Chapter 78 The Bitch Had Come For Revenge.

“Risk it?” Leonica repeated his words and went silent. All of a sudden, she chuckled loudly, startling Gabriel. “Don’t be silly, Gabriel. Even if artificial insemination fails, there are many other ways to save Ashley.” She said and waved her hand in a dismissive manner almost as if saying she wanted to end the topic here.

But Gabriel’s confused expression said something else.

Other ways to save Ashley? God he hoped it was no what he thought she was implying.

“In-Vitro for example.” Leonica added upon seeing Gabriel confused face and nearly relished deeply when his expression contorted confusion, anger that came when he realized that his assumptions were right and then finally a disapproving look that came along with the realization that not many mothers were the same after IVF.

“IVF, are you listening to yourself, Leonica? That can harm you.” He objected, leaning forward in a manner that showed he was serious about his every word.