Chapter 31: Swift's troubles

After the TNT program ended, the crowd in the restaurant slowly dispersed from the TV area, leaving the dining space quieter. Andrew leaned back in his chair, eyes gleaming as the server placed the dishes on the table. Vermicelli scallops, char-grilled oysters, kung pao chicken—all carefully chosen to suit Swift's palate. She had mentioned during their last encounter how she preferred lighter meals, so Andrew made sure to accommodate that.

Despite the mouth-watering aroma of the dishes, Andrew couldn't help but notice something off about Swift. Moments ago, she had been laughing at the antics on TV, but now her smile had faded, replaced by a shadow of unease. Her bright eyes were clouded with an emotion Andrew couldn't quite place, but it was clear something was bothering her.

He watched her for a few seconds before breaking the silence, leaning slightly forward across the table. "What's up, Taylor? Is the album not going as planned?"

Swift blinked, surprised that Andrew had picked up on her mood so quickly. She hesitated for a moment, clearly debating whether to share her concerns, but finally sighed, surrendering to the pressure building inside her.

"It's Danny," she confessed, her voice soft but bitter. "He says my record's not looking too good, and the company's going to have to invest a lot in marketing. Now he's trying to cut my royalty percentage. Again."

Andrew's brows furrowed. He'd expected some kind of typical industry hurdle, but a cut in royalties for a new artist like Swift was brutal. "How much were you originally getting?" he asked, his tone measured but curious.

"Ten percent," she replied, her lips pressing into a thin line.

"Ten percent?" Andrew let out a low whistle, his disbelief clear. "That's low to begin with, but now they want to cut it more?"

Swift nodded, biting her lip. "Yeah, they're asking me to take even less, citing the 'risk' of marketing a debut album. But I'm not sure I can just accept that. I've worked so hard for this, and it feels like they're squeezing me dry before I even get a chance."

Andrew sat back, running his fingers through his hair. Big Machine Records was still a fledgling company, but it was poised to become a major player in the industry in the years to come. For a new artist, ten percent was already borderline exploitative. Now, to reduce it even further? It was borderline theft. The wheels in Andrew's mind started turning. He knew Swift's album was going to blow up. Hell, she was going to become one of the biggest artists in the world—he knew it with absolute certainty.

And that's when the idea struck him like a bolt of lightning.

What if he started his own record label? He had money now—three million dollars sitting in his portfolio—and he knew what Swift was capable of. If he signed her and gave her a fair deal, it wouldn't just be a win for her; it'd be a colossal win for him. The thought ignited something inside him, a fire he hadn't felt in a long time.

He leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with newfound energy. "Taylor," he said, his voice low and serious, "what if I told you I'd start my own record label and give you a fifty percent royalty split? Would you sign with me?"

Swift blinked, her jaw dropping in shock. "Fifty percent?" she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper. She stared at Andrew as if he had suddenly started speaking a foreign language. Fifty percent was unheard of—especially for a new artist.

Andrew smirked, enjoying the stunned look on her face. "Yeah, fifty percent. If that's not enough, I can bump it up to sixty. Whatever you need to feel secure."

Swift stared at him, her mind racing. Was he serious? This was a guy she had met twice, and now he was offering her a deal better than anything Big Machine or any other label would ever dream of giving her. She wasn't sure if he was being sincere or just messing with her.

Andrew could see the skepticism on her face, so he pulled out his phone and opened up his stock portfolio. He slid the phone across the table, the numbers gleaming on the screen. "Take a look for yourself," he said, his tone confident. "I'm not bluffing, Taylor. I have the funds to back this up."

Swift hesitated, then picked up the phone, her eyes scanning the screen. Her disbelief slowly turned into amazement. The numbers didn't lie—Andrew had more than enough money to do what he was suggesting. She looked up at him, her heart racing.

"You're serious?" she asked softly, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Absolutely," Andrew said with a grin. "Think about it. You get creative control, a fair split, and all the support you need. I'll make sure your music gets out there."

Swift's mind was spinning. It sounded too good to be true, but Andrew seemed genuine. Still, she couldn't help but ask, "Why would you do this for me? I mean, we barely know each other."

Andrew chuckled, leaning back in his chair and glancing at little Austin, who was busy fiddling with his phone across the table. He grinned mischievously and said, "Because I'm your biggest fan, Taylor. Why else?"

Swift laughed, shaking her head. It was a simple answer, maybe even a little silly, but somehow it felt right. After all, they had met because Andrew was one of her rare early fans.

"Alright," she said, a smile tugging at her lips. "Let's do it."

Andrew's grin widened. He couldn't believe it—Swift had agreed. He was going to sign her, produce her album, and launch his own record label. This wasn't just any ordinary deal—this was history in the making. If everything went according to plan, he'd be responsible for discovering and signing one of the greatest pop stars the world had ever seen.

The next day, Andrew flew to Los Angeles. The energy in the city buzzed around him as he stepped off the plane, but Andrew wasn't here to sightsee. He was on a mission. Within hours, he had connected with two experienced agents, secured the necessary permits, and founded his own record label: TA Music. The process in Hollywood was quick if you had the right resources and knew where to go.

By the end of the day, TA Music was officially in business.

That evening, Andrew called Swift to tell her the news. She couldn't believe how quickly everything had come together. One day, she was stressing over her dwindling royalties, and the next, she was signed to her own private record label with a deal most artists could only dream of.

After paying the necessary penalties to Big Machine Records, Swift officially joined TA Music as its first and only artist. Her debut album was already 90% finished, and with Andrew's financial backing, he knew it was only a matter of time before her music took the world by storm.

As Andrew hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. He had just pulled off what could go down as one of the greatest "robberies" in the history of the music industry. Taylor Swift—soon to be a global sensation—was signed to his label. And the world had no idea what was coming.