Chapter 97 Aftermath Of The Flames.

Leonica eyes remained glued to the burning house, frozen shut in place, even after Owen tucked Ashley in the back seat and came back for her, leading her towards the passenger seat and whispering to her that everything was going to be alright and for now, he’d drive she and Ashley some for safety. The moment his hands released her to pull open the door, the spell had broken and the world around her began to make sense again.

Owen was about to open the door, intending to lead her in when Leonica’s hand caught his. He turned to look at her with a confused gaze.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

"He's still in there." Came her reply. "He's in there. I'm sure of it." She repeated sternly and broke out of his hold.

"Leo... Leonica, where are you going." Owen said and chased after her, standing in her path to block her.

At times like this, Leonica cursed the fact that the younger boy had somehow grown taller than her.

"Get out of my way." She demanded.