I Am the Tentacle King

In Yun Feng's view, the early soul rings were like an investment in his future potential. Sacrificing long-term development for short-term power wasn't something he wanted to do.

Moreover, even if he replaced the soul rings later, there wouldn't be any incompatibility between his martial soul and the rings.

This understanding led Yun Feng's modifications to become even more outrageous.

Ever seen Blue Silver Grass as sturdy as a tree, or one that controls gravity? Yun Feng couldn't help but anticipate the moment when he would command an army of Blue Silver Grass roots bursting from the ground, holding enemies immobile with a single gesture.

As he thought about this, a popular internet joke came to mind:

"I am Zac, the King."

With a little twist, he imagined,

"I am the Tentacle King!"

It didn't take long for Yun Feng to reach his destination. Thanks to the speed boost from his soul-guided motorcycle, a trip that usually took half a day was now shortened to less than an hour.

Upon returning to the village, the loud roaring of his engine startled the villagers from afar.



At first, the villagers thought it was a soul beast and prepared to flee, but they relaxed once they saw it was Yun Feng.

He rode stylishly into the village, pulling off a neat skid to stop, impressing everyone.

The villagers were curious about the strange vehicle, especially the children, who were eager to approach but too scared to get close. Yun Feng smiled knowingly.

After exchanging a few words with the villagers, he noticed a sense of distance between them. Perhaps it was because he was now a soul master and had been away for some time, creating a subtle gap.

The villagers, sensing this, didn't linger and walked away.

Yun Feng wasn't particularly sentimental about this. In the world of Douluo, the social divide between soul masters and ordinary people was enormous—it had been ingrained over generations. He couldn't help but find it funny that some idealistic individuals from the past thought they could achieve equality for all.

Not that striving for equality was bad—if he were still an ordinary villager, he'd love to see someone come along and overthrow the decaying system. But now, he was no longer a commoner. He benefited from the system, and might even become a ruler in the future.

So, you can guess whether Yun Feng liked the system as it was.

Meanwhile, the noise from outside quickly reached Old Jack's ears.

Old Jack, now much older, wasn't as spry as before. His energy had declined, and he was approaching the end of his life. He had also been injured during a previous incident when Tang Hao knocked him down, leaving him in poor health.

Leaning on his cane, Jack shuffled out of the house, his back hunched, but his face lit up with joy when he saw Yun Feng. His eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Little Feng, you're back! Shouldn't you still be in school?"

Yun Feng felt a wave of emotion seeing the old man but smiled and replied,

"Grandpa, I graduated early!"

"I have some great news for you—I've reached level 30! I'm just one soul ring away from becoming a Soul Elder!"

With a lighthearted tone, Yun Feng approached Old Jack and gently supported him by the shoulder.

"Level 30?!"

Old Jack was stunned. He could hardly believe it. His eyes were filled with confusion. Had he not known Yun Feng to be honest, he might have thought Yun Feng was teasing him.

How could someone with only innate level-one soul power reach level 30 in such a short time? It hadn't even been six years since his awakening!

It took Old Jack a while to recover from the shock. He opened his mouth several times, trying to speak, but each time, he swallowed his words.

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, he said,

"Little Feng, I know you've always wanted to become a soul master, but don't pressure yourself too much."

"Recognize reality, love it, and embrace it. You'll feel a lot more at peace."

His eyes were filled with concern.

Yun Feng was caught off guard by this advice but quickly reassured him.

"Grandpa Jack, I'm really fine! Here, look for yourself!"

As he spoke, Yun Feng revealed his soul rings. Two bright yellow rings emerged from his body, hovering and pulsating with energy.

Old Jack was speechless. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Then, tears of joy began to flow down his face.

"Hahaha! Our Holy Spirit Village has produced another soul master!"

After hearing Old Jack's laughter, Yun Feng added with a smile,

"Grandpa, actually, Tang San has already reached level 29 too. We have more than one soul master in the village!"

Old Jack beamed with pride at this news, repeatedly saying "good, good!"

Yun Feng had intended to let Old Jack know that his judgment wasn't wrong. After all, it had been Old Jack who gave the work-study spot to Tang San back then. Now Yun Feng had brought him some good news to lift the old man's spirits.

After relaxing at home, Yun Feng finally felt a sense of peace. In this strange world, only here in the village could he find some comfort and avoid overthinking.

Later, after chatting with Old Jack about his plans, the old man praised Yun Feng for his progress. He also learned that Yun Feng planned to attend another school.

Though reluctant, Old Jack looked at Yun Feng seriously and said,

"Once you've chosen your path, you must see it through to the end. I don't know much about the best soul master academies, but you must choose the one that will help you the most."

"My abilities are limited; I can't offer you much help. So, make sure you plan your future well!"

Yun Feng nodded earnestly, fully understanding his grandfather's intentions.

Perhaps because Yun Feng was leaving soon, Old Jack prepared a feast for him. That night, they chatted late into the night, sharing many thoughts and memories, before finally falling asleep.

The next morning, Yun Feng left some money and a soul-guided pistol he had made for Old Jack. With reluctance, he said his goodbyes.

After leaving his home, Yun Feng hopped back on his beloved motorcycle and headed toward the mountains near Holy Spirit Village.

He wasn't worried about Tang Hao still being around, for one simple reason:

Tang San had already left. How could his father not follow him?

Tang San was now far away in Balak Kingdom, in the city of Soto. It was his first time traveling so far from home, and with Xiao Wu accompanying him, Tang Hao was sure to follow them secretly. He couldn't risk someone discovering Xiao Wu's true identity.


LINK: patr eon.com/SenatusPopulus