chapter 2 :Dear stranger

Grand Park was one of my favorite places to be ,it had fresh flowers and small trees where I and ria would usually go on picnics

Fresh air and sun bath were ria favorite thing while mine was the smell of fresh flowers

But we saw the park in a different light for the first time that night

We had never seen the park at night, never thought of star gazing

It looked so beautiful ,the sky full of stars ,the moon was full and very bright

And the decorations enhance the very existence of the park as it had blue lanterns hanging on each tree forming a circular pattern with a round table at it's center lighted up by long candles giving the effects of a thanksgiving table and I could understand why Micheal decorated the park it this manner,it looked like a thanksgiving dinner for how far we've gone

The table had snacks,food and drinks for the guests the chairs were placed away from the table so we had space for dancing and walking around

The park had a small pool at a far end where you could see the reflection of the sky and it was away from the party it self ,so you could also have alone time if you wanted.

The blue light from the lanterns ,the warm sky, it's beautiful stars and it's moon blended so well with the red candle light as it harmonized perfectly into each other

I and ria stop at the entrance mesmerized by the decorations

I could have sworn I was in fairytale cartoon or movie

The party had already started

People drinking and talking around the table while A Different way ,DJ snake and lauv play at the background

This is lovely I heard ria say as she was still admiring the environment


I saw micheal standing under one of the trees talking with a girl from another department ,so I pulled ria's hands and walked up to him

Hiiii ,this is so nice the decorations is to die for I said as I hugged him

And then said hi to the girl he was with

Hi ,she said with a hint of annoyance that I had interrupted her conversation

But then again I was sure Micheal wanted the interruption because I saw him smirk

Yh, like I am so surprised you pulled this off alone,ria said looking up at Michael

I don't know if this is supposed to be an insult or if you are too shy to compliment me

Maybe a little of both ,she said giving off a flirty smile,tho she didn't know it seemed that way.

This was the longest they've spoken in a long time and something tells me it would be the shortest

You guys look so beautiful , Michael said looking directly at ria ,he had never seen us all dressed up ,not us but her

He had never seen ria so dressed up

The best friends decided to wear matching colours for the night as ria who had an hour glass shape wore a long blue sun dress that had a split at the front that exposed her caramel long legs and had the off shoulder neck ,you could see her perfect sitting breast from the top that's if you were not too concentrated on her nipple that could see your soul if it tried

While Lisa who was a bit bigger than ria was on a fitted short gown that outlined her hips and bunda ,she had a shining bark skin that sparkled in the light and a round face that complimented the braided hair she had in a pony tail

Blue really suits you

Ria pulled him to whisper because the music was loud without knowing what effect it would have on them

He brought his ear closer to her lip and in the most awkward way he reached for her waist so give her balance

Thank you

You're welcome come he whispered back at her, she got goosebumps from the warm air that met her ear

And for a second they held on to each other

Sure enough Michelle was wondering if he could kiss her ,I could tell from the hungry look in his eyes

You look good too mick I said to wake them from their trance, I think I'll go get us drink

An excuse to give them some time alone ,time to find a way to get their shit together and make out

Ohh ok

I heard ria say behind me as I had already walked away,I turned back slightly and blew her a kiss


It was about 10pm ,I was tired of talking and I could see ria and Mick now sitting at the pool side away from the party

So I just sat on one of the sit and watched everyone one else dancing , talking or just simply existing

I knew someone sat beside me but I was not interested in knowing who as my social battery was already at its last bar ,so I kept sipping on my drink and enjoying the music

Hi Lisa

I turned to see who had come to disturb my peace

Lovely to see you here

I'm bright

While he introduced himself all I could think about was how the handsome stranger from the station could be in front of me

He had on a grey sweatshirt with a white collar shirt underneath which went well with the blue jeans and gray shoes he was wearing.

Oh hi ,I said still starring

Thank you for earlier and I don't remember telling you my name

Well I see you around campus

We go to the same school ,I was surprised because I had never seen him in school or heard his name before ,partly because I don't go out often and when I do it just with the people or friends from my department


I study fine and applied arts, yr 4

That very nice I don't think I've ever spoken to an arts major, it's still weird that I don't know you since we are in the same year

Well you know me now, he said with the most suspicious and yet thrilling smile

You look very beautiful Lisa he added

Thank you I said smiling because I was too shy to complement him back

Did you come alone ,I don't see your friend anywhere tho I saw Mike a while back

I looked towards the pool ,they are together I said pointing in ria's direction

That's new , bright sounded like he was aware of the new development between my two friends and he was really starting to look like stalker to me

And as if he read my thoughts he said

Micks my best friend and room mate

Ooooooo ok

I simply ended the conversation ,I didn't want to make things weird but I intended to question Mick vigorously the next time I got to talk to him, because obviously he was too busy for me this night

For one he never mentioned a roommate or best friend but most importantly he never told me he had such a fine man as a friend

He kept my soulmate from me

Snap back into reality by the calming voice that meet my ear

Would you like to leave this place ,we could go get ice cream or maybe go to the arcade down the road

I don't know what was more embarrassing the fact that I didn't hesitate to say yes or the little hop I did as I said it but I didn't think about it until later when I got back to my room that night.

I couldn't hear him laugh but I could see his face light up and I understand why his name was bright,how could this man steal my heart without even trying .

Another first , falling in love with someone two times in one day

At this point I would go to the end of earth and back if he asked me too ,I knew it was a problem

But God I love this man already


I couldn't see ria and mick so I text ria

Hy mama, going to get ice cream with my dear stranger

She didn't reply but I knew she would see it when she needed to find me

We walked for about 10min talking about everything and nothing at all because I can't pinpoint what was said during our journey to the ice cream shop but I remember us laughing and not the slight laugh you give when your crush was trying to be funny but the kind that actually came from your heart

We finally got to the ice cream shop

What would you like to get bright asked

I folded my left hand while I used my right to tap my noise in a l am thinking gesture , after about two seconds I said

Surprise me,to which he responded

Yes my queen while he bowed his head

I smiled at his little performance

After getting both our ice cream he faced me

French vanilla with chocolate cookies for my queen he said handing it to me, and just vanilla for me

Wowwwww this is sooo nice ,how have I never heard of this,I usually just go for strawberry or what ever has bananas or chocolate in it but this is my new favorite

I told him to acknowledge the fact that he made a wonderful choice

I am glad you like it your highness,he said as he reached out to clean ice cream off my cheeks,I don't think he thought it through because the moment his hand left my cheeks I could see the sudden realization of what he just did visible on his face tho he played it off like it was nothing

I can see you're enjoying it my queen

You can stop calling me that now and I really am enjoying it ,I said licking my ice cream very seriously

I won't

Our eyes meet as he said that

I won't , because that's what you are to me

The sudden confusion made me think, just maybe I wasn't the only one who was already deeply in love with the other

He was still looking at me as tho he expected me to do something or say something as if he expected me to reject the position of queen or at least any sound at all ,and when he didn't get the response he expected,he pulled in closer ,I closed my eyes anticipating the kiss when suddenly a cold breeze touched my skin and had me shivering from the cold

He pulled back and put his hands on my shoulder

Ahhh you're cold

No I'm fine I told him but he had already pulled off his sweatshirt and put it over my head

Wear this let's get you home it's late

We started walking back towards the party what's your address I'll get us a car and drop you off

My friend is at the party

Don't worry mick's with her he'll take her home, he texted me but you should text her to be sure

I told him my address and texted ria to let her know I was going home already

The car finally came and we got in

By the way if you don't mind me asking why did you choose arts as your major,I asked after we got settled in the car

Hmmmm ,I guess I'm drawn to the way I'm able to capture moments and it's gives me a sense of freedom ,oohh and I getting to tell people I can paint or sculpt really well and they get all excited so that's a plus

Ok ok Mr sculptor that's nice i said laughing a little

And what's my princess into he asked staring at me with what I assumed was love in his eye.I Had not gotten use to him calling me names ,I couldn't get use to it ,it was our first date no sorry outing

It was our first outing, literally the first time I spoke to this fine man

Hmmmm I like reading books ,comics ,well basically anything that would take me out of reality for a while,I also play games from time to time tho I'm not good at it

Do you have any preference

Not really I kind of read anything and everything , what about you do you read books?

Naaaa,but I'm good with games , gunfight puzzles , football name it

Hmmmmmm you talk like I won't beat you at a one on one match

Yh you would because i would let you win as many times as you want

He said with a smirk as if a world where I would defeat him only existed in my head

We've arrived at your destination,we heard the human driving say

Oh thank you I said replying to the driver we both ignored the whole time

Bright came down first and turned to open the door for me who was fixing my dress

Thank you ,I said as I stepped out of the car

You are welcome

After which we fell silent,I would love to think we both were going through the same thinking process

He walked me to my door and before I could say thank you

I enjoyed spending time with you Lisa he said as he brought his hands to my cheek,I was hoping he would finally kiss me, and tho everyone says you don't kiss on the first date, for one it wasn't a date and I really didn't care about the rules or norm when I was facing this man,all I wanted at that point was his lip on mine ,I wanted more than anything to feel his warmth, to touch him

But yet again he didn't kiss me ,I could tell he wanted too but he stopped himself .

Without hearing my response he pulled his hand away putting them in his pocket

I'll see you tomorrow he said and walked away

I stood at the door , waiting for him to turn back but he didn't,I felt my heart sink to my tummy, I was sad I didn't get to say thank you or bye but I was happy,I finally had someone I liked

I finally opened the door and went in, ria wasn't back so I had my bath went to my bed and off to fantasy land I went to dream of my dear stranger