Cultivation Ranks in the novel
1. Level 1: Cosmic Initiate
Entry-level cultivators, starting their journey into cosmic energy.
2. Level 2: Stellar Practitioner
Intermediate cultivators with enhanced control and abilities.
3. Level 3: Galactic Adept
Advanced cultivators capable of manipulating planetary energies.
4. Level 4: Universal Master
Masters of energy control who can influence star systems.
5. Level 5: Celestial Sage
Experts who manage star clusters and large-scale energy constructs.
6. Level 6: Galactic Overlord
Rulers of galactic phenomena, possessing profound mastery over universal forces.
7. Level 7: Cosmic Sovereign
Sovereigns with the power to alter galactic structures and multiple galaxies.
8. Level 8: Universal Titan
Titans who can create or destroy galaxies and perform massive reality alterations.
9. Level 9: Primordial Sovereign
The highest rank, wielding the power to reshape the universe and manipulate fundamental cosmic forces.