Chapter 31: Turning the Tables, Zhang Yue’s Counterattack!




-291! -50 Ice Damage!

-284! -50 Ice Damage!

-423 Critical Hit! -50 Ice Damage…

Against this group of 11th to 12th-level ordinary archers, whose health barely exceeded 300, Zhang Yue didn't even bother using his skills.

One normal attack after another wiped them out in an instant.

[Ding~ You have killed player [Xiaoyao Zizai], who was grey-named. No sin value gained.]

[Ding~ You have killed player [Madman], who was grey-named. No sin value gained.]

[Ding~ …]

As the system notifications echoed in his ears, white light flashed repeatedly as Zhang Yue continued his massacre. In the blink of an eye, all thirteen archers in the alley had been annihilated, leaving behind piles of equipment, potions, and money scattered across the ground.

At the back, Zhang Yue's Silver Armored Scorpion blocked the path, preventing any of the zombies from entering the alley. With 159 points of physical defense and the double Guard skill, which reduced damage from zombies by 200 points, the 13th-level zombies couldn't deal any damage to the scorpion—every hit only resulted in a forced -1 damage.

Meanwhile, on the second-floor window, Chen Jun and Wu Zui stood frozen, watching the scene unfold in utter shock.

After a moment of stunned silence, Chen Jun grabbed Shadow from the Yan Yu Pavilion by the collar, shaking him angrily. "Didn't you say his defense was under 50?Explain to me what the hell is going on here!"

Shadow panicked. "I-I-I don't know either! I swear, I saw a 17th-level poison zombie hit him for over 300 damage with one skill! I even checked the strategy guide—those zombies only have 245 attack power! That should mean his defense is definitely low!"

"You dare to mess with me?" Chen Jun, blinded by rage, wasn't listening to a word. His anger took over, and he pulled out his bow, firing several arrows straight at Shadow, killing him on the spot.

As Chen Jun turned back around, he realized with horror that Zhang Yue was looking directly up at them from the alley below.

They had been spotted.

Panicking, Chen Jun and the others immediately tried to flee downstairs.

But just as they turned around—


Zhang Yue suddenly teleported, appearing right in front of them!

Shadow and Sakura from Yan Yu Pavilion were so terrified they fell to the floor, trembling. "T-Teleportation?"

"Teleport my ass!" Chen Jun cursed, his face twisting with anger. "Since when can teleport go that far? That's gotta be a hack!"

"He's using infinite defense and teleport cheats!"

"Don't parade your ignorance so proudly," Zhang Yue said, looking at Chen Jun calmly. "You're just too shortsighted."

Ordinary D-rank teleportation skills indeed had a maximum range of 30 meters, but the distance between Zhang Yue and Chen Jun was well over 40 meters!

What they couldn't possibly know was that Zhang Yue's teleportation skill had been upgraded using one million ability points, turning it into an A-rank Super Teleport, which could cover a distance of up to 50 meters!

Seeing Zhang Yue standing right in front of him, Chen Jun panicked. "Zhang Yue! What are you planning to do?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Yue casually rested his staff on his shoulder like a greatsword, his eyes filled with amusement.

Chen Jun sneered, trying to regain his composure. "You don't actually think I ordered those guys to attack you, do you?"

"I never said that," Zhang Yue replied with a smirk.

"We were just passing by! Pure coincidence!" Chen Jun insisted, trying to sound righteous.

Zhang Yue raised an eyebrow. "Passing by? On someone's second floor? What, are you trying to fly to heaven?"

Chen Jun's face hardened as he tried to remain calm. "I'm the leader of Yan Yu Pavilion—your superior!"

"Oh? So what?" Zhang Yue stepped closer, his staff in hand.

Sensing danger, Wu Zui, the Sanctuary Assassin, drew his dagger and shouted, "Guild member Zhang Yue is attempting to rebel and assassinate the guild leader! Protect the leader! Kill the traitor!"

Chen Jun pointed at Zhang Yue, shouting, "Attack! Take him down!"

The 12th-level warrior Liu Nian and 11th-level assassin Sakura exchanged hesitant glances but had no choice. With gritted teeth, they charged at Zhang Yue, swords drawn.

They didn't get far.

Boom! Boom!

One fireball, one ice spear.



White light flashed as both players were killed instantly.

Zhang Yue's sin value rose by 200 points, his previously hidden ID now forced into red lettering above his head:

[Level 17 Necromancer·Zero]

Chen Jun and Wu Zui stared in disbelief.

"17th level?"

"He's… he's the one who cleared the Level 5 Apocalypse Town dungeon in half a day—the one they call Zero?"

"What the hell is a Necromancer? I thought he was a normal Beastmaster!"


Zhang Yue fired a blazing missile, instantly killing Wu Zui as well.

Even a Sanctuary-class elite assassin was nothing compared to a Mythic-class Necromancer.

In the blink of an eye, only Chen Jun remained.

Now, it was Chen Jun's turn to panic. He had one resurrection scroll he could use within seven days, but killing those white-named players had already earned him 100 sin points. Dying now would mean losing two levels instead of one—he'd drop from Level 14 to 12!

Zhang Yue stared coldly at the terrified Chen Jun, who was backing toward the window. "So, how do you want to die?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't jump out the window."

But as Zhang Yue finished his sentence, Chen Jun cursed, "Screw you!" and leaped out of the window.

The next second, a blood-curdling scream echoed from below.

Zhang Yue sighed. "I told you not to jump."

Down below, the Silver Armored Scorpion, who had been waiting patiently, caught Chen Jun mid-air, clamping him tightly between its claws.

Zhang Yue calmly descended from the second floor, landing beside his scorpion. The creature flung Chen Jun to the ground at Zhang Yue's feet, where Zhang Yue planted his boot on the man's chest.

"Did you really think your pathetic tricks could trap me?" Zhang Yue asked, his voice cold.

Chen Jun's face turned pale as he tried to play dumb. "W-what are you talking about?"

"You've had people tailing me all afternoon. Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

Chen Jun froze. "You… you knew all along?"

"So that means… when you let that zombie hit you earlier, you were just pretending to have low defense. You unequipped your armor on purpose."

Zhang Yue chuckled. "Well, look who suddenly got smart."

In reality, Zhang Yue hadn't known what Chen Jun was planning. But since Chen Jun had people tailing him for so long, it was clear they were trying to gather some useful information. So, Zhang Yue decided to play along, pretending to expose a weakness in his defense.

That trick had worked beautifully, drawing Chen Jun right into his trap.

"You think you can outsmart me?" Zhang Yue said with a hint of amusement. "I was out there battling a Tier 9 beast tide to protect Long Nation while you were still figuring out how to survive."

"N-Ninth-tier beast tide? What the hell are you talking about? Who… who are you, really?"

"I'm someone you can't afford to mess with."

With that, Zhang Yue summoned a fireball, the intense heat of the spell instantly searing through the air. The fireball crashed into Chen Jun's chest, dealing 714 points of damage and killing him instantly.

As Chen Jun's body turned to ash, Zhang Yue turned and walked away, his cold gaze never wavering.

This was a battle he had won long before the first move was made.


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