Chapter 128 Escape Gone Wrong.

"So what you mean to tell me is that Ms. Leonica Romero was kidnapped by the CEO of C&D industries?" The man with a mustache, cloaked from head to toe in Norway's original police uniform, asked Owen as they stood in the security office.

Owen narrowed his eyes, looking weirdly at the man in front of him. Had he honestly just asked that question after watching the footage he was just shown?

"Yes." Owen muttered, biting his lower lip in order to not lose his patience with the man. "Are you not going to do anything?"

The mustached officer looked at his partner. They both shared a look before he placed his hand on his waist holder.

"Sir, I'm sorry to have to inform you that, but there's nothing we can do." He said and Owen's brows twitched.

"Excuse me?" He said, a sharp edge to his tone.

"An official report has to be made and an investigation opened and only then will we be allowed to move forward. Until then, the most we can do is send a team to look for her."