Chapter 2: A Transaction

Andrew didn't know if this was a coincidence or a part of the system's plan, but to him, it was definitely an opportunity.

He didn't hesitate and used 2 honor points to buy the "Iron Back."

In the next instant, his vision flickered, and he found himself back in reality.

He grabbed a bottle of pills for blood circulation from the store counter, tore off the label, and ran straight out of the office.

Tracy McGrady was just about to step into his Maybach with the help of a bodyguard. Another bodyguard had already opened the car door.

"Wait a minute," Andrew called out.

McGrady turned, puzzled, to see the assistant from the Chinese medicine shop approaching him.

When Andrew caught up, McGrady asked, his voice filled with hope, "What is it? Did Dr. Zhang come up with a new method?"

Andrew shook his head.

McGrady's face fell, but Andrew's next words reignited his hope.

"I have a way to cure your back injury," Andrew said confidently.

"Really?" McGrady's eyes widened.

"Let's talk in the car," Andrew continued.

McGrady nodded, motioning for Andrew to follow him into the car. His back injury had terrified him for so long that he was willing to hear anyone out. 

"My family has practiced medicine for generations, and we have a secret remedy specifically for treating back injuries like yours. One dose, and you'll feel the effects," Andrew explained.

McGrady was skeptical. Was there really such a miracle cure? 

"Don't worry, the medicine has no side effects, and I can give you a dose right now," Andrew reassured him.

"Really? If it doesn't work, I won't pay."

"I don't want money."

"No money? Then what do you want?" McGrady asked, confused.

"I know the Rockets missed the playoffs last season, and while Coach Van Gundy kept his job, the first assistant coach, Nick Ward, took the fall. After I help cure your back, I want you to get me an interview with the Rockets," Andrew said, showing his knowledge as a basketball enthusiast and a time-traveler.

"You want to be the assistant coach?" McGrady looked shocked, seeing Andrew as nothing more than an apprentice. On top of that, Andrew appeared to be in his early twenties, and as a Chinese man, McGrady knew there had never been a Chinese assistant coach in the NBA.

"Oh, I forgot to mention—while I'm apprenticing in medicine, my true passion is basketball. I also have a coaching certificate," Andrew added.

McGrady fell silent. This was indeed a strange deal.

"You can either trust me or keep searching for treatment elsewhere,"

McGrady thought about it. He had already tried all possible treatments, which is why he had turned to Chinese medicine in the first place.

"I can help you get the interview, but I can't guarantee you'll become the assistant coach," McGrady finally replied.

"I understand," Andrew nodded, knowing that players didn't have the final say on coaching staff decisions.

"If you really cure my back, I'll make sure you get a chance at the assistant coach interview one month from now."

Andrew smiled and nodded. He could use that month to solidify his coaching qualifications.

McGrady also nodded, promising to help if the treatment worked. He had nothing to lose.

Both sides had reached an agreement. Andrew then took out the pill for blood circulation from the bottle. It emitted a strong medicinal scent, typical of traditional Chinese medicine.

McGrady looked both nervous and excited as a bodyguard handed him a bottle of water. He took the pill and swallowed it.

Meanwhile, Andrew returned to the virtual space and used the "Iron Back" on McGrady.

Within moments of taking the pill, McGrady felt warmth spreading through his back. He could feel it, the constant pain vanished, it really seemed that it worked, or did it ???

He moved his back experimentally and was astonished to find that he felt almost fully healed. He moved out of the car and did some stretching, jumped few times. His back stopped hurting. "My god, I really can't thank you enough brother.. What is your name by the way? I will do my best to help you"

McGrady stared at Andrew in shock. The medicine had really worked!

"My name is Tang Tiang, here I go by the name Andrew Tang."

Andrew, too, was excited. The system's items were truly miraculous.

"You can rest easy now. I'll make sure you get the assistant coach interview. You're my brother now," McGrady said, slinging an arm around Andrew's shoulders.

Andrew smiled. The system had mentioned that using items on others would increase their intimacy toward him. Clearly, that was true. "T-Mac could you keep it a secret, don't mention about this incident to anyone ok?". T-Mac nodded his head, he knew something so miraculous will attract unwanted troubling attention.

With his back cured, McGrady was in high spirits. He took Andrew out for a day of food, drinks, and fun, even giving him a bank card with $100,000 on it.

Andrew accepted the bank card, then immediately quit his apprenticeship and signed up for a five-star coaching camp. After more than two weeks of intense training, he earned his coaching qualification. During his time there he also learned that his thought process had increased he could think faster make better decision, it almost seemed like he could think and process the information like a supercomputer. "System, do I have a supercomputer on my brain?"

The system remained silent but Andrew knew it didn't matter as he was going to use it to his advantage despite the answer.

For the rest of the time, Andrew studied his new life.

Both his parents had passed away, and he had been raised by a distant aunt. His only close relationship was with his cousin, Gwyneth Hathaway, an unknown model.

This simple family structure suited Andrew just fine. He didn't have to worry about giving away any clues about his true identity.

During this time, Hathaway called to check on him, and Andrew told her he was still an apprentice.

A month later, McGrady called him. The interview was scheduled for that day.

Andrew donned the suit he had prepared and checked his reflection in the mirror. He looked sharp and professional, the perfect candidate for the job.

McGrady sent a car to pick him up, and they arrived at the Toyota Center together.

The iconic "TOYOTA" sign and the familiar circular building filled Andrew with excitement.

To his surprise, McGrady wasn't waiting alone. Standing beside him was none other than Rockets head coach Jeff Van Gundy!

"Hey, Jeff, let me introduce you. This is my brother, Andrew Tang. He's a great young coach," McGrady said, much to Andrew's surprise.

Van Gundy shook Andrew's hand and exchanged a few polite words, but Andrew could tell the coach wasn't interested.

Pulled into this meeting by McGrady, Van Gundy had no plans to consider Andrew seriously. After all, Andrew seemed far too young for the role, Gundy thought Andrew was likely some party friend Mac found somewhere.