Chapter 121 I Really Want To Kiss You.

Gabriel watched as the smoke sizzles in the air, soon disappearing with the winds of approaching summer. His eyes stared ahead, looking aimlessly at the scenery in front of him as he tried to sort out his thoughts.

It had been more than two hours since his talk with Angelina had ended and he left Oslo's female prison and might he tells you, all the shit she told him, the shit he had done, did more harm than good.

With a sigh, he brought the cigarette stick to his lips, and took another puff, watching the smoke rise up into the air.

"You know, that's going to kill you." He turned his head at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, raising a brow at the brunette who stood a few feet away from him.

“And you care, why?” He asked, not really in any mood to entertain sympathy from a stranger.