I'm Going To Drink!

Hugo's bloodshot eyes were fixed on Collins with the intensity of a man whose entire dignity had just been casually obliterated.

His gaze was fierce, his brows knit together like he was trying to drill a hole in Collins' forehead through sheer willpower.

He tried to mask his volcanic fury with an indifferent look, but his stiff posture and the vein bulging on his forehead betrayed him.

It wasn't working.

The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and his knuckles turned white as he gripped the armrest of the couch,

Inside, however, his mind was a raging inferno. He was raining down every curse he could conjure on Collins.

"Collins, you snake. You absolute traitor! I swear, if I ever get the chance, you're done. DONE! I'll spill every embarrassing story I know about you, and then some," Hugo seethed internally, practically trembling with the effort to keep his cool.