Chapter 154 Negotiations.

Billy welcomed Gabriel the moment he arrived at the company. He escorted him upstairs and led him into the visitors office where Melvin Romero was already seated.

As he approached, Melvin stood up and quickly bowed his head. He remained standing while Gabriel sat down, this giving him a few seconds window to study the male in front of him.

He was every bit of the rumors he had heard. Intimidating, intellectual, and Godlike looking.

For a moment, he almost couldn’t believe that Leonica had been married to him. But then again, she was Leonica, she, just like him, is on a different scale.

“Hello, Mr. Romero I presume?” The sound of Gabriel’s voice had pulled him out of his thoughts and he quickly nodded in a composed manner.

“Yes. Hello, Mr. Bryce, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He greeted.

“You as well. Please have a seat,” He gestured towards the chair and Melvin sat down. “So, what is the matter brings you to my company, Mr. Romero?”