The Soul Hunt Begins!

After hearing Ma Xiuno's words, Yun Feng didn't get angry or upset.

Instead, he compared Tang San and Yu Xiaogang to Ma Xiuno.

The comparison wasn't flattering—it made Tang San and Yu Xiaogang seem like even smaller, petty men. They benefited from the Spirit Hall but still turned around and slandered it.

In the end, they even destroyed the Spirit Hall.

How despicable!

It's like eating from someone's bowl, then cursing them once you're done.

That perfectly describes Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

"It's alright, Master Ma Xiuno. You're right; it was narrow-minded of me. I'm part of the Spirit Hall, so how could I even consider doing such things?"

Ma Xiuno smiled faintly when he heard Yun Feng's self-blaming words. He had been worried Yun Feng wouldn't understand certain things, which would have been problematic.

The Spirit Hall's influence stretched across the entire continent.

Any unusual behavior of yours could easily be discovered by someone who wanted to investigate.

Some things just can't withstand scrutiny.

Those who think they can fool others are the real fools!

"So, Xiaofeng, have you thought about what kind of spirit ring you want to acquire?"

Ma Xiuno's question was partly to probe Yun Feng. To go from level one to level ten, with such a well-trained body, in Ma Xiuno's opinion, meant that Yun Feng likely didn't have much academic knowledge. After all, one's energy is limited.

But to his surprise, Yun Feng answered without hesitation.

"I've already decided. I need a five-hundred-year-old Purple Blood Vine."

Ma Xiuno fell silent for a moment, not because the soul beast was rare, but because it was so simple.

The Purple Blood Vine wasn't particularly aggressive; it grew by absorbing the decay of corpses. While not overly common, it wasn't rare either.

The vine was named for its purple sap, which looked like blood.

Even if one acquired a spirit ring from it, the resulting ability wouldn't be anything impressive.

Ma Xiuno thought about trying to persuade Yun Feng, as this soul beast, in his experience, wasn't a good match for him.

But looking at Yun Feng's determined expression, Ma Xiuno decided not to say anything more.

Once someone has made up their mind, what more is there to say?

Instead, he offered a gentle reminder.

"Xiaofeng, do you know what the effects of the Purple Blood Vine's spirit ring are? It's not exactly an ideal choice."

Yun Feng smiled calmly. Of course, he knew, but he wasn't about to explain everything in detail.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Ma Xiuno. I'm not someone who acts recklessly. Choosing the Purple Blood Vine as my first spirit ring has its reasons."

Seeing this, Ma Xiuno decided not to press further and simply agreed.

"There are Purple Blood Vines in the Soul Hunting Forest. The Spirit Hall hasn't cleared it out yet, so you should be able to find one that's over five hundred years old."

Yun Feng was pleased to hear this, as he had been worried the forest might have already been cleared of suitable soul beasts.

If there wasn't a good option in the Soul Hunting Forest, he would have had to change his plans.

After all, he didn't have the status to ask Ma Xiuno to accompany him to the Star Dou Forest.

Following Ma Xiuno's invitation, Yun Feng rested at the local Spirit Hall branch for the night. After preparing supplies, they set off for the Soul Hunting Forest the next morning by carriage.

The journey was about four hundred miles—not short, but not excessively long either. By noon the next day, Yun Feng and Ma Xiuno arrived at the forest, which loomed before them.

Yun Feng noticed that the forest looked nothing like he had imagined.

In his previous life, he had thought of forests as quiet, fragrant places, sparsely populated by people.

But the Soul Hunting Forest before him resembled a massive marketplace, bustling with noise.

Not far from the forest, there were all sorts of buildings and shops, with vendors shouting to attract customers.

Seeing Yun Feng's confusion, Ma Xiuno chuckled and explained:

"Where there are soul beasts, there is profit. Especially in a forest like this, where soul beasts are semi-domesticated. Not everyone can enter, so it naturally gives rise to a range of industries."

"And soul masters are wealthy. Many people want a piece of that pie, so now you understand, right?"

Yun Feng nodded in agreement. That made sense.

Not every soul master is a genius, and not everyone gets recruited by the Spirit Hall.

Naturally, there's a wide gap between the elite and the ordinary.

As Yun Feng and Ma Xiuno approached, a man came up to them.

"Do you need help hunting soul beasts? We offer free assistance as long as you have a Spirit Hall token."

Ma Xiuno glanced at the man briefly and declined without hesitation.

The outside world is not so simple, and it's better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

You never know who might stab you in the back.

Though Ma Xiuno was powerful in the Soul Hunting Forest, who could guarantee nothing would go wrong?

Yun Feng observed this scene without saying much.

Indeed, anyone who could survive and thrive in this world must not be simple.

Once they left the market, the noise faded, and the forest's full appearance became clear.

Towering trees stretched towards the sky, and surrounding the forest was a series of iron barricades. The barricades gleamed coldly in the light, standing over ten meters tall.

Every ten meters or so, armored soldiers stood guard, spears in hand, radiating a strong killing intent.

Seeing this, Ma Xiuno couldn't help but explain further.

"This forest of semi-domesticated soul beasts isn't open to just anyone. You need a Spirit Hall token to enter!"

"These soldiers only guard the perimeter to prevent poaching and protect residents. Inside the forest, the Spirit Hall's law enforcement team maintains order."

Yun Feng nodded thoughtfully. This was another reason why the Spirit Hall held power over the three major sects and the two empires.

Their foundations were simply unmatched!

Understanding this, Yun Feng nodded once more.

Ma Xiuno then pulled out a warm token with a sword symbol on it and showed it to Yun Feng.

"This is the token. Getting one isn't difficult. Once a soul master registers with the Spirit Hall and reaches level 30, they automatically receive the title of baron from the corresponding empire. The stronger you are, the better the benefits!"

"For those who aren't part of the Spirit Hall, all you need is three nobles as guarantors. As long as your need for a soul ring is confirmed, you can enter to hunt."

Yun Feng carefully studied the token and committed its design to memory.

"Thank you, Master Ma Xiuno!"

Ma Xiuno, seeing how respectful Yun Feng was, smiled and led him to the soldiers guarding the forest.

The soldier responsible for checking tokens glanced at it briefly and, confirming its authenticity, allowed them to pass.

After crossing the tall barricades, Yun Feng took a deep breath, feeling the air grow fresher.