Chapter 41: Gold Will Always Shine

Andrew weaved through the crowded party, quickly spotting Hathaway. Tonight, his cousin looked even more stunning, her tight, open-back dress hugging her curves, exuding a sultry charm that easily caught the eye. Standing next to her, Swift—despite her natural beauty—seemed almost modest in comparison.

"Hey, is this your girlfriend?" Hathaway asked, raising an eyebrow as she noticed Swift standing beside him.

Swift's cheeks flushed a light pink.

"No, she's a friend and a singer," Andrew replied smoothly, giving a brief introduction.

Hathaway's expression shifted to one of understanding, a playful smile curling her lips. "Oh, I see. Well, let's not waste time. I promised to introduce you to a supermodel, didn't I?"

Andrew nodded but then added, "By the way, is there a place to perform at this party? I want Swift to showcase her talent."

"Singing?" Hathaway paused, pondering. "Well, there's a session in the middle of the party for performances, but I don't have the pull to make it happen." She sighed, glancing at the crowd, acknowledging her position as just another third-tier model in a room full of A-listers.

Andrew didn't push it. If it happened, it happened. But if not, no big deal.

"Hold on," Hathaway said suddenly. "Actually, I do know someone who could make it happen. Come with me."

Intrigued, Andrew followed her through the mass of socialites and influencers, navigating a sea of flashing cameras and celebrity banter. Soon, they reached the center of attention—a crowd gathered tightly around none other than Adriana Lima, one of the world's top supermodels. The cameras loved her, and so did the party guests, as they clamored for her attention.

Andrew shot Hathaway a curious look.

"Patience, cousin," Hathaway smirked. "You'll get your chance."

"Wait a second—how do you even know Lima?" Andrew asked, surprised.

"We trained at the same modeling agency once," Hathaway replied with a wistful smile. "She soared to the top while I... well, you see where I am."

Andrew looked at his cousin's toned figure, noting her potential. "Your time will come. You've got everything you need to make it big. You just need the right break."

Hathaway gave a small laugh. "Your faith in me is sweet, Andrew."

After about ten minutes, the crowd around Lima finally thinned. Hathaway waved at her, catching her attention. The Brazilian supermodel apologized to those still waiting for selfies and strolled over.

"Gwenis!" Lima exclaimed as they embraced like old friends.

"Yana!" Hathaway replied warmly. They exchanged pleasantries before Hathaway gestured to Andrew. "This is my cousin, Andrew. He's the head coach of the Houston Rockets."

"You're Andrew?" Lima said, eyes lighting up in recognition.

Andrew was taken aback. "Have we met?"

"No, but I've heard about you through Barkley and Kenny," Lima smiled. "They've been promoting your name quite a bit. Apparently, you're quite the rising star."

Andrew grinned, realizing that his reputation was growing beyond the basketball courts.

After a few more moments of small talk, Hathaway got to the point. "Yana, my cousin's friend here is a talented singer. There's a performance session later, and it would mean a lot if you could help her get a spot."

Lima's smile wavered slightly. She wasn't used to giving favors to strangers, no matter how connected they were. But before she could politely decline, Andrew took out his phone.

"Here, listen to this first," he said, handing her his headphones. He queued up Swift's debut song, Tim McGraw.

Lima raised an eyebrow but accepted the headphones out of curiosity. As the melody unfolded, her expression shifted from politeness to deep concentration. By the time the chorus hit, her face softened, and by the end, she was visibly impressed.

"You weren't kidding," she said, taking the headphones off. "She's a gem. I'll make sure she gets her moment tonight."

Andrew gave her an appreciative nod. "Thank you."

Lima winked. "Trust me, Andrew. Gold always shines."

After Lima left to mingle with other guests, Hathaway put on Andrew's headphones to listen to Swift's song for herself. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she gave Andrew an approving look. "She's got serious talent. You should definitely stay close to her."

"I plan to," Andrew replied with a smirk.

Minutes later, one of the event staff approached Swift, asking her to prepare for her performance. Hathaway's eyes sparkled as she turned to Andrew. "See? She's already making moves. You've got a front-row seat to a future star."

Andrew smiled as Swift was escorted to the stage.

The party reached its intermission, and the host stepped up to the microphone, announcing the next act. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Taylor Swift, performing Tim McGraw."

The crowd murmured in confusion. "Who's Taylor Swift?" some asked, their curiosity piqued.

As Swift walked nervously to the stage, her eyes instinctively searched for Andrew. When she found him, he gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back, visibly relaxing as she approached the microphone.

The gentle strumming of the guitar began, and Swift's sweet, melodic voice filled the room. Her country style, still unfamiliar to many at the party, captivated the audience. The song's heartfelt lyrics and soothing tune soon had the entire crowd in silent admiration.

By the time Swift reached the chorus, all chatter had ceased. Everyone was enthralled by the raw beauty of her voice. When the song concluded, a moment of stillness hung in the air before the room erupted into applause.

People from the music industry leaned toward one another, whispering hurriedly. "Who is she? We need to sign her!"

Swift exited the stage, her face flushed with excitement. She couldn't stop smiling as she met Andrew backstage. Hathaway, standing beside him, leaned in and whispered, "She's about to blow up. Don't let her slip away."

Andrew chuckled. "I won't."

As record label executives scrambled to approach Swift, Andrew watched them from a distance, his grin widening.

"Too late," he thought to himself. "I got there first."