Chaotic night out

Loud booming party sounds reverberated throughout the entire bar. Even though Brando and I often come here, I'm still not used to the loud music and dizzying lights. There are people dancing provocatively and drinking like they're the main characters of a show. It's to be expected, given that we're in a bar. Naturally, there will be drinking and dancing as always.

"HEY ZANE! YOURE DEEP IN THOUGHT AGAIN. SHAKE OFF THAT NONCHALANT FACE AND PARTY WITH ME HERE!" Even though he's on the dance floor, Brando still checks on me from time to time. I can hear his voice clearly from my seat. After all, his usual whispers are heard at the next table, so you can imagine how loud his shout is right now.

I just shook my head and smiled faintly. I watch Brando as he dances in front of some buff guys. Sometimes, I couldn't help but laugh at the same time envy at his quirky and carefree nature. I've even forgotten how he managed to convince me to come. Maybe I couldn't resist his disgustingly cute face; he probably thought it would work. It did, but not because I found it cute; but because I feel conscious of him acting cute.

I nodded along to the music while slowly sipping the drink in my hand. I'm glad I came; it helped me take my mind off things that would just stress me out at the end of the day.

"Hey, wanna join our table over there?"

I look up to see a guy beside me, staring into my eyes, standing close to where i am seated. He's a good-looking dude. Big biceps. Nice calves. Average smile. Good enough to catch a fish tonight.


I snapped out of my daze and looked at the guy inviting me. He's scratching his head and seemed shy as I shamelessly scanned his body.

"Ohhh, I'm sorry . I zoned out. Yeah, sure," I replied to his earlier question.

I glance at Brando, who is now pressing his butt against a muscular guy with a tattoo on one arm, twerking and rolling his hips smoothly as he makes eye contact with the guy. I think Brando can handle himself for a while; it looks like he's going to take someone back to the apartment again. I'll just message him later since he's clearly enjoying himself.

"This way," the guy said, guiding me to a group. It's mostly women, nine girls and two men, the guy who approached me being the third. I sat down after introducing myself, and they responded with their names and some 'hi, hellos'. I chose the outermost seat so I could easily get up if I needed to go to the bathroom or leave the bar. Since I just met these people, it's better to be cautious than regret later.

I can still see Brando from our table, even though he's now dancing and grinding with someone else. Oh, Brando, I hope you meet someone who can mellow you out and tame you like a good dog. I'm not talking about changing your personality because I love the way you are, just your flirtatiousness.

I lost track of how many drinks I had, but I didn't care. The alcohol had completely captured my attention and senses, making me oblivious to the certain someone approaching the group with his overly friendly aura.

"WHAT'S UP GUYYYSSS," the voice is irritatingly familiar. Even though I am dizzy and off-balance, I forced myself to look up to see who was shouting.

I couldn't make out much since everything was blurred. My vision is spinning, and everything I see doubles. However, I know I recognize him. I just couldn't remember where we met. As a chef, meeting many people is normal, so I think this person is someone I met during a meeting or an event. I dont know.


Zane couldn't pinpoint who the guy was. All he knew was that he had seen him somewhere before. Nonetheless, he didn't mind the arrival of another person in the circle; he was just there to drink and have fun with them.

Meanwhile, Maximus Evander, who had just arrived, greeted his celebrity friends with his usual loudness. "Long time no see, Maximus!" they welcomed him, making a bit of room for him to sit.

Young Master didn't notice the chef at the side due to his constant chatter after his arrival. He positioned himself in the middle, putting his arms around a man and a woman, laughing so hard his eyes almost disappeared into his grin. The presence of Zane was soon forgotten when the star of the evening was in view.

"LET'S GET WASTED, YOU GUYS! IT'S ON ME!!" Michael shouted, raising a bottle of expensive alcohol high and cheering it to the sky waiting for his friends to do the same, his friends then imitate his move, cheering to each other as they laugh, and yap without a care in the surroundings.

While the heir and his friends were having fun, Zane couldn't hold back his impending nausea. He quickly stood up, forgotting to excuse himself to the group, and made his way to the bathroom, covering his mouth with his hand to avoid making a mess.

"BLEEEEHH BLURGH" *cough cough*

Feeling extremely dizzy after throwing up, the chef struggled to stand as he left the restroom. He tried his best to walk stable, making his way to the bar counter. He sat down and laid his head on the counter, hoping Brando would find him easily if he came looking for him. Unluckily for Zane, Brando had already left the bar with a stranger. It is easy to guess what they might be doing at the moment.

Zane had long forgotten his newfound friends at the other table, and vice versa. His main focus now is to get home, but Brando is nowhere to be found. If only he could have gone home a little early while hes still sober, dragged brando out of the bar, and slept on his comfy bed, he would have done it. However, there is no room for regrets. what happened, already happened.

"Hi, beautiful. I've been observing you for a while now and came to say hi. What's your name? Mine's Alfred, Fred for short." The guy said, extending his hands, smiling plainly.

'Beautiful? Am I? I look like a tomato right now. This guy's weird'

'Whatever, Im not obliged to respond him or shake hands'

Zane ignored the guy, focused on his throbbing head. He thought staying silent was the best option than engaging with someone who's obviously just there to have fun.

Not receiving a reply from the chef, the stranger thought that with his eyes closed, arms supporting his head, Zane had fallen asleep.

Alfred smirked while thinking of how he would drag the cute boy out of the bar without hassle or being suspicious. He initially planned to drugged the boy and offer him drinks mixed with sleeping pills. But holy molly mother of cow, the cute guys drop dead in the bar counter, making it easier for him to execute the plan.

After a good minute of silence, Alfred lifts zane sofly, putting the cooks arm on his shoulder as he glances the surroundings. When he thought that no one is paying attention to them since the people are busy dancing and drinking to the brim not paying attention to the surrounding, he then put his other hand on the guy's waist to help him stand.

"By any chance, are you acquainted with him, sir?" The barista asked. Hes been working here for almost five years now, and this occurrence is normal for him, but he still asks them to ensure customer safety. It is one of the rules the owner had implemented two years ago. Therefore, their strong security makes the bar more popular to the wealthy people across the country.

"Totally. I wouldn't have the courage to do this if he is a stranger," Alfred said calmly, convincing the barista immediately. The barista didn't ask further and allowed Alfred to take Zane out.

From Zane's perspective, he thought Brando was the one holding him. He also thought the stranger earlier had left, so he concluded that Brando was the one taking him home.

'Why does his voice seem so deep? Brando's voice is a little high. That's odd.'

Despite his thoughts, the young chef still felt reassured knowing the bar had high security. When leaving, especially if the person youre taking home is unconscious, bouncers would always check and requires to present a recent photo no more than one week to prove the person being taken home is an acquaintance and not in any danger.

"HEYYYYY WHATCHu DOoOIN OnN MY LOVIIeeEESS~" a drunken stumbling bastard, waving his superrr expensive drink on the air, interrupting Alfred, who is just meters away from successfully exiting the bar.

Alfred is friends with the bouncer, tipping him generously each visit. This time, he tipped even more since Zane was unconscious. The bouncer, unaware of the crime, assumed Alfred was with a friend he didn't recognize. He didnt bother to asked because he doesnt give a fuck. He only befriended Alfred cause hes rich and constantly gives him tip.

Alfred stop on his tracks, clearly annoyed to this drunkard whos obliviously ruining his plan. He slowly face the bastard who almost triggered his last string of patience. Patience not to punch that interupter.