Chapter 107; Zhou Yuxi, let's go shopping...

"You don't have to know me, and you don't have to worry about my presence; go on with your business as if I don't exist..." Zhou Yuxi roughly kicked a girl's legs that were outstretched, probably planning to triple them, before settling down on the couch close to the nerd while she kept Li Meili on the other side where no one was seated.

"Arrg..." The girl groaned heavily but didn't dare blame Zhou Yuxi. This was a new person they knew nothing about, and it was best that they didn't ruffle her feathers in the wrong way.

"How can that be?" The guy nervously smiled as Zhou Yuxi glared at him.

"Why can it not be? I can be nonexistent." Rhetorically, Zhou Yuxi queried before messing around with her fingers.

"Hehe..." He gently giggled, trying to brush off that awkward moment before settling down back onto the couch as he had stood up, welcoming them over. His vibe didn't settle well with Zhou Yuxi, he slightly felt out of place.