Chapter 6: Whispers of the Past

The sun dipped low over Elysium, casting long shadows across the grand halls of the palace. Aria found herself wandering through the corridors, her thoughts preoccupied with the revelations from Lady Elara and her conversation with Damien. The more she learned about the curse, the more determined she became to find a way to break it. But where could she start? The prophecy was vague, and the palace held its secrets tightly.

Her steps led her to the royal library, a vast and ancient place filled with countless books and scrolls. The scent of old parchment and leather-bound volumes welcomed her as she entered. The library was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of pages turning. Aria had always loved books; they were a source of knowledge and comfort. Now, they might hold the key to saving Damien from his curse.

As she browsed the shelves, she spotted a young scholar, Edwin, whom she had seen a few times in the palace. He was known for his expertise in Elysium's history and ancient texts. Approaching him, Aria decided to take a chance.

"Excuse me, Edwin," she said softly, not wanting to disturb the peace of the library. "I need your help with something."

Edwin looked up from the book he was reading, adjusting his glasses. "Lady Aria," he greeted with a respectful nod. "Of course. What do you need?"

"I'm trying to learn more about the curse that plagues Prince Damien," Aria explained. "Specifically, the history behind it and any prophecies or legends that might give us a clue on how to break it."

Edwin's expression grew serious. "That's a heavy subject," he said, closing his book. "The curse is well-known in the palace, but details are scarce. Many of the records are either lost or deliberately obscured."

Aria nodded, her determination unwavering. "I understand. But anything you can find would be invaluable."

Edwin thought for a moment. "There are some old manuscripts in the restricted section of the library. They contain records from the early days of the kingdom, including the era when the curse was first placed. It won't be easy to access them, but I can help you."

Gratitude filled Aria's heart. "Thank you, Edwin. I appreciate your willingness to assist."

Together, they ventured deeper into the library, where the older, more fragile texts were kept. The restricted section was guarded by an enchantment, meant to protect the ancient knowledge within. Edwin murmured a few words, and the barrier shimmered before allowing them to pass.

Inside, the air felt cooler, and the silence was almost palpable. They moved carefully, aware of the delicate nature of the documents. Edwin led Aria to a large wooden table where he began pulling out scrolls and books from various shelves.

As they searched, Aria stumbled upon an old, leather-bound tome titled *The Chronicles of Elysium: The Age of Darkness*. She carefully opened it, her eyes scanning the faded ink. It was a detailed account of the kingdom's early days, including the rise of the sorcerer who had cursed the royal bloodline.

Edwin glanced over her shoulder. "That's one of the key texts," he noted. "It recounts the time when the kingdom was first established and the conflicts that arose with the neighboring lands. The sorcerer, Morgath, was a formidable figure, once a trusted advisor to the first king. He turned against the crown after a series of betrayals and injustices, leading to the curse."

Aria read on, her eyes widening as she discovered more about Morgath. The curse was his final act of vengeance, a spell crafted from his darkest magics, designed to ensure that the royal line would suffer. The book also mentioned a mysterious figure—an oracle—who had prophesied the curse's eventual end, though the details were frustratingly vague.

"There's something here about an oracle," Aria said, pointing to the passage. "But it doesn't give much detail."

Edwin frowned. "The identity of the oracle has always been a mystery. Some believe she was a seer who lived in the far reaches of Elysium, others think she was from a different realm altogether. But all accounts agree that she foresaw the curse's end at the hands of someone with a pure heart and the courage to face darkness."

Aria's thoughts drifted to Damien. The weight of his burden, the internal struggle he faced—it all seemed so unfair. And yet, there was hope, however slim. She closed the book, a sense of purpose solidifying within her.

"Thank you, Edwin," she said, her voice firm. "This is more than I could have hoped for. It gives us a starting point."

Edwin smiled, a faint glimmer of optimism in his eyes. "I'm glad to help, Lady Aria. If there's anything else you need, you know where to find me."

As Aria left the library, her mind was awhirl with possibilities. The oracle's prophecy was the first solid lead she had. It might be a long shot, but she was determined to follow it, to uncover the truth and find a way to free Damien from his curse.

The path ahead was uncertain, filled with danger and the unknown. But Aria knew one thing: she wouldn't give up. She would do whatever it took to protect Damien and the kingdom of Elysium. For she was more than just a maiden betrothed to a prince—she was a beacon of hope in a time of darkness. And she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.