

By now, we had lived long enough in the village to be able to mix in with the villagers. Riley and I hunted on rare occasions, since we had gotten work in the village.


I went to the open bakery to get some bread. Riley had sent word that she would be making fish soup which was one of my favourites. The broth always went well with bread. Thinking about it, made me salivate at the thought as I waited for my turn by the counter.


"Yes, what will you be having?" The old baker asked, and I smiled.


"Two light loaves please."


The old baker came from behind with two loaves of bread and curiously stared at my face. "Hmm, you look like the girl in the posters."


My smile turned nervous as I stylishly looked around for the poster she spoke of. "What posters— I am sure that we just look alike."