You could have heard a pin drop from thru bearable weight of the silence at the round table. The expression of every Governor and ambassador was the same: shock.
I glanced at Montegue, gauging his reaction to the news. He was as pale as parchment, his eyes distance and his knuckles white. This news would hit him the hardest. It was yet another betrayal.
Surprising, Gallinti, spoke up first, the youngest at the round table seemed to break from his haze of astonishment and cleared his throat. "The werewolf princess is your mate?"
"Yes, Ellen Valmont is my mate," I reiterated.
His eyes widened, his brows bunching. "A Lycan and a werewolf," he muttered. "This is... unprecedented."
"Unprecedented is too tame a term for this," Governor Silas bellowed, pushing back his chair as he shot to his feet. "This is an abomination!"