyes. He put his dark hands on his knees while leaning in forward towards Feng, awaiting her summary. The flickering light was falling on his face such that it gave him a young appearance, but the look in his eyes suggested otherwise.
"No, nothing useful as usual…" she responded, before pausing, drawing her hood back as well, allowing the heat to bathe her face, "We are to investigate and deal with whatever is going on…"
Feng's long dark hair was now visible in the light of the fire, tied in a bun with two long pins. Her radiant green eyes were clearly visible despite the low light of the fire and peered directly into the fire, intimidating its luminosity.
After a moment of staring into the fire seemingly lost in though she stood up, took her robe off entirely, seeking a pocket within its inner lining, from which she pulled a plain looking metal tube.
"Having said that," She continued and she pulled the tube apart revealing a telescope, "An old friend who ran into me prior to our departure."
"She told me a few unsettling things about this place, though" She said as she fidgeted around with her telescope, "Which makes me think our assignment to this job was no coincidence."
"So…," Kaiko responded absent-mindedly, "Business as usual?"
"Funny," Feng snorted at him, knowing that in some ways he was right, "But being serious for just a moment, I have an odd feeling."
Kaiko said nothing but turned to face her, which she heard despite being focused on the telescope.
"I've never even seen a sealed mission before," She said as she turned away from the telescope, "This isn't going to be without danger."
"Do you think our 'Superiors' would risk putting you in life threatening danger?" Kaiko asked boastfully.
"I don't think so," Feng responded after a small pause, "But don't tell me even the chance of something terrible happen to you wouldn't fill them with some joy."
They both started laughing and looked into the fire for just a moment.
"Though thinking about it I don't think they care too much whatever happens to me either," she continued in a softer tone, "I really feel like I only exist as your leash now."
There was another small pause in which neither said anything. The moment was broken when the Kaiko started laughing, followed by slapping his knee really hard.
"Your attitude sure has changed over the years," He said, "Leash or not, I would find it hard to believe they would get themselves involved in anything dangerous enough to give the two of us trouble."
"You say that," she began as she tried to remember something in the far reaches of her memories, "But remember the circus village last year?"
"I remember vague bits here and there," Kaiko responded in deep thought, "But most of all, I remember is making a point to The Elders about what happens when you let a Yohkai nest for a few years."
"Exactly," Feng interjected, "And according to my friend the rumour is that travel from Wansen had been on the decline for more than a decade before anyone noticed."
"Notice what?" Kaiko inquired.
"That no one from Wansen had been seen for at least seven years." She responded.
Kaiko made an audible thinking noise before eventually saying something.
"Seven years is a long time." He eventually said contemplatively.
"Moreover," she continued, "It seems that every year, for the past five years, several groups have attempted to find out what is happening there, never to return or be seen or heard of ever again."
As Kaiko pondered on that information for a moment, Feng turned back towards the mountain and looking down her telescope once more.
She couldn't seem to get a focus on the mountain, there always seemed to be a fog blocking her vision.
"It can't be…" she said after a prolonged pause, "The Spirit-scope is being shrouded."
Kaiko's expression got serious.
"That's not good," He immediately said, "Let me see if I can do anything."
He got up instantly, faced the mountain and tightened the muscles of his core into a martial form with a low centre of gravity. He held it there while he charged his spiritual energy which he collected into his gut.
The spiritual energy slowly become visible as a white mass forming out from spirals into an orb at his centre. He brought his arms forward and the energy formed a small ball between his hands. He closed his eyes, attempted to squish the white mass and as soon as it started to elongate he clasped his hands together then opened his eyes.
From his entire body a mirage image of an animal grew and with a small gust of wind popped out straight ahead at the mountain.
Halfway to the mountain his mirage image faded and dissipated into nothingness. As it disappeared there was a small flash which for only an instant revealed a barrier by how air rippled on its the surface like a previously serene lake.
Kaiko, who has been frozen in place throughout, finally released himself and slowly stood up.
"Sorry Feng," Kaiko said in between heaving breaths, "Even my projections won't reach."
The two of them stared at each other for a moment and nodded.
Feng picked up a stick and started drawing markings on the ground. At the same time Kaiko made six holes in the ground with his finger, and blew a breath of air infused with his own spiritual energy into each of them before using his other hand to cover the holes with dirt once more. He sat in front of the covered up holes with his hands over the ground, channeling his energy through his hands and gently onto the soil. Within a few minutes something was boring its way through the ground where Kaiko had made holes. Once they had all emerged and shaken the dirt off it was possible to see them more clearly, they were little clay creatures.
Once all six had emerged from the ground and dusted themselves off completely, Kaiko grabbed them all into his hands and infused them once more with some of his energy. They started to glow and hover over his hands. With a small flash four of them instantly disappeared in four different directions, all heading towards the mountain.
By the time the clay familiars had disappeared out of sight, Feng was done making her markings in the ground. She had drawn a circle, marked with writing all along its edge and several markings in the direction of the four winds. From each cardinal direction lines had been drawn, thick first and getting thinner leading to the middle, where Feng sat down. She cradled her hands in her lap in accordance with Spiritualist teachings and chanted inaudibly.
Kaiko, who had finished instructing and placing his familiars, walked over to sit down and observe as Feng prepared her blessing.
The casting of the blessing was in itself an art form. It was not a spell that many had mastered it to the extent Feng had. Kaiko was certain that the priests of Shoi Ni were wrong when they declared that Feng was the spirit of Ohkami Herself reborn, only this time within a human vessel. He definitely didn't agree when he heard them preaching that her existence was a sign that the age of humanity was upon us.
He did, however, agree unequivocally that her spiritual energy was likely amongst the greatest that any single human had ever possessed, and this alone made her a valuable asset.
She had mastered the blessing arts not only at such a young age, but from scripture and a novice for a teacher alone; a feat beyond most.
The lines on the ground began to glow and wind came in through the symbols into a swirl around Feng. She lifted her hands from her lap and the wind curled around her arms and into the palms of her hands, creating small balls of air.
She spoke an enchantment audibly and her entire body began to glow. The glow enveloped the wind gathering in her hands and absorbed it. She started to be levitated off the ground as the light around her body pulsated with strong gusts.
Kaiko moved from his spot to try to shield the fire from the gusts but the flames were getting fanned regardless.
"My staff," Feng spoke in echoed voice,"If you please, Kaiko."
He wasted no time grabbing her staff from the ground and threw it in her direction. The staff landed in her hand flawlessly and when it did her entire windy and glowing aura rushed into the staff, which in turn glowed a hot white radiant colour.
Feng slammed the bottom of the staff into the ground at the centre of the circle and a flash of light blinded everything within around her in all directions.
When Feng and Kaiko could both see once more, the circles she had drawn were gone and the staff looked normal too. To anyone else it would seem like nothing had changed but the air around both of them definitely had a different feel to it now. They could both feel something warm and unexplainable deep within them and both of them felt like they instinctively knew it.
"Our blessing for entering into the village has been set up," Feng started, "I take it the rocksies are heading out?"
Kaiko nodded in response.
"Good, then let's sleep," she said as she inspected her own staff, "Tomorrow morning we head for that barrier, anything could happen from then onwards."
Kaiko made a sound of agreement before grabbing the backpack and putting it down as pillow. He then lay down facing away from the fire and Feng.
Feng put her staff to the side of her sleeping bag before laying on top of it, she wasn't yet whether she was warm enough.
She tried to get comfortable but she just couldn't. She looked over at Kaiko while he pretended to be falling asleep with his back turned to her. He didn't really sleep as much as she did but he had learned to pretend for her sake. She knew this, of course, but appreciated it and played along most of the time.
She tried turning around a few more times but she couldn't resist any longer, she took the telescope out one more time to look at the mountain.
For almost a minute she tried to look towards different areas of the mountain, without saying a word.
"Kaiko," She sudden began without taking her eyes off the mountain, "I'm a little scared, to be honest."
Kaiko didn't move, trying to keep up the illusion of sleep, but he was listening attentively.
"I'm excited too, of course" she continued after a few seconds, "But ever since we got close enough to see the mountain I've been having an odd feeling. Now that we're closer I'm almost sure it's some residual spirit energy, a faint 'Shuinsen'."
Kaiko tried not to let it show that hearing this had alarmed him. He didn't know it that he hadn't succeeded at that.
"I know sometimes you can sense Shuinsen, too," She then continued, "And this isn't the first time I have felt it such a uniquely enervating aura, but do you feel it too?"
She put down the telescope and looked over to him. He didn't move.
"Everything feels off," she muttered to herself loud enough for him to hear, "The scope, the sealed mission, now this odd aura."
One of the two remaining small golems that Kaiko had made walked over to Feng and got her attention by making cute little gestures at her.
She picked it up and clutched it into her chest.
She had decided that she was a little chilly in that moment. She opened the sleeping bag up and got inside. She then turned to face her back to the fire before attempting to sleep. The only difference now was that unlike Kaiko, she eventually would fall asleep.
Kaiko was quite happy he had said nothing throughout and let her talk. He was afraid he'd have to admit that he had not, infact, sensed any Yohkai aura, murderous intent aura, no kami aura or any of typical supernatural sensations they usually deal with; nothing at all.
It also worried him to think that their last Elder-mandated 'adventure,' clearly took a heavy toll on them both and he wasn't going to be able to be of any help.
It was his opinion that Feng had actually surpassed him completely since then.
He was happy, of course. The spiritual bond that they now had benefitted them both, regardless of which one grow in spiritual power. Up until their last mission, however, he felt like it she who was benefitting from his power.
Her awakening to her powers had begun to affect her conscious spiritual energy in most amazing ways.
If she may one day she did command powers rivalling Ohkami herself, as Shoi Ni seem to believe, he thought to himself, who knows how the world will benefit, or suffer.
He sighed shook his head in thought. He needed to focus his thoughts on his own energy, and he focused in on his rock familiars. Most specifically, he was focussing the two he sent off towards the middle, heading directly towards the barrier ahead. Just like he thought it was the first obstacle they would encounter. This far away from them, however, he would only be able to sense what they were experiencing, not see through their eyes or control them at will.
The two golems had reached the barrier that surrounded the furthest edge of the village and went all the way around into the side of the mountain it was built on.
Physically there was no visible barrier nor even a hint in the air that anything would happen were one to try and walk. The golems, however, did noticed a small miniature stone sculpture that was only twice their own size. It stood along the edge of the barrier. They both walked up to it after which one of them reached out to touch the barrier. The golem didn't even get to touch the small stone statue before being pushed away violently by a gust of wind produced by a smaller barrier cast upon the stone.
The two golems looked at each other and each looked for something to grab off the ground. One of them grabbed a twig while the other one grabbed a rock.
The one with the twig prodded and poked at the stone statue revealing that the twig got through the barrier without any problem, but as soon as its little stone arm got even close to the statue, it would surge again and send the golem flying away.
Seeing what had happened, one with the rock made sure it took an extra step away from the statue, then threw his rock. As somewhat expected, that rock got through the barrier without any trouble too, it did however fail to even scratch the statue.
Once again the two golems looked at each other with no idea how to proceed next and wobbled their heads to one side.
They had an idea and shook around to communicate this to each other. They both knelt down next to each other, facing the statue and concentrated. They focused their energies onto their cores. Their spirits glowed and gleamed and from their small rock bodies sprouted much bigger spiritual vessels that resembled bodies, coming out from their small pile of rock bodies.
One inflated one of its arms into a great hammer block and started wailing onto the barrier surrounding the statue with all its might; to no avail.
The other one, having seen how little effects the hammering had, sharpened its appendage into a long and sharp blade. The apparition checked its blade before cutting a tree behind it at its base, then morphed itself and grew its appendage to wrap around the fallen tree and launched it at the statue with all its strength.
The tree flew right into the statue with such force a large rumble could be heard echoing across the valley. When the tree hit the statue it kicked up a lot of dirt, forming a cloud of dust. They would have to wait until it had settled before they could see if this had done anything.
As the dust settled the golems could see that the tree was on the other side of the barrier, together with a massive pile of dirt, and grooves in the ground left from the impact.
The statue was still untouched, still in the exact spot, now floating over nothing, touched by nothing, still part of the barrier, immovable, standing there on thin air at the centre of a massive hole in the ground left from the tree.
The golems looked at each other and fell over in frustration, the statue had defeated them. They retracted their spirits back into their small stone bodies.
The two golems were ready to turn around and head back to Kaiko when they were distracted by the statue suddenly exploding into light which then flung both of their small stone bodies flying its some bushes.
They quickly got back up trying to orient themselves and see what caused the shockwave. They didn't have the time to stand up properly before a whirling sound could be heard coming for them. In an instant a black shockwave sliced through the light and cut one of the two golems in half.
The other golem noticed this instantly and extended his spiritual energy to grab onto the two halves of the other and used a massive burst of energy to dart away from the barrier quickly.
As they ran, jumping from tree to tree a few more black slashes were thrown in their direction. They avoided all the attacks with their quick movements, however the trees they used to escape were not so lucky. The shockwaves sliced through some branches and a few cut down entire trees.
Once they had made it far enough that they couldn't sense any more danger, the slashes and shockwaves stopped. They had somehow managed to get away and out of reach of danger.
Hoping they were now out of danger, they rushed away with the intention of reporting back to Kaiko as soon as familiarly possible.