Chapter 202 Serving Herself On A Silver Platter.

Staring at the location of a totally different place, Leonica became confused.

Why was she receiving a different idea when Chief Robert has figured out where her mother was being held?

Was this all part of Irene's plan to throw them off? Or was the building the decoy?

Benjamin's abandoned property was on the outskirts of town, far away from civilization and general public, so if the police were to start their journey there now, it's take them nothing less than three hours to get there.

But this location she had been given, Leonica thought as she opened Google map and typed it in, was closer.

If she left now, she'd probably get there within fifteen minutes, maybe less.

So was this the real place her mother was being held? And was her father's building just a decoy? Or was this place the decoy and Irene was just trying to throw them off her trails, believing that Leonica would cry wolf to the entire police team and her father if she received this picture?