The Villain!

Hugo stepped out of the pool, dripping wet, but grinning like he'd just won the lottery. His heart was practically doing backflips as he glanced over at the beautiful girl beside him.

Her skin glistened in the sunlight, and she shot him a playful smile that made Hugo feel like he'd just unlocked a secret level in the game of life.

"Alright," he muttered to himself, his heart racing with excitement. 'Please, gods of destiny, of fate, and all things that govern romance, let this be my night. If I can score even half a win here... I'll be forever grateful. Please, don't let anything ruin this!'

He looked up to the sky like he was about to get a sign from above. Envisioning his prayer being carried by wind and whispered into the heavens.

Just as Hugo was about to make his grand escape with his potential romantic conquest, a familiar, booming voice interrupted his thoughts.