The deafening silence that followed was louder than anything else I had ever heard. My knees threatened to give way beneath me, but I clenched my fists to ground myself and not falter.
Her eyes were like lasers—wholly focused on me, burning my skin with the intensity in their depths.
The moment was broken when she took a menacing step forward, the clicking of her heels permeating the tense air.
"You want power, girl?" She hissed the question, smirking, her fang glinting in the light.
I felt my stomach clench painfully at the obvious intimidation.
"Fear and uncertainty are what she wants to incite. Your biggest mistake is letting her succeed." Rhea's words blew through my mind like a calming but grounding breeze.
I let the silence stretch until she narrowed her eyes into slits.
"You are afraid."
She blinked before her face contorted into an expression of anger. "Of you?"