Chapter 29; Treat her face...

Mu Yunchen strode over to the parking lot and got into his Maybach that was parked in the parking lot but still held her in his arms tightly; Zhou Yuxi was also taking advantage of this to cuddle in his arms; she felt better and good being in his arms.

Li Feng settled down in the driver's seat with another guard in the passenger seat; other guards used the cars they were previously using.

"To the hospital!" His voice was still cold and rough. He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of devaju like he was losing her for the second time; he was afraid, and holding her in his arms assured him that she was fine and still with him.

"Okay..." Li Feng didn't question and the entire car went quiet as Zhou Yuxi listened to that heartbeat that was wildly beating. Everyone knew he was mad, they didn't dare say a word to infuriate him further.
