Planning Phase


"So when do you propose the meeting should be held?" Someone asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts to find everyone staring at me, concerned.

"Yeah," I ran my hand down my face.

"We lost you there for a second," Kael looked concerned despite his light tone. I was not the type to get distracted, especially with a case like this one.

"Are you alright?" Eve asked, worry making her brows bunch.

"Peachy, my love," I replied.

"Oooooo," Kael teased. "I like the ring of that one. Red will always be classic, but my love?..." He kissed the air "is exquisite."

I rolled my eyes as Kael waggled his brows, clearly finding amusement in my response.

Before he could say something snarky, he placed his hands together, eyes looking up at the ceiling dramatically. "Goddess, I have seen what you have done for others—"

I swatted him upside the head before he could finish.