The rays of morning found welcome behind the softly drawn curtains of the room that found Lila scarcely awake from a sound sleep. She opened her eyes to see Rafael at her bedside—his head raised on the elbow, staring at her with the most affectionate smile.

"Good morning," he whispered and lightly pushed a strand of hair from her face.

She smiled back at him, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Morning to you. How long is it that you have been watching me?"

"Enough to know that I can do this forever," he said very softly, his voice laced with sincerity.

She felt a blush creep up into her cheeks. "You're making me blush."

"Good," he said, bending his head to kiss her forehead. "You look even more beautiful when you blush.

They had spent the morning in intimacy mode, but then Rafael suggested he and she should get out into the local town. Lila was game, always ready to dive headlong into an adventure.

The town was picture-postcard with cobblestone streets and quaint shops. They wandered holding hands, laughing, and chattering about everything and nothing. Rafael purchased a delicate necklace for Lila from a street vendor and then slipped it around her neck with such reverence that her heart swelled.

By that time, it was already dark, and the promenade led them to a deserted beach where, with Rafael's help, Lila spread a blanket and sat down next to the man, who had sat down first on the sand, listening to how the waves caressed the shore.

"It is magical," said Lila, resting her head on Rafael's shoulder.

"It is," he answered, hugging her with his arm, "but not so magical as this moment with you.

"You always know just what to say to make me feel special," she replied, smiling back, her eyes already giggling up at him.

"Because you are special, Lila," he murmured, and his voice was deep and heavy with emotion. "I know it's not been long with us, but I feel like I was supposed to have met you a long time back. You make me feel things I didn't think were possible."

Lila felt a catch in her throat. "Rafael.

He cradled her face with his hands, only eyes locked on hers. "I am in love with you, Lila. I know it is going fast, but what I continue to feel from this point on is no different: you become a part of me."

Almost teary, nodding, Lila placed her hands over his. "This is going fast for me, too. You've brought so much light into my life, Rafael. I am falling in love with you, too.".

Rafael grinned, shining and moved to seal it with a deep brush of his lips against hers. Around them, the world easily disappeared when, in that kiss, it really seemed like they put everything into it. Their connection grew deeper and deeper with each second.

They parted, gasping for breath, foreheads gasping against each other. "I'm so glad we found each other," Rafael murmured.

"Me too," she murmured, her heart full to bursting.

They lay down on the blanket, looking up, staring into the stars. Rafael was describing constellations; he had his arm around Lila and was looking at her. She listened to his voice, feeling safe and cherished.

"I never thought I would feel this again," Rafael whispered to her. "After all that happened with Bianca, I felt like I couldn't open my heart again. But you did, Lila. You made me believe in love again."

Lila turned to face him, with intensity gazing at those loving eyes. "You have given me hope too, Rafael. You taught me I deserve to be happy, to be loved."

Rafael smiled weakly, pecked a light kiss on her forehead, and told her, "We both deserve happiness, Lila, and I promise to do everything I can to make you happy."

Now they talked in hushed tones for hours, expressing their thoughts and laying out all their desires in life, even at one point talking about their dreams and fears. The more they talked, the more connected they became with each other.

Finally, they folded up their blanket and walked back to the resort with their fingers laced together. Rafael saw Lila reaching her room and stopped at its door. 

"I don't want this night to end," he husked.

"Me neither," Lila replied, her quick beats racing.

He leaned forward and brushed his lips on hers in a chaste kiss. "Good night, Lila. Sweet dreams."

"Good night, Rafael," she whispered to him, watching him turn and walk away.

Lila slammed the door behind her, the thrill and anxious excitement running through her heart. Well, she knew their journey was only in the offing; one never knows where it could go.

The following day, Lila woke up very nervous. She was to have breakfast with Rafael, and that thought alone propelled her from her bed. To dress, she throws on a flowy sundress, giving her a dose of confidence and beauty.

She took a step into the restaurant in the resort and saw Rafael already sitting at a table, looking up to smile at her from his seat. He came to his feet as she approached the table and pulled out her chair.

"Morning, beautiful," he said, bending to kiss her cheek.

"Morning," she returned, flushing, and suddenly feeling self-conscious.

They ate a leisurely breakfast, the conversation flowing easily. Rafael told her all about his travels, and Lila told him about her dream of having a bakery. The more they spoke, the more common ground they seemed to find with one another.

After breakfast, Rafael suggested spending a day at the spa, where Lila jumped at the idea instantly. It was there that they spent their whole day, both of them getting pampered, until all worries just seemed to be whisked away. Massages and facials, and even a couple's yoga class, were part of the package.

By evening, both felt the stress floating away to be replaced with happiness. They went out for dinner at a very romantic, secluded beachside restaurant where the sound of the waves was really hitting hard to set the atmosphere.

There he sat, with the glow of the wax-lit kettles shining down on them, when Rafael reached across the table and took Lila's hand in his.

"Lila, I know we are at the stage where we recently got to know each other, but I just can't imagine life without you," he stuttered out. "You have brought so much joy into my life that I want to share each little piece with you."

With Rafael's hand in hers, she squeezed it and let the cry out, for she had known. "I feel the same, Rafael. You put me in the right state of emotion about love again, and I just can't wait to see what the future holds concerning us."

He saw tears form in her eyes and smiled. "Here's to our future, Lila. The both unknown—I'm just so grateful that we're doing it together.".

They spent the rest of that night folded in each other's arms, their love increasing by the second. They felt as though they had found something important, something they now knew was worth fighting for.

Even though this was just a beginning on their journey, deep inside, one had that feeling for the other, and they both knew that they were prepared for anything that would come and challenge them. With the two of them together, everything seemed surmountable. Their love seemed like a light source of hope and strength.

And so, as the night waned thin, Rafael walked Lila back to her room, his hands clasped with hers. He kissed her good night; his lips touched hers as would an implement, and it stole her breath.

"Buenas noches, mi amor," he murmured against her hair, his eyes full of promises.

Lila answered with a heart on her face, "Dobranoc, Rafael.".

Lila couldn't help but break into a wide smile as she shut the door; she knew that whatever the future threw at them now wasn't going to bother her so much. What she held onto was something so very special and was supposed to carry her through. And she just couldn't find a way not to be excited about what was going to happen next with her and Rafael's love.