Tang San and the Spirit Hall?

Jack's words undoubtedly opened a new door for Tang San.

"If it's really as good as it sounds, joining the Spirit Hall might be a good choice in the future!" Tang San thought to himself. After all, his father was just a blacksmith in a small village with no connections or influence.

Yun Feng noticed Tang San's reaction and realized that he had successfully swayed him.

"If Tang San really joins the Spirit Hall, once they check the records, it will be clear to anyone paying attention what's really going on! A Blue Silver Grass spirit with innate full spirit power? That's unheard of!" Yun Feng mused.

Luckily, the local Spirit Hall deacon, Su Yuntao, wasn't well-versed in these matters. The opportunity of a lifetime nearly slipped by unnoticed!

However, not everyone is as uninformed as Su Yuntao. But there's no use worrying about that now; it's better to focus on cultivating diligently. While Yun Feng didn't hold any strong grudge against Tang San, remembering Tang Hao's attitude made him feel uneasy.

The journey from Holy Spirit Village to Notting City wasn't far. The three of them walked for half a day, stopping briefly for a simple meal, and by the afternoon, the city walls came into view.

Though Notting City wasn't a large city, its proximity to the Heaven Dou Empire's border meant its walls were built thick and sturdy.

After passing through the city gates like the other travelers, Yun Feng, Tang San, and Old Jack entered the city.

"Feng, Xiao San, once I drop you off at the academy, I'll head back. You two must listen to your teachers and stay at the academy. Don't wander off. When the term ends, I'll come to pick you up. By then, it'll almost be New Year's," said Old Jack.

Yun Feng looked at the old man, feeling a sudden wave of sadness. He understood why Jack needed to return so quickly.

Tang San, on the other hand, asked directly, "Grandpa Jack, aren't you going to stay and get familiar with the city for a bit?"

Old Jack gave a bitter smile, instinctively patting his pocket. After glancing around at the surroundings of Notting City, he replied, "Staying at an inn isn't something we poor folk can afford. You two must work hard. I hope that next time I see you, you'll have become spirit masters. That would make our Holy Spirit Village proud."

Notting Junior Spirit Master Academy was located in the west of the city. After asking for directions several times, Old Jack finally led Yun Feng and Tang San to the academy.

From afar, they saw a tall archway, spanning twenty meters wide and over ten meters high, built from solid stone. Two heavy iron gates stood beneath, dark and imposing.

Through the bars of the gate, they could see a winding path lined with towering trees.

In the center of the arch were four large characters: "Notting Academy."

Just from the imposing entrance, it was clear how important spirit masters were in the Douluo Continent, and this was just a junior academy!

As Old Jack, Yun Feng, and Tang San approached the gate, they were immediately stopped by a young guard.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you country folk think you can just waltz in here?" the guard sneered.

Although Old Jack's clothes were considered fine in Holy Spirit Village, in Notting City, he looked every bit the country bumpkin. The gatekeeper's disdain was evident in his eyes.

Yun Feng, having witnessed this kind of thing in both his past and current lives, couldn't help but feel resigned. This was just another case of someone looking for a bribe.

However, knowing that Jack didn't have much money left, Yun Feng remembered how Jack had handed over all his money the night before. Yun Feng had noted this with appreciation, as that money was meant for tuition and living expenses, the only funds they had until they became spirit masters. He certainly wasn't about to hand it over now.

Even though Yun Feng knew that Yu Xiaogang would soon arrive to resolve the situation, he didn't want to see his grandfather humiliated, so he stepped forward with a smile and asked, "We're here to register. Could you tell us the procedure?"

Tang San was slightly surprised at Yun Feng's response but remained silent, though a glint of coldness flickered in his eyes.

The gatekeeper frowned, clearly annoyed that a child was speaking up. His voice dripping with sarcasm, he said, "What, a golden phoenix from a thatched nest? You think kids from some backwater village have spirit power? The academy hasn't taken on working students in years. You're not here to pull a scam, are you?"

Yun Feng's eyes flashed with anger, but he held onto his smile, pulling out the certificate issued by Su Yuntao, the Spirit Hall deacon, and handed it over to the gatekeeper. Tang San followed suit and presented his own certificate.

The gatekeeper examined the documents skeptically. "Two Blue Silver Grass spirits? And one has innate full spirit power? Ridiculous! I've worked as a gatekeeper here for four years, and I've never heard of a student with full spirit power, let alone one with a Blue Silver Grass spirit! This certificate from the Spirit Hall must be a forgery!"

As he spoke, the gatekeeper threw the certificates on the ground and stomped on them, his eyes filled with contempt.

Upon seeing this, Tang San withdrew his right hand into his sleeve, as though preparing to act. A slight metallic sound could be heard.

Yun Feng, hearing this, immediately stepped in front of Tang San. He wasn't about to let Tang San kill someone; that would create even bigger problems. After all, someone working as a gatekeeper at a spirit master academy likely had some connections. Yun Feng had come here to gain an advantage, not create trouble!

"What you're saying," Yun Feng's voice rang out loudly, attracting the attention of nearby passersby, "is that you don't recognize the authority of the Spirit Hall's certificates? Or do you simply not respect the millions of commoner spirit masters in this world?"

The gatekeeper, realizing he'd said something dangerous, began to sweat. Offending both the Spirit Hall and the commoner spirit masters in one sentence was a recipe for disaster, no matter what connections he had.

Looking at Yun Feng's calm but intimidating demeanor, the gatekeeper grew fearful. He quickly stammered, "No, no, I wasn't... I was just being cautious. Yes, I was just being reasonable and cautious!"

Yun Feng glanced at the dusty certificates on the ground, then smiled coldly. "Really? Because your words and actions don't seem to match."