Blood Bar

John's POV

Who would've guessed a vampire safe house was hidden behind a bar? I mean, how cliché can you get? I stood there, watching regular people come and go, completely unaware that the place was essentially a bloodsucking buffet.

"Are you going to use that?" Blade asked, glancing at the katana in my hand.

"Yeah," I said, giving him a look. "It's a Nichirin blade. Not that you'd know."

Blade just grunted and motioned for us to move. His lead, his call. Whatever.

We got to the door, and as soon as Blade stepped in, the bouncers' eyes went from "normal" to "nightmare fuel." They snarled, their faces twisted into grotesque masks of hunger.

They lunged.

Blade was faster. His sword flashed, and in the blink of an eye, they were dust.

Inside, the screams didn't stop, but none of the crowd was actually panicking. Some wiped blood from their lips, grinning like have gotten some lottery.

And then, of course, the villain line.

"I could smell you from miles away, Blade."

I wanted to say, "I could smell the plot convenience a mile away too."

The room was a slaughterhouse, with bodies littered around and blood everywhere.

Blade didn't hesitate. "Attack."

His sword was already in motion, and I followed suit, slicing through the crowd like I was carving a roast. No speeches. No drama. Just business.

Because I wasn't planning to let them have all the fun in numbers.

I threw a bomb.


Limbs went flying, and the room was filled with smoke. For a second, everything just… stopped.

"Stop!" I shouted, just to see if the damn thing would work.

And, holy shit, it did.

The vampires froze, just long enough for me to slice through six of them.

Blade, mid-swing, glanced at me. "What the hell was that?"

"Small trick," I said, stepping over a pile of ash.

Upgraded Kilgrave bomb. Though the time limit is reduced to five seconds.

"You're a traitor, Daywalker!" one of the vampires shouted at Blade as he was cutting through them.

"Not your call, Quinn," Blade muttered, still swinging.

Wait… Quinn. I knew that name. Wasn't he in the first movie? This whole thing was starting to feel a little too familiar.

Does that mean we're moving into the plot now? Great. Because the timeline was already messed up enough. Who cares, though? It's an AU. Things don't need to make sense.

While I was having that minor existential crisis, I didn't stop killing. No breakdown when there's blood to spill.

Deciding not to interfere in Blade's fight, I stepped inside, sensing two presences.


Their hands were chained to a horizontal bar, bodies completely exposed.

Bite marks. Fresh.

One was shivering, the other was just staring. Blank. No fear. No begging. Just… dead eyes.

Not fully human anymore, though. I could smell it. Vampires well, not fully, but close, really close.

"Did he die?" I asked, sensing Blade's presence behind me, though I already knew the answer.

"No, he ran away," Blade replied, coming beside me.

"Aren't you going to chase him?"

Blade shrugged. "He's not that fast to vanish so soon."

"You killed them?" the shivering girl asked, her voice barely audible.


And then she started laughing crazily.

The other girl's eyes flickered, showing a hint of life. Great. At least one of them wasn't totally gone.

Blade moved in, his sword ready. "They're becoming vampires."

I didn't respond right away. Instead, I asked, "You want to live?"

Blade paused mid-swing. I guess that was the right question to ask.

The first girl? Still laughing like the world was a joke. The other one? Barely hanging on.

Blade sighed, clearly tired of this. "You know they'll need blood."

"So do you," I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Not the same," he grumbled.

Whatever. I wasn't interested in a morality debate. I turned back to the more coherent girl. "You want to hunt vampires?"

The laugh didn't stop, but the second girl tried to speak. Her voice was ragged, like someone dragging themselves through mud.


Didn't need to hear the rest. The intent was enough.

So I swung.

The laughing girl's head hit the floor with a wet thud. Blood splattered.

No hesitation. I pulled my gun, aimed at the chains, and fired.

Metal snapped. She collapsed.

Wee-woo! Wee-woo!

Looks like we can't stay here any longer. I pick her up.

"I'm going after him," he said.

Nodding, I replied, "If you need any help, just come back to the church."

He moved to the back door and left.

"Leave your weapons and come out..."

Ignoring the warning, I teleported to the terrace on the other side, visible from the window, leaving a bomb behind.


Shit, back off...

The crowd scattered, eyes wide at the fire.

"Call the fire brigade!" someone yelled.