Chapter 38 Nothing But The Truth.

The feeling was soft, possibly the softest thing Leonica had ever felt pressed against her lips. It felt familiar and warm.

In all her 28 years of living, she had never experienced a feeling quite like it.

Her body tingled, the hair at the back of her neck stood, and her stomach turned, in a she definitely disliked.

Without giving either herself or body any chance to settle into the feeling, she quickly pushed her off Gabriel’s chest, resulting in a flat fall on her butt and a wound in her palm that had paid not attention to thanks to the events that had just happened.

On the inside, she cursed at her pounding heart, berating herself for allowing Gabriel’s touch to still have some sort of effect on her after five years.

Gabriel on the other hand, having the weight that had pinned him down disappearing, gently sat up, finger tips brushing against his lips.