Chapter 40 Poisonous As Cyanide.

Subtle music in the background mixed with the flashing sounds of paparazzi cameras, Gabriel walked down the entrance carpet, Angelina beside him.

However, instead of his date, his eyes roamed the faces of people, looking for a certain someone.

It didn’t take long before he the object of his search.

Leonica, was the object of his search.

And the more he watched her, the harder it became for him to fight away the fact of how stunning she looked in her dress tonight.

It was different from how he had seen her the previous time. This time, she had a smile on her lips, looking care free and happy. That look however, faded as soon as her eyes landed on him.

He couldn't blame her, as his own lips had tightened and his jaws clenched, the feeling of hatred between them was mutual.

“Gabriel?” Angelina’s voice pulled him away from the scene in front.

“Is everything alright?” She asked, a slight worried tone in her voice.