Hunting giant ants

The Myrmekes clicked their mandibles, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. I gripped my swords tighter, the weight of them suddenly very real in my hands. This was it—my first real beast hunt.

Alexandra placed a hand on my shoulder, her touch light but reassuring. "I'll hang back, provide support if things get hairy," she said, her voice low. "You, Kyle, and Isabel take point. Show me what you've got, newbie."

I nodded, swallowing hard. No pressure or anything.

Kyle hefted his mace, a gleam in his eye that was equal parts excitement and focus. Isabel, usually so obsessed with cleanliness, now stood ready, her throwing knives glinting in the dim forest light.

We advanced slowly, the Myrmekes becoming more agitated as we approached. I could hear their legs scraping against the forest floor, feel the vibrations of movement, their steadied heartbeats, their intoxicating smell through my enhanced senses. There were more of them than we initially thought—at least ten massive forms shifting in the undergrowth.

Suddenly, everything happened at once.

A flash of movement caught my eye—a knife, surrounded by a shimmering globe of water, shot past me. It struck the nearest Myrmeke with pinpoint accuracy, piercing right through its exoskeleton. The beast let out a horrific screech as it collapsed, its legs twitching in its death throes. Dark red blood sprayed from the wound, splattering the ground and nearby foliage.

I blinked, stunned. Isabel. She'd taken out one of these monsters before I'd even raised my sword.

The other Myrmekes roared—a sound like grinding metal that set my teeth on edge. They surged forward, mandibles snapping and eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

Time seemed to slow down.

I watched as one of the giant ants lunged at me, its movements almost leisurely in my enhanced perception. I could see every twitch of its antennae, every flex of its powerful legs.

A familiar sensation crept up my arms and legs. I glanced down to see black scales spreading across my skin, covering me up to my elbows and knees. The hunger inside me purred with satisfaction.

As the Myrmeke closed in, I noticed something I hadn't seen before—hairline fractures in its exoskeleton, weak points where the segments joined together.

Without thinking, I moved. My body felt light, faster than it ever had before. I ducked under the Myrmeke's snapping mandibles and drove one of my swords into the gap between its head and thorax.

The blade sank in deep, meeting far less resistance than I'd expected. The Myrmeke let out a shriek and thrashed wildly, nearly wrenching the sword from my grip. But I held on, twisting the blade and pushing it deeper. Blood gushed from the wound, coating my arms and chest in sticky warmth.

With a final shudder, the creature collapsed. I yanked my sword free, dark red blood dripping from the blade and pooling at my feet.

There was no time to celebrate. Two more Myrmekes were already charging towards me, their compound eyes fixed on my position.

To my right, Kyle was in full berserker mode. His mace swung in wide arcs, each blow powerful enough to cave in the Myrmekes' exoskeletons. He roared with each strike, a sound nearly as intimidating as the beasts we were fighting. Blood and chunks of chitin flew with each devastating hit.

Isabel was a blur of motion, her knives finding their marks with unerring accuracy. Each throw was accompanied by a globe of water that seemed to guide the blade to its target. It was like watching a deadly dance, graceful and terrifying in equal measure. The ground around her was slick with blood and water, a macabre testament to her efficiency.

I refocused on my own opponents, searching for those telltale weak points. There—a small gap just behind its eyes. I feinted left, drawing its attention, then struck with my other sword.

The blade sank home, and the Myrmeke went down hard. But as it fell, its mandibles snapped shut on my leg.

Pain exploded through my calf, and I let out a yell that was equal parts pain and rage. The scales on my leg prevented the mandibles from cutting too deep, but the pressure was incredible. I could feel my bones creaking under the strain.

Acting on instinct, I brought my other sword down on the Myrmeke's head, striking again and again until its grip loosened and I could pull free. Each blow sent a spray of blood and brain matter into the air.

I stumbled back, my leg throbbing. But there was no time to rest. More Myrmekes were coming, drawn by the commotion of the fight and the scent of their dying kin.

"Aell!" Kyle's voice cut through the chaos. "On your six!"

I spun around just in time to see another Myrmeke bearing down on me. Its mandibles were spread wide, venom dripping from the tips.

Time slowed again. I could see the venom falling in slow motion, could track the path of each droplet. My body moved without conscious thought, twisting out of the way as the venom splashed harmlessly against a tree behind me.

The tree trunk began to sizzle and smoke where the venom had hit it. Note to self: don't get hit by that stuff.

I ducked under the Myrmeke's attack and rolled, coming up behind it. Before it could turn, I drove both my swords into the joint between its thorax and abdomen.

The beast let out an ear-splitting shriek and collapsed, its legs twitching spasmodically. I wrenched my blades free, panting heavily. Blood and viscera clung to my weapons and splattered across my face.

For a moment, there was silence. I looked around, realizing that the immediate threat had been neutralized. Ten Myrmeke corpses lay scattered around us, their golden exoskeletons dulled by death and drenched in blood.

Kyle was leaning on his mace, his chest heaving with exertion but a wild grin on his face. Isabel was meticulously cleaning her knives, her expression a mix of satisfaction and mild disgust at the mess.

"Not bad, rookie," Kyle said, clapping me on the shoulder. "You've got some moves."

"You're messy." I heard Isabel say from her position, cleaning her knives meticulously

I nodded, still trying to catch my breath. The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and I could feel every ache and bruise. But underneath that was something else—a sense of exhilaration, of power. I had faced these monsters and come out on top.

The hunger inside me stirred, reminding me of why we were really here. I looked at the fallen Myrmekes, the hunger growing at the back of my mind, I wanted to eat them, now, to devour them now.

As if reading my thoughts, Kyle spoke up. "Alright, let's get to work. These beauties aren't going to butcher themselves."

To my surprise, Isabel's demeanor changed completely at the mention of skinning the beasts. Her eyes lit up with an almost manic gleam, and she began to chant softly, "Clean the beasts, clean the beasts."

I watched as Kyle and Isabel set about harvesting parts from the Myrmekes with practiced efficiency. Kyle explained as they worked, pointing out the most valuable parts—the organs for selling to new devourers, the venom sacs to make, poison, the bones for weapons and meat for consumption. All the while, Isabel continued her chant, her movements precise and almost ritualistic as she cleaned and prepared each part.

I listened intently, trying to memorize every detail. This was my new life now, and I needed to learn fast if I wanted to survive.


Alexandra POV

I watched from my vantage point as the fight unfolded, my hand resting lightly on my weapon. I had told Aell I'd provide support if needed, but truthfully, I wanted to see what he could do without interference.

And boy, did he deliver.

I'd seen new Devourers in action before. Hell, I'd been one not too long ago. But Aell... Aell was something else entirely.

The way he moved was fascinating. It wasn't just speed—plenty of Devourers were fast. No, it was the way he seemed to anticipate the Myrmekes' movements, reacting before they even attacked.

And then there were those scales. I'd never seen an adaptive type manifest physical changes so quickly. The black armor that spread across his limbs was impressive, deflecting blows that should have torn him apart.

But what really caught my attention was his strength. Kyle was a powerhouse, a strength-based Devourer who could bench press a small car without breaking a sweat. Yet Aell, this newbie who'd stumbled into our world just days ago, was matching him blow for blow.

No, not just matching. As I watched Aell drive his swords through a Myrmeke's exoskeleton—a feat that should have been nearly impossible for a non-strength type—I realized something that sent a thrill of excitement through me.

Aell was stronger than Kyle. Not by much, but the difference was there if you knew what to look for. The way the Myrmekes' armor crumpled under his blows, the ease with which he wielded those heavy swords...

A grin spread across my face as I watched him work. A full consumption Devourer. I'd heard the stories, of course. The powers that full consumption could provide. But I'd never thought I'd see one in action.

As the fight wound down and they began harvesting the Myrmekes, my mind raced with possibilities. If Aell was this strong now, after just one beast, how powerful could he become? How far could a full consumption Devourer take us?

The League of Intrigue was about to enter a whole new league, and I couldn't wait to see where this journey would lead us.

I made a mental note to step up Aell's training. He had potential—more potential than I think even he realized. And I was going to make damn sure we unlocked every bit of it.

Watch out, Elysium. The Great Alexandra and her team are about to shake things up.