Chapter 21 Astonishing Discovery.


A tiny voice whimpered, drawing Gabriel’s attention as he glanced down and his gaze landed on the small male with blonde locks, sitting on the floor, rubbing his head in pain.

'How careless.' He thought with a sigh.

“This, kid, is why you should never run in halls.” Gabriel stated as he crouched down on one kneel, extending his hand so that the child who was still rubbing his head, could use it as a support when getting up.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked.

“No, not really,” The boy replied as he stopped rubbing his forehead and finally looked up at Gabriel.

Almost as if something invisible had entered him, Gabriel felt a strange feeling blossom in his chest the moment he caught the child’s face.

He stared at the boy’s face as if he was in a trans, feeling somewhat attracted to him.

The little boy’s blonde hair was neatly combed, his grey eyes were round and filled with curiosity, while his pale skin was flushed, a faint hue of red covering his cheeks.