Chapter 9: Unraveling

Ava’s mind was a storm as she watched Ethan walk out of the classroom, leaving her standing there, frozen in place. His words echoed in her head, pulling her in all directions. How could she answer him when she barely understood her own heart?

After what felt like hours, Ava pulled herself together and made her way to class. The day dragged on, every moment weighed down by her conflicted thoughts. She barely registered what her teachers were saying, her mind too preoccupied with Ethan’s plea and Lucas’s growing presence in her life.

By lunchtime, Ava felt drained. She sat in her usual spot with her friends, but the conversation around her blurred into the background. Her phone buzzed, and she glanced down to see a message from Lucas.

**Lucas**: *Wanna grab lunch together?*

Ava hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to face Lucas, not after everything with Ethan. But before she could respond, someone sat down next to her.

“Hey,” Lucas said, smiling gently at her.

Ava blinked, surprised to see him already here. “Oh, hey,” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

“You seemed kind of out of it earlier,” Lucas said, his tone filled with concern. “I thought I’d check on you.”

Ava nodded, grateful for his presence but unsure of how to act around him. She didn’t want to lead him on, especially after what Ethan had said. “Yeah, I’ve just got a lot on my mind,” she said, pushing her food around on her plate.

“Anything you want to talk about?” Lucas asked, his voice soft.

Ava looked at him, really looked at him. Lucas had always been the guy who could make her laugh, who brought a sense of fun into her life. But now, things felt different. There was a new layer to their relationship, one that complicated everything.

“I don’t know,” Ava said quietly. “Things are... confusing right now.”

Lucas leaned closer, his eyes filled with understanding. “You don’t have to figure everything out right now, Ava. I’m here for you, whatever you need.”

Ava’s heart fluttered at his words, and for a brief moment, she allowed herself to enjoy the comfort of his presence. But the guilt quickly followed. She hadn’t even resolved things with Ethan, and here she was, letting Lucas get closer.

“I appreciate that,” Ava said softly. “I just... I need some time.”

Lucas nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.”

The warmth in his voice sent a shiver down Ava’s spine. She smiled at him, though it didn’t reach her eyes. “Thanks, Lucas.”

The rest of the lunch period passed in a blur, with Lucas staying by Ava’s side. They talked about lighter topics, avoiding anything too serious. But even in those moments, Ava couldn’t shake the feeling that she was caught in a web she didn’t know how to escape.


After school, Ava walked home alone, the cool breeze doing little to calm her racing thoughts. As she neared her house, her phone buzzed again. This time, it was a message from Ethan.

**Ethan**: *I hope you’re okay.*

Ava stared at the message, her chest tightening. She wished she could just switch off her emotions, to stop feeling so torn between the two boys who had become so important to her.

Her fingers hovered over her phone, but before she could reply, her phone buzzed again. Another message, but this time from Lucas.

**Lucas**: *If you’re free tonight, maybe we can hang out? No pressure.*

Ava groaned, feeling the weight of both boys pressing in on her. She couldn’t avoid them forever, but she wasn’t ready to make a decision either. With a sigh, she tossed her phone onto her bed and lay back, staring at the ceiling.

How had her life gotten so complicated?


Later that evening, Ava sat at her vanity, absentmindedly running her fingers over her makeup brushes. Makeup had always been her escape, the one thing that allowed her to hide her insecurities. But even that felt like it wasn’t enough anymore. No matter how much she perfected her look, the internal battle raged on.

She picked up her phone again, staring at the two unread messages. Lucas wanted to hang out. Ethan was worried about her. She couldn’t deal with either of them right now, not when her own feelings were such a mess.

Instead of responding, Ava began her makeup routine. The soft strokes of her brush against her skin brought a small sense of peace, but it didn’t last long. Her thoughts kept returning to Ethan, to Lucas, to the weight of the choice she wasn’t ready to make.

As she finished applying her makeup, Ava glanced at her reflection. The flawless face staring back at her felt like a mask, one that covered all the confusion and insecurity swirling inside her.

She knew she couldn’t hide behind it forever.
